The Story of a Reaper [COMPLE...

De Undertale_tRaSh_4U

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When made by his father, the god of death, he didn't know his purpose. All he could do was kill things on acc... Mais

The Story of a Reaper- Birth
The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love
The Story of a Reaper- You Killed Him!
The Story of the Reaper- A Friend or a Murderer
The Story of a Reaper- An Ally
The Story of a Reaper- Renovations and Training
The Story of a Reaper- The News
The Story of a Reaper- I'll find you instead
The Story of a Reaper- Found You!
The Story of a Reaper- The Information we needed
The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!
The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye
The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- I Killed them...
The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!
The Story of a Reaper- My new Quest!
The Story of a Reaper- Pup
The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time
The Story of a Reaper- Mating Season
The Story of a Reaper- The Cliff
The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!
The Story of a Reaper- I love you pup...
The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter
The Story of a Reaper- Guest
The Story of a Reaper- His past in a Story
The Story of a Reaper- I warned you...
The Story of a Reaper- An Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- Snow and the Flames
The Story of a Reaper- Time to leave
The Story of a Reaper- The Planning of Reapertale
The Story of a Reaper- Goodbye Dad, Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- Spring Forest
The Story of a Reaper- Death and Life at each other Doorstep
The Story of a Reaper- Baby birds
The Story of a Reaper- The Dead Leaf on a Blooming Lilly
The Story of a Reaper- Tweet and Chirps
The Story of a Reaper- Killing Patrol
The Story of a Reaper- How'z Tori doin'?...
The Story of a Reaper- You Felt that...Right?
The Story of a Reaper- I know How to find Life
The Story of a Reaper- The Mirror of Truth
The Story of a Reaper- The Black Vortex
The Story of a Reaper- How the Demon came to be
The Story of a Reaper- Undyne Search is to an End
The Story of a Reaper- Life is found
The Story of a Reaper- The Queen Returns and the Barrier Breaks
The Story of a Reaper- No one can escape death!
The Story of a Reaper- My New Teammates
The Story of a Reaper- My First Mission
The Story of a Reaper- Multiversal Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- The Talks about Me
The Story of a Reaper- The Murderous Plan
The Story of a Reaper- A Test Dummy
The Story of a Reaper- Operation Star Skeletons
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane, with a New Beginning
The Story of a Reaper- Hello there
The Story of a Reaper- About You
The Story of a Reaper- Join us!
The Story of a Reaper- A Fun Time, with a little Worry
The Story of a Reaper- For me?
The Story of a Reaper- I Need to Quit
The Story of a Reaper- We're all Misunderstood...
The Story of a Reaper- Interrogation
The Story of a Reaper- Looking in a Maze
The Story of a Reaper- SLUT!
The Story of a Reaper- A Struggle in Rope
The Story of a Reaper- The Deathly Problem
The Story of a Reaper- Saving the Murderers
The Story of a Reaper- I will start war...
The Story of a Reaper- The Differences Between Good and Bad
The Story of a Reaper- Sinful Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- In the Months
The Story of a Reaper- War...
The Story of a Reaper- Guilt
The Story of a Reaper- Day one
The Story of a Reaper- Day two
The Story of a Reaper- Day three
The Story of a Reaper- Day four
The Story of a Reaper- Day five
The Story of a Reaper- Back Home
The Story of a Reaper- "THAT" Day...
The Story of a Reaper- Babies
The Story of a Reaper- Family Fun
The Story of a Reaper- Tense...
The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?
The Story of a Reaper- Wanna Do Something Stupid?
The Story of a Reaper- Sick in Love
The Story of a Reaper- Far too Lonely to Love
The Story of a Reaper- An Apology Date
The Story of a Reaper- Happy Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper
The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- With Creation, always comes Destruction
The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!
The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit
The Story of a Reaper- Horrortale Vs. The Mysterious Skeleton
The Story of a Reaper- An Empty Glass of a Drink
The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error
The Story of a Reaper- 100
The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!
The Story of a Reaper- Let's See How You Like Being Alone
The Story of a Reaper- You've Really Changed
The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...
The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This
The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?
The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All
The Story of a Reaper- Heated Jealousy
The Story of a Reaper- The Sons of Negativity and Positivity Meet
The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane
The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire
The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family
The Story of a Reaper - Family
The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On
The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall
The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait
The Story of a Reaper - Confrontation, Stress, and Toast
The Story of a Reaper - Sleep Peacefully, For the Night Runs Dry to Dawn
The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink

664 29 47
De Undertale_tRaSh_4U

"Mmmm..." Geno groaned. They don't seem to remember anything at the moment, all they remember is being taken away from...

"Reaper?!" Geno yelped before sitting up. Geno looked around, he was in a bone caged that was glitched before his eye caught someone. They wore dark purple and black, and their eye looked as if thorns and dead branches were in them. they were in the same cage as Geno.

He looked wide-eyed at Geno, "Uh...ya' okay?" he asked. His voice was deep and had some sort of city accent, kind of like Fell's but different.

"I'm...-" Geno was hit with sudden dizziness. He held his skull and groaned, "Oh gosh! Try n' stay still, ya' sat up too fast," they said. Geno sight turned a bit black before focusing again, "I-I'm alright, thank you," Geno said

"It's nothing- um...what's cha' name?" they asked, "Geno, and you?" Geno asked, "Names Thistle," Thistle told Geno

"Thistle? What AU do you come from?" Geno asked, "Naturefell," he said, "What 'bout chu'?" Thistle asked, "I come from a dead timeline called Aftertale," Geno said. "A dead timeline eh?" Thistle rose a brow

Geno nodded, "...Do you know how I got in here?" Geno asked, "Ya' don't remember? That bastard glitch boy knocked ya' the hell out and dropped ya' in here with me," Thistle told him

"You put up a hell of a fight too, for a second I thought there was a bit of hope for me ta' get the hell out of here, but I guess not..." Thistle said

"Oh...I'm sorry to have disappointed you," Geno said, "Eh, it's fine, it was expected so I wasn't too surprised," Thistle said

"How'd you get here?" Geno asked, "For being an ass, and gettin' in the way of things," Thistle said, "Huh?" Geno asked for more of an explanation, "He kept tryin' ta' kidnap a...aquaintants brother of mine," Thistle said

"Oh, I see," Geno said. Geno started to look around, he looked in the few cages with different Papyruses in them, "What are the Papyruses for?" Geno asked, "To Fatal, they're extra parts, and little code chips...they're only small part's of his Papyrus," Thistle said

"Code chips?" Geno asked, "He cuts different parts of random Papyruses, then he sews the parts to his's sickening ta' think about ta' be honest," Thistle said

So Reaper's brother, Edge, and what would have been Swap, they would have been cut, their bones were taken away for his own brother

"Not ta' mention he kills them afterward, he doesn't heal em' or take them back home...probably 'cause the mistake hides here and doesn't wanna be found out," Thistle huffed

"Which means we're stuck here?" Geno asked, "Pretty much, till some Papyrus has the balls to fight 'em, kill 'em, and free us all, till then there's no hope for us gettin' out of here," Thistle said

Geno sighed before hearing the sounds of footsteps. The other Papyruses gasped from the sight of Fatal_ Error. Thistle growled as he walked over to there cage, "So you're awake," Fatal_Error said

"Where are we?" Geno asked, "I don't even know myself," Fatal_Error grinned a little, "Thistle is always as feisty as ever, you like your new cage mate?" Fatal_Error chuckled, "Piss off!" Thistle hissed

Fatal_Error scoffed, "Doesn't matter after I'm done with all of this, expect to be dusted, I don't plan on failing on my brother this time, and I won't let you two get in the way of it, it's already bad enough I have a bunch of obstacles," Fatal_Error said

"Obstacles?... When you were talking with Reaper and I...who were you talking about?... Was it Papyrus?" Geno asked, "No it was to an old friend," Fatal_Error said, "Anyways, I have more work to do, I was just seeing if I had killed you on accident or not," Fatal_Error told them

Thistle huffed as Fatal_Error left the two alone, "'Ey listen ta' me," Thistle whispered. Geno looked over and moved in a bit closer to listen, "Since he's plannin' on dustin' us when t'is over...we don't got much time ta' live now do we?" Thistle whispered.

