A Killer Queen (John Deacon)

By Jhutch4321_

63.9K 1.5K 2K

Nina Jackson grew up in a small, old fashioned town a few hours from London. Her whole life she felt like an... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine (hehe 69)

Chapter twenty

1.2K 28 22
By Jhutch4321_

"Oh London," I muttered to myself as the rain poured down my shop's front window. I turned my attention back to the magazine I was reading, my feet up on the counter. My shift would be over in less than an hour. Business was slow today so I just read the stack of music magazines that had just come in.

The bell above the door rang, signaling someone was entering the shop. I looked up and was greeted by a grinning John.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked as he came forward to give me a peck. "Shouldn't you be at work?"

"I had off today so I thought I would come to visit you and surprise you with these." He told me as I just noticed the light blue box he was holding. I smiled eagerly as he opened the box to reveal twelve delicious looking donuts. My mouth watered.

"Deaky you didn't have to get me donuts-"

"Try one, they are all different flavors!" He said excitedly. I smiled at him and took a chocolate one with sprinkles. I took a bite.

"John these are incredible! Where did you get them?!" I asked with my mouth full.

"Down the street from your flat, they just opened, Kelly's bakery or something like that? I was passing by and the smell lured me in."

"Well Deaky I might just have to go with you sometime."

"Maybe you will." He responded. He took one out of the box and we ate together. We talked about our day and whatever random stuff came into our heads.

Then my shift was over and I greeted Amber as she came in. She was happy to see John and the three of us chatted for a few minutes. Then John and I walked hand and hand out of the store.

"So Tim is finally making it up for a gig tonight. Freddie told me." John said plainly.

"And is something wrong?"

"No just thought you should know."

"Deaks I know you enough by now, are you nervous about Tim?"

"Well kinda, he was Smile's bassist and lead singer. He's good friends with the lads and I don't know, I'm worried about what his opinion on me is going to be."

"He's going to like you just like everyone else does," I said giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "And if he doesn't, fuck him, yeah? I mean he left Smile to join a band called Humpy Bong for Pete's sake."

We both laughed.

"Move people move! I want everything to be perfect for Tim!" Freddie exclaimed as the boys started taking things out of the van.

"Maybe we can show him how much better the band is without him anyway." Roger snickered. Brian cracked a smile as he unloaded his red special from the back of the van. I put John's bass around my body before he could grab it, causing him to smile and roll his eyes.

We started setting the equipment down on stage. Freddie was talking to someone who worked there. I knew Freddie. He was only trying to get out of carrying things from the van. I cackled to myself as I rose to my feet to help more. John was bent down sorting through some cords. The sunlight coming in from the window hit him just right, lighting up his features. At that moment I was rushed with gratefulness that he was mine. I was dating him. I was the luckiest girl in the world.

I went over to him and bent down in front of him. He smiled at me. He looked back down at his cords but I lifted his chin back to face me. I leaned forward so our lips met. He smiled through the kiss. I let go but slowly.

"What was that for?" He asked, his cheeks lit up.

"I just remembered how lucky I am," I replied simply.

He tried to speak but he kept stumbling. I kissed him quickly and walked away. Leaving him to deal with his cords. But I could still feel him staring me. I smiled, happy as could be.

I was alone, the boys were out talking to some of the workers and I decided I would tune up John's bass for him. I took it from its case and sat on the edge of the stage. I began to tune it. It wasn't that out of tune. So it only took a matter of minutes. I ran through some things to make sure.

"You are wasting your potential my darling," Freddie said leaning against the doorframe.

"There is nothing I can do Fred," I sighed.

"You cannot let your parents control your life." He told me in a serious tone.

"It's too late, the damage is done, there is nothing I can do."

"It's never too late Nina. Never."

The place was filling quickly as I peered from behind the curtain.

