Megaman: Reboot

By TwilightDragon5

11.1K 216 23

In the year 20xx, a new type of technology is being produced worldwide. The robot masters, advanced machines... More

His beginning pt. 1
His beginning part 2
'Cutting' it close
Shocking guts
Soldiers of Justice
Cool brother in arms
Such a Devil
Gold and Blue
Troubled family
Old friends
Attack at home
Mangled Metal
Stopped in time
Bubbly woods
Last in defense
Second defeat
Who's at fault?
Welcome Wi-lights
Prickly Shell
A surprise visit
A Light's Shadow
The Reign of the Moon
Keep friends Close
And Enemies Closer
Ambush in the Amazon
Temple Battle pt. 1
Temple Battle pt. 2
Preparing to leave
Robot Assigning
The Prototypes
A Pact
New Power
Far Beyond Reach
The Great Unveiling
Call to Action
Dancing with Death

Their fate

258 5 0
By TwilightDragon5

The past couple of days went by fast for Rock when Wily was arrested. After repairs, his brothers went to go fix the damaged factories and parks, while he and Roll stayed at home. Wily was kept under watch at the police station until further notice. He wasn't allowed with any visits by anyone, not even Dr. Light. Not that Roll seemed to mind, she kept turning off the news whenever he came up and huffed.

About a week later, they had entered the city to await Wily's trial. Rock had noted Dr. Light's silence, but the good doctor only hummed in response. There were people looking in Rock's direction, marveling at him and pushing each other to get a photo. He would've been flattered if he wasn't so confused.

"Why are they all staring at me?"

"They know you're the one that saved them," Roll smiled, "so they're excited to see you. Do you have a hero name?"

"I'm Megaman." Rock said with a hint of pride.

"That's...something." Roll gave a 'you sure' face before looking away.

"Well I think it's pretty cool!" He frowned. Dr. Light hushed them as the trial had started and Dr. Wily came into the room. There were guards on both of his sides, cuffs clamped shut. Rock tried hard to avoid eye contact with him as the trial went.

Rock didn't pay attention to most of the trial, as he wasn't the biggest fan if these conversations. Roll leaned on his shoulder during the first half. Both of the doctors never broke eye contact as people spoke in turn. At some point, Rock felt something being passed to him, a small letter in his hands. Tucking it behind himself, the robot briefly went to sleep.

When he woke up, the trial seemed to have ended and the crowd was chatting. Some were leaving, while others were gossiping about the events occurred. As he put the letter in his shirt, he heard Dr. Wily having a quiet argument with one of the judges. And Dr. Light was with him.

"I refuse this! How could you do this to my creations?! I call this an outrage!" The scientist growled.

"I'm sorry Dr. Wily, but the court has decided. If it weren't for some people vouching for you, you would've been put into a far worse sentence. At least be grateful that you only have to lose your robots." The judge sighed.

"Only lose...ONLY LOSE? Those are my creations, my work you have put into the scrapheap!"

"And if you recall, you have a documented history of building extreme and dangerous devices, causing injuries to civilians. Even one that injured a colleague and causing you to lose your liscense to build machines. These creations are no different and have resulted in costly damages. Regardless whether they're of your work, there will be no dangerous robots roaming in the city."

Curious, Rock headed over to their direction and changing everyone's conversation to him. "Hey, what's going on?"

"My son, we...well, Judge Peterson had decided about Albert's sentence. He