Geno nodded, "So...if you have any bright ideas...please let me know," Thistle said, "Why?" Geno asked, "Well, I'm pretty sure your not the only one that doesn't wanna die," Thistle rolled his eyes.

Geno nodded, "I'll tell you then, is there anything I should know about?" Geno asked, "Mhh...His brother sometimes talks to me, but only from afar, I've never seen him, but he has the intellect of a Papyrus, which is very trusting and oblivious," Thistle said

Geno nodded, "Why hasn't he come over to you?" Geno asked, "Two things, Fatal_Error said not to, and his legs are fully done, he needs those extras chips before he can walk normally without any problems," Thistle informed

"...I have a rough idea of an idea, but I'll think about it some more," Geno said. Thistle smirked, "You a nerd or somethin'?" Thistle asked, "...In a way, yes," Geno said, Thistle, chuckled at that.

On the other hand Dream, Ink, and Blue were well-
Trying to stop Reaper from crying and having a panic attack

Reaper couldn't explain it well from all the tears and sorrow so Frisk had to explain it for him.

"Fatal_Error somehow found us and attacked us, he said it was to get his anger out or something, he was talking about...well, truly I don't know, but he kidnapped Geno because of it and now Reaper won't stop crying," Frisk said, holding Chara on there back

"Chara is badly injured and is on the verge of death," Frisk said, "Is that all that happened?" Ink asked, "From what I know! I couldn't really pay attention to what he was saying, I was in pain and trying to get to Chara," Frisk said

"Right, okay then, he suddenly popped up in the save screen without being there, to begin with, he's going after Papruses and he has some problem with Reaper," Ink said

Reaper took in a deep sniff as Dream tried to calm them down with sweet thoughts, but then they'd make him sadder.

"Okayyy what are we suppose to do?" Ink asked, "WHAT ARE YOU SUPPOSE TO DO?!?!" Reaper screamed before more tears fell down his face, "Can you calm down for one second! Geno will be fine!!" Frisk said

"How do you know that! How do you know that there aren't being dusted! Tortured! Or worst!!" Reaper cried, "Just be quiet will you, we're in this together!!" Frisk huffed.

Blue got a bright idea, "Maybe a truce?" Blue asked, "A truce? Of what?" Ink asked, "Just temporary teamwork  bondage that only last till, well- the problem is over and dealt with," Blue said

"...Don't tell me you want us to temporarily make a truce with-"

Blue nodded with a smile, "...Ya' know we're probably still at war with them? Right?" Ink asked, "And when something is gonna interrupt that war, we should all deal with it together before going back to each other's throats!" Blue smiled with glee

"...Do you even think Nightmare gonna accept that?" Dream asked, "You told us that Horror saw his bro get kidnapped and came back! I'm pretty sure Horror will try to convince them to let that truce be real, just so he can get back at Fatal!" Blue said

"Well-...Too bad the other bad guy sanses brothers are either killed, murdered by them, or erased out of existence, not including you Dream," Ink said

Dream just chuckled a bit, "So...I guess we're gonna form a truce with them?" Ink questioned. Reaper fell on his knees and looked up at Ink, "Pleasssssseeeee!!! PLease please PLEASE!!!" Reaper begged.

Ink took a step back and looked at Reaper uncomfortably, "You don't have to be on your knees Reaper to beg," Ink said

Reaper scooted a bit closer, his hands together as he looked at Ink with pleading eyes, "Please make a truce with them! Please! I want Geno back pleeeaaassseeee!!!" Reaper begged more and more.