"ROGER WHERE DID YOU PUT MY BLOODY HAIR BRUSH?!" I heard Freddie yell. I couldn't help but laugh. I turned away and walked back to where the boys were.

John was dressed in silk black pants and a nice shirt Roger had worn the gig before. I had to say John wore it better.

"Hey," I said wrapping my arm around his neck.

"Hey," He smiled. I could sense his nerves.

I kissed him, there in the middle of the room.

I heard Roger gag and then Freddie yelled at him to can it.

"Knock knock, oh am I interrupting something?"

John and I broke apart to see Tim standing there.

He looked at us and smiled.

"I knew it," Tim said.

"See!" Roger yelled motioning to us with his hands. Everyone just rolled their eyes. Roger went over to give his old friend a hug and soon Freddie and Brian joined in. I stood there with John, I knew he felt left out.

"Tim you remember John, our bass player," Brian said motioning to John. Tim put his hand out for John to shake.

"Yes, of course, I remember him, the quiet man and Nina, hello again." He said grinning. "I knew you two liked each other when I first met you two. I even mentioned it to Bri and Rog but Bri told me I was crazy."

"But I told you I thought so too!" Roger exclaimed and Brian rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Tim laughed. "Yes, you did Roger. When is the show going to begin? I am really looking forward to hearing the quiet man in action."

"It starts in about twenty minutes," John said surprising me at his willingness to speak. Tim looked surprised as well.

"He speaks." He laughed. "I'll see you all out there, and are we all going back to Freddie's for the party?"

"John's actually." Brian corrected. "He's the one with the neatest place," Brian told him chuckling.

Yes, the band was throwing a party at John's flat afterward.

John wasn't exactly thrilled about it.

"Well, I guess I will have to get directions from you after." He told Brian and he nodded.

Maggie, Mary, Olivia, Hazel, and Harmony came into the room. They had returned from selling tickets. I was going to also sell them tonight but John seemed anxious and I didn't want to leave him.

Everyone got introduced and soon it was almost time for the show to start.

"Well, I guess we should head down," I said motioning to the door. I grabbed John's shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek as everyone started leaving. "You're gonna nail it, don't even worry about him," I whispered into his ear. He nodded.

"Good luck my dear," I told Freddie hugging him quickly. He grinned.

"Thank you my darling." He responded. I looked at Brian and Roger and told him good luck.

"I don't need luck," Roger responded smirking. "I'm just that talented."

"You know I think those drum sticks you are throwing up in the air are hitting you too hard in the head," I said causing Brian to burst out laughing and Freddie to snort. I walked out with Roger struggling to come up with a comeback.

I watched John as he played, the feeling returning to me. My eyes once again filled with lust. Tonight I might just do something about it. John looked up at me and I smiled a smirk like smile. I know it caught him off guard by the expression he gave me in response. But soon a smirk filled his face as well.

I looked down at Tim during John's Liar solo. He was impressed. I could tell. And he continued to be impressed throughout the whole concert.

At the end of the concert, Freddie announced that there would be an after-party and the addresses of the flat building were on the gig flyers.

Again another thing John was absolutely thrilled about.

People knowing where he lived.

"Tenth floor! Look for the door with the balloons on the knob!"

Tim gripped John's hand and he began to shake it.

"John you are an amazing bassist no doubt about it."

"Well thank you mate... that truly means a lot coming from you," John responded. Tim gave him a warm smile before going over to Brian for directions.

I wrapped my arms around John's body and he turned around to face me.

"See I told you."

"Yes you were right, you are always right." He said smiling. He leaned in closer to me so our noses were touching. He kissed me and the feeling I felt earlier returned.

"WILL YOU TOO QUIT IT WE HAVE A PARTY TO GET TO!" Roger yelled, his arm around Olivia. We broke apart and just rolled our eyes.

John's flat was full, so many people were here. So many people I remembered seeing at the gig and some people I didn't.

John had spent the first hour of the party running around trying to stop people from breaking things.