"Quick being so close to them, your aura gonna kill them!" Frisk said, "Pretty please! With a Geno cherry on top and Reaper sprinkles!!!" Reaper begged

"Okay! Okay! I'll ask! Quit begging and doing that!!" Ink huffed. Reaper stood up and backed up a little, a bit happier as he wiped his drenched eyes.

"Anyways, Dream, Blue, take Chara to the nursing room before they die," Ink said.

"Yes sir!" Blue and Dream said in unison as they showed Reaper and Frisk the way to Alter's nursing room.

Ink opened a portal to the anti void. He shivered from its emptiness, "Error!! You there? I'd like ta' ask you something!!" Ink called.

No response.

Ink looked up, and Error wasn't there either, he looked around and no one was there. He hummed in thought before digging in his pocket and pulling out one of Error strings, breaking it in half.

Error eventually came to greet Ink. "What do you want squid?" Error asked, "The other have recommended a truce between both our sides," Ink said

"Tch- Why? Ya' scared we're gonna find you and try to kill you all? I know where you all are, you haven't changed AU's you only changed the appearance," Error said

"You think I don't know that?" Ink chuckled, "But no, it's not just because of the balance, or our war, it's about...It's about the Papyruses, and...Reaper," Ink said

Error rose a brow, "You know the person that Reaper is with?" Ink asked, "I've heard of them," Error said, "He-...They got kidnapped and Reaper is devastated, they begged me to ask you for a truce to get back...and with Horror brother being stolen, and being cut to pieces...I know Horror doesn't know, but just imagine how he'd react if he knew," Ink said

"...Hmph, you're trying to guilt-tripping me," Error pointed out, "...Maybe, you can't tell because well...the vials," Ink said

Error huffed, "...I'll let the others know, and hopefully, they'll consider," Error said. Ink nodded as Error opened a portal to leave, "Wait-" Ink called.

Error closed the portal quickly and turned around, looking at Ink, "What?" Error asked. Ink walked closer to Error as Error took a step back, "W-What are you doing?" Error asked, "Nothing I-..." Ink didn't finish his sentence which made Error nervous.

Ink reached his hands out slowly beside Error face, he then suddenly squished his face together that Error froze for a few seconds

"Boop! Squishy face! Error you have a very squishy face!" Ink chuckled. Error groaned and pushed Ink hands off his face, "At least tell me what your gonna do before touching me!" Error huffed

"Well, the best kind of prize is a SURprise!" Ink laughed. Error rolled his eyes, "Bye you squid!" Error huffed as he left through a portal back to Reapertale.

There, everything was quiet, since Incubux has fallen asleep after struggling to eat apple sauces. Nightmare was...somewhat sobered up.

Once Error came back, Dust rose a brow, "Ya back?" Dust asked, "I needed to see someone," Error said, "Who?" Nightmare asked, "About that, it was Ink," Error said, "What is brush boy want now?" Nightmare groaned, "He asked for a truce," Error said

"Pfft- A truce? What for?" Nightmare huffed, "Like I was saying, many Papyruses are being kidnapped, but Reaper friend has also been kidnapped and begged Ink to ask for a truce," Error said

"Why couldn't he just come to us?" Nightmare asked. Error shrugged, "I think we should accept it, I'd like to slice that filthy brother stealer!" Horror said

"Mhhh...he tried to kill us- MULTIPLE TIMES! Even kicked us out of our own house," Nightmare said

"Yeah...AFTER you destroyed our hideout and tried killing them," Lust huffed, "Mhh...fair point," Nightmare said, "Are there any conditions?" Nightmare asked, "He didn't say, but I'd assume that we aren't allowed to sneak attack them, or do irrational stuff for our own gain," Error said

" I can't stab Dream in the back," Nightmare huffed, "Come on boss! My brother got kidnapped but thrown back at me!" Horror said, "Shouldn't you just be glad you HAVE a brother, instead of them being kidnapped and gone forever?" Nightmare said

"He threatened my family, and I don't take that lightly, even if he's still with me, he'll pay..." Horror said.