I was getting a drink from the counter when I couldn't help but overhear a conversation. The conversation was between two girls.

"The bassist is great with those fingers, I wonder what other things he can do with them." The blonde taller one said biting her lip.

Those are my bassist's fingers!

"Do you think he's seeing anyone?" The brown-haired one asked looking over at John was in a deep conversation with Brian and Hazel.

"Yeah me, tonight." The blonde said.

The fuck he is you little shit.

The girls looked over at me and I didn't realize why until I looked down. I had been so deep into their conversation that I had forgotten to stop pouring. So there on Deaky's counter was a pool of liquid.

They just laughed at me. I was screaming inside. I went into John's drawer to find a kitchen towel.

Nice Nina! Real nice!

"Isn't it a bit rude to go through someone's drawers?" The blonde asked with a tone I did not like.

I looked up from where I was bent down and just stared at them. My face made a dirty expression as I pulled a towel out.

"I can assure you it is fine," I responded going over to where the mess was. I started to clean it as they continued to stare.

"What makes you say that missy?" The brown-haired one asked lighting a cigarette. 

"Well this is my boyfriend's flat," I said simply. "I'm here all the time."

The girls scoffed.

I finished cleaning up the drink mess and walked towards them.

"I'd prefer you didn't talk about my boyfriend's fingers."

The blonde-haired one looked at me and rolled her eyes. I stormed off and explained what happened to Freddie, Maggie, and Mary. Freddie was about to get up from his chair and tell the girl what's what when I stopped him.

"I don't want you causing a scene," I told him.

"What a slut," Maggie said before she took a sip from her drink. We all looked at her. "What? I'm a nice kind of slut."

We laughed.

"I mean she isn't wrong," Mary said and Maggie play hit her. Maggie's boyfriend returned with her drink and the two went off to another part of the party.

Mary went to keep Harmony company who looked lonely. Hazel and Brian had disappeared. John had disappeared too.

"Freddie I wanna have sex with John," I said catching him off guard.

"What like now?" He asked staring at me wide-eyed.

"Yeah, I think so..." I mumbled. I had wanted to have sex with him for basically as long as I had known him. It didn't take some stupid girl for me to realize that. It wasn't even her at all. Even if she hadn't made those remarks I still would be trying to do this tonight. The time just hadn't presented itself. During the concert, I knew I wanted it to be tonight.

John came back into the room from the bathroom. People were trying to engage him in conversation as he walked by but he wasn't having it. He offered just one or two words to them.

Freddie watched me with wide eyes as I got up from my seat to approach John.

"Hi, Nina-"

"I wanna have sex with you," I said straightforwardly. His expression couldn't have been more priceless.

"You wanna...what?"

"I want you, now," I told him in response. He seemed beyond shocked by my words. Which honestly, I was too. I had never been this straightforward before.

I could see out of the corner of my eye Freddie, smiling like mad at us.

"Okay..." He mumbled his cheeks bright red. "Yeah... alright."

I took his hand and led him into his bedroom. Only to be greeted by this random couple making out against the wall.

I cleared my throat which made them break apart and run out of the room. I closed the door and connected myself to John's lips. We kissed until we fell onto his bed.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to if you don't want to..." John started before my lips interrupted him. I let go and smiled at him. I never got sick of seeing him blush. He did it so often and I never ever got tired of it.

"Yes Deaky I wanna do this, I've been wanting to do this for a while."

He smiled and kissed me. He let go and pushed the hair out of my face.

"So have I."

The whole experience was amazing. Gosh, it was so amazing.

Seeing each other naked for the first time was great. Nothing was awkward, everything was just smooth. It was natural. John's hands all over my bare body, I couldn't think of anything that felt better.

We really connected in a way we hadn't before. It was just amazing. I didn't think I could say the word amazing enough. It was amazing.

I had totally forgotten about those two stupid girls when John and I returned to the party. But I could feel someone staring at me. I turned my head to see them shooting death looks my way. Their eyes going right to the bright prominent hickey on my neck. John came behind me and squeezed me tightly. I smiled a sweet smile back at them.

That's right, this perfect boy is mine, not yours.

I looked up at John and smiled.

"I really enjoyed that," I told him smiling brightly. He kissed me and then smiled.

"As did I." He beamed.

The early morning of the next day started with cleaning John's flat out. The party had really left a huge mess. We all were tired and some of us hungover but it had to get done. We had to drop off the equipment at two today. Some places wanted them earlier than others. So all of us were cleaning.

All I knew was that I was beyond exhausted from the events of last night.

I was scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees when John approached me.

"No it's okay you don't have to do that." He told me grabbing my arm to pull me up. "Why don't you go home and get some more rest?"

"Oh, boo!" Roger yelled, who was mobbing the kitchen floor. "Just because she's your girlfriend she gets special treatment?"

"I don't think it was her idea, Rog. I believe the original person to have proposed that my flat be the party place was you."

He huffed and continued mopping.

"It's okay John I'm fine, really," I said before yawning. He laughed and led me over to where I left my purse. He handed it to me.

"Really go home, we've all got it covered here," John said as he slowly pushed me towards the door.

Maggie and Mary gave me a tired thumbs up and Freddie just nodded. The rest of our group just continued cleaning.

He opened the door and before I could object, he kissed me on the cheek. He pushed me out into the hallway.

"Nina seriously, go get some rest."

And soon I was alone in the hallway. I smiled and went home.

I napped in my bed until I heard Maggie get home and then I napped some more. Getting up to clean always sounds like a great idea on paper. But it's terrible when the party goes on until like three something in the morning.

I felt better when I woke up. Maggie had not even made it to her bed when she returned home. She was crashed on the couch.

I decided to take a shower since I was not in the mood to take one when I woke this morning. I blow-dried my hair and curled it. Maggie woke up and we made sandwiches for lunch. Then we headed to the college to help them with equipment.

"How many tickets, four?" I asked the man who looked to be only a few years older than me. He pushed his long blonde hair out of his face and nodded.

I told him the price and he handed me the money. I gave the money to Maggie who put it into the box. I handed the man the tickets and his group went inside.

I did tickets for the next few nights and into the next week as well. I loved seeing people excited to see Queen. It made me beyond happy.

It was on a Wednesday evening when the phone rang. Maggie was out with her boyfriend, John and Freddie were over.

I answered it surprised to hear my brother Dave's voice on the other end greeting me. It had been quite a while since I'd last heard it.

"Dave, how are you?" I asked surprised, looking up to see Freddie shooting me a questioning glance. "I don't know!" I mouthed to him.

"Good, how have you been? I haven't heard from you in so long. But congratulations on completing uni! That's so exciting. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your graduation, my girlfriend and I were at her sister's wedding."

I sighed, it was kind of nice to hear Dave's voice again.

"No that's quite alright, it was good. I had all my friends there so it was nice."

"That's good, Tom, Harry and I were all upset that we all had stuff going on."

"No don't feel bad I understand, you all have your own busy lives," I responded leaning against the wall. John stared at me with concern in his eyes.

"I was just calling to ask if you'd come up to my house on Friday, Tom and Harry are coming too and I'm sure Harry will bring Samatha as well. Could be fun, we all miss you."

"Well, I don't know..." I said honestly.

"It would just be for the weekend, my girlfriend really wants to meet you."

I sighed again. I looked at Freddie and then at John.

"Yeah alright I'll come Friday, is there a certain time I should arrive?"

"We will be eating dinner around seven."

"Alright," I said flatly.

"I can't wait to see you, Nina, we have so much to catch up on."

"We do," I replied emotionless. "I'll see you then."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up.

"What's going on?" John asked as I sat back down on the couch with them.