Dust thought of Blue-

"Y-Yeah! Plus, it's only temporary, so you can gather information from the star dorks and get back at them once this truce is over! It's only temporary, so once it's over with, you'll have the higher ground and use whatever information you gather against them!" Dust smirked

"Mmmmmhh..." Nightmare groaned, he's probably just tipsy and not thinking fully straight, "I-"

"He'll think about it when he's sober," Cross said

"Wha? I never said that! I wanna have higher ground and um...make everyone happynstuff alright!" Nightmare said, mumbling a few of the words

" is that a yes?" Error asked, "YES! Now, I'm gonna go to waterfall and sober up," Nightmare said, getting up to leave.

"...I'll watch over him, wait for me boss!" Killer said, getting up, and following Nightmare outside.

Cross sighed, "I really wish Nightmare would stop drinking at the wrong moments," Cross said. "Well, at least he's a bit easier to manage than when he's sober...and in a bad mood at that..." Error huffed, opening a portal back to the anti void

He took a step back seeing Ink look at his puppets, "What are you-"

"These are nice Error!" Ink smiled, showing Error the puppet of him himself, "I really like the way I look! Don't you think!" Ink said.

"Don't touch my stuff," Error said, "Why? They're so cool!" Ink said, "Mh- Not to me, but still, don't touch my stuff," Error said, walking over to Ink and taking his puppets, putting them back where they belong, in which is the sky

"The other said they agree to your truce," Error said

"Really?" Ink asked, "Nightmare a bit drunk so...he probably didn't mean it, but I don't give a damn of what he means and didn't mean, so you have yourself a deal squid," Error said

"Great! Cool!" Ink said, standing up, "Wow! I never expected you guys to ACTUALLY agree! Just thinking about our cool adventure gets me pumped up and excited!" Ink said with a grin, his eyes both yellow stars

Error took a step back, knowing what he was gonna do next. Ink stomach started to grumble as Ink's eyes went green. Ink covered his mouth before not being able to hold it in, throwing up ink.

Error looked at him a bit weirdly as Ink clothing got covered in black, "Aw man! My clothes!" Ink huffed, "Now they're stain, and it takes forever to get the ink out of them!" Ink huffed

"Oh well! I can just make a new outfit for myself," Ink said, "A-...New outfit?" Error questioned, "Yeah! I hope you're not thinking about me being in some tight clothing that shows my nice curves~" Ink said as he raised his eyebrows suggestively

The thought popped to mind suddenly from his describing it as his face blushed a light tinted of yellow, before he pushed the thought aside, "I would never think of such a thing you idiot!" Error huffed

Ink smirked, "Riggggghhhhtttt," Ink hummed, "Anyways!"  Ink said, grabbing his brush before slathering himself with pain, creating new clothing on his body.

(O waw somehow slipped that into this-)

Ink smiled from his clothing, "Nice outfit Broomie! You have a great sense of fashion!" Ink smiled, seeming to be talking to his brush.

Error just stared.

"Ink...Your way smaller then you looked before...PfftTTTTT-" Error laughed. Ink looked down at his feet and at Error and noticed how he had to slightly look up at him, "Oh be quiet! I can't help that I'm short! Quit being ginormous!" Ink huffed

"HAHAHA!! Your fun-sized!" Error laughed, falling to his side, laughing, "H-How many Ink does it take to screw a light bulb!... NOT ENOUGH!!!" Error laughed

Ink puffed his cheeks out, "You're so childish!" Ink crossed his arms, "Anyways! I must go tell the others the news, where shall we all meet up?" Ink asked. Error took in deep breathes to speak to them

"N-Nightmare castle, we'll meet there," Error said. Ink nodded before leaving. "Hehehehe," Error chuckled, breathing in before leaving back to Reapertale.

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