"My brother called and he invited me to his house, the rest of my siblings are going to be there. So I agreed."

"Are you okay about it? You seem upset." Freddie said.

"Yeah, I think it'll be good. I love my brothers they just remind me a lot of what our parents gave them and they didn't give Sam or I. It's not their fault which is why I'm going."

"You don't have to go if you don't want to you know," John told me rubbing my back.

"I know, I want to, it's just going to be hard. Do you mind if I borrow your car for the weekend?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course, absolutely." He agreed.

"And if you need anything or need to talk, you call me," Freddie said in a very serious tone. "And if anything happens you don't like you leave."

I nodded. I pulled myself into John's arms and settled in the croak of his neck. He caressed my head softly.

Later that night when Mag had returned home and the boys left I told her. She said that she'd go with me, she'd take off work but I shook my head. I could handle it.

Soon it was Friday evening and John was picking me up from work.

"I can go with you you know," John said. "If you want me to."

"Thank you so much Deaky but this is something I need to do on my own." I lied. The truth was I was afraid my parents would show up and I didn't need John getting dragged into that whole mess. He deserved better. I was protecting him. I knew what they would do to him. I didn't want him to have that pain. He's got enough on his plate.

He nodded.

"But if you need anything or just wanna talk ring me alright?"

"I promise I will Deaks, I'm gonna miss you so much."

It's gonna be weird not seeing him every day, usually, I see him at least once a day.

"I'm gonna miss you so much too." He replied.

We got up to my flat and John handed me the keys to his car.

"Be careful with it." He teased.

"I will," I replied smiling.

I got my suitcase and he followed me down to the car with Maggie. She was working the night shift tonight. I hugged her goodbye as John put all my stuff in his trunk. Then I hugged John tightly and kissed him goodbye.

"Seriously if you feel like you need to come home, please do." He said and I nodded. It was just then when Roger pulled up with Brian, Freddie, and Mary. They all rushed out to say goodbye to me.

"I'm only going for three days!" I laughed as they all pulled me into a group hug.

"We are going to miss you so much!" Freddie exclaimed pretending to cry.

"How will you do any of the gigs this weekend without me?!" I asked sarcastically. "I mean tonight especially, Maggie and Olivia are at work."

"Don't remind me," Mary said. "Hazel, Harmony, and I are going to be working our butts off."

"I give you all my best wishes and good luck," I said giving Mary a hug. I dug into my purse and pulled out my brother's number I had written down on three slips of paper. I handed one to Maggie, Freddie, and John. "Call me if you have any problems or need me."

They nodded and I said goodbye to everyone. John walked me to the car as everyone went upstairs.

I hugged him tightly once again and kissed him.

"Try to have fun." He said as I got in the car.

"I will. See you in a few days Deaks."

He nodded and waved as I drove off. Soon he was out of sight.

The drive was nice, but there was a lot of traffic going out of London. We all were stopped in a traffic jam for a little bit. But the radio was playing some good music so I didn't mind.

My brother lived in a somewhat big city a little bit from our hometown. It wasn't as big as London at all but it still was quite big.

When I pulled in the driveway my already anxious nerves amped up. I turned off the car and heard a dog barking as I stared at my stirring wheel.

I could still get out of this, pull away, and make up some excuse.


I needed to do this.

I got out of the car and the dog's barks got louder. Dave lived in a tiny little house outside the city. He lived there by himself, his girlfriend I think wasn't far. I opened the trunk and took out my bag.

"There she is!"

I jumped to see Dave next to me. I didn't hear him come out. I must have been too wrapped up in my own thoughts to notice. I was a little shaky. I hoped he couldn't tell.

I looked at him. His brown hair was cut short and he had started to grow a little bit of facial hair. I dropped my bag and embraced him.

"It's been so long." He said holding me tightly. I relaxed a little bit.

"Yes and happy late birthday," I told him smiling slightly. I let go and he smiled. Dave had turned twenty-seven in late June. He was the second oldest. Harry is the oldest at thirty-one and Tom is the third oldest at twenty-five.

"Thank you, is this your car? I didn't know you got one." He said looking at John's car.

"No exactly this is my boyfriend's, he let me borrow it for the weekend."

My brother looked at me in surprise.

"I didn't know you were dating anyone." He said picking up my bag. "How long has this been going on for?"

We started to walk to the front door, I could see the dog through the window. He must have gotten it in the time we've been apart. I've never seen that dog before in my life.

"A month or so, his name is John, we met because he's the new bassist for my best friend's band. I think I told you about it before. Freddie and Queen."

"Yes, I think I recall. They had a different bass player when I talked to you though."

"Yes, it was quite the process. Queen was going through five bass players a week basically. Not one of them quite fit in with them. Then they found John and the puzzle finally was completed."

"And Nina found her man."

I opened the door and closed it behind us.


I turned my head to see Tom flying at me with full force. He picked me up off the ground and squeezed me so tight that when he put me down I had to regain my breath.

Tom looked different from the last time I saw him. His hair was kinda like my hair. Blondish brown. But he had cut it differently than I remember it.

"Hello, Tom how are you?" I laughed.

"Alright, how have you been? Congratulations on graduating Uni! I'm so sorry I couldn't be there, my company had me working." He told me as Dave took my stuff upstairs to the guest room.

"It's alright I had all my close friends there so it was fine. I've been good, I'm working at the music store still which is a job I love." I said as we both sat down on the couch in the living room.

"Well, we've really missed you around here," Tom said. "That's why we all chose to invite you. I know it probably seemed random but we all have been really missing you."

I smiled and looked down at John's bracelet he got me that was on my wrist. I was wearing it almost every day now. I played with the charm and looked back up at him.

"I've missed you guys a lot too. When's Harry and Sam getting here?"

"Anytime now, Sam told me on the phone when she was at Harry's a few days ago that she snuck up to come to stay with you in London. Is that true?"

"Yep. My friends surprised me with her. They drove to get her and then surprised me with her as a graduation present." I told him continuing to play with my bracelet. "Sam told mum and dad that she was at Lily's for the week."

"And mum and dad never found out?" He asked astonished.

"Not to my knowledge," I said laughing slightly. My fingers continued to play with the charm. I think it was because I was still kind of anxious.

"You really like that bracelet of yours." Tom laughed as I heard Dave coming down the steps.

"Yeah I do, my boyfriend got it for me as a graduation gift. It's got a paintbrush charm on it."

"Sam didn't mention you had a boyfriend," Tom said confused.

"No I haven't told her yet, I haven't had the chance to talk to her since she was up in London with me."

"Stacey is on her way over," Dave said coming into the room. The dog reappeared from the kitchen and came over to inspect me. "Oh, that's just Coco. We just got him, he's a real sweetie."

I was smiling as the dog jumped on my lap and started to sniff me. He then licked my nose.

"By Stacey, I assume you mean your girlfriend?" I asked laughing as Coco continued to lick me. The dog was a brown pug. He was beyond adorable.

"Yes, she is really excited to meet you."

"Are you going to make her do all the work at dinner there Dave, you know since she's the girl and all."

Dave smirked at me before he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Nah you're here Nina, why not just have you do it."

I smirked and rolled my eyes as he came back into the room.

The doorbell rang and Coco started barking. Dave opened the door and greeted his girlfriend. She had curly blonde hair and was wearing a blue dress with a brown belt tied around her waist.

"Stacey," Dave said leading her over to me. "This is my sister Nina, the only sibling of mine you haven't met." He laughed as I stood up to shake her hand.

"Ah Nina, the mystery sibling, how nice it is to finally meet you." She said smiling. Her personality was very bubbly.

"Nice to meet you too," I replied and I sat back down as the couple went into the kitchen to start dinner.

"Stacey is real nice, I think you two will get along," Tom said and I nodded. "You look a lot different than the last time I saw you," Tom told me changing the subject out of the blue.

It was a cooler day today so I was wearing my jean bellbottoms with a brown belt and a red tube top. My hair was in a braid last night so it was all wavy. I just had on basic eyeliner and mascara.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. The last time I saw my brothers was when I came here to see Dave's new house. Over a year or so ago.

"I don't know you just do, I can't really explain it."

I could hear a car pull up and Dave peered out the curtains to see who it was.

"Ummm Dave.. we have a bit of a situation," Tom said in a panicked tone.

"What's wrong?" Dave questioned coming into the room.

"Mum and Dad are here."

I think the blood in my body went cold. I looked at them with wide eyes.

"You didn't invite them did you?" Tom asked now getting angry. My brothers were quite protective of me.

"No of course not! They probably just came!"

If I was thinking clearly I would have gotten up and run and hid. Then left when no one was paying attention. But I couldn't move. My brain was panicking. I was frozen in place.

There was a knock at the door and Coca started to bark again.

"What do we do?!" Exclaimed Tom.

"I don't know!" Dave yelled rubbing his head. Stacey came in to see what all the fuss was about.

"My parents came and we didn't know they were coming," Dave told her and then she looked at me.

They knocked again and I still couldn't bring myself to move. I was nervous enough to come here to see my brothers. I would have never ever have come here if I knew my parents were going to be here.

I felt sick, I felt like I was going to throw up. I looked at my brothers as they argued with each other.

"Harry is really going to get it! Why would he not warn us?!"

Stacey helped up off the couch and into the kitchen.

"Dave has told me all about your relationship with your parents. I'm so sorry." She told me and I nodded. She hugged me tightly as I heard my brothers open the door.

"Well, it's about bloody time." My dad scoffed opening the door.

"Sorry, dad we didn't hear you." Dave lied. "We didn't know you were coming."

"We thought it would be a nice surprise. When Harry told us he was taking Sam for the weekend, we thought it would be nice if we came along too." My mother said. "I haven't seen you guys in a little bit."

"Yeah sorry, we are late," Harry said.

I looked at Stacey and sighed. I knew she could tell I was shaking.

I am so fucking pathetic.

I haven't seen my parents since I came home after sneaking off. They had nothing but negative things to say about me. I didn't need that right now. I didn't know if I had the mental capacity to deal with it.

I wish John were here...

No, you don't!

If John were here he'd be getting it worse than me. I didn't want that for him. I will protect him from my parents for as long as I can.

Arms wrapped around me and I jumped. I turned around to see Sam in a pink floral dress. She hugged me tightly. I clung to her. I had missed her dearly.

"What are mum and dad doing here?!" I whispered.

"We tried, we couldn't stop them from coming and we couldn't get to a phone to warn you guys, I am so sorry."

"But what am I suppose to do Samantha?!"

"I don't know." She said panicked. Harry came in and embraced me.

"I'm so sorry Nina we couldn't stop them."

I just nodded in response. I think I was about to have a panic attack. I needed fresh air. Stacey led me out the back door and I leaned against the back of the house. She went back inside and left me with Sam. I thought about leaving, running to the front of the house, and just bolting out of here. But my bag was upstairs.

Maybe Dave could sneak it out.


I had to be strong.

Or at least pretend.

I had to stick it out somehow. Show them I'm not going to take their bullshit anymore. But again I couldn't get myself to move. My legs stayed were they were. I felt like crying but no tears came. I couldn't hear what Stacey was saying to me but soon she was gone. I was alone. Exactly how I felt in this family.


A/N: I am so sorry this chapter is so long, but I hope you enjoyed it. This chapter is dedicated to @holleeeyyyyahaja :) And please continue to comment! I seriously love seeing your reactions and feedback!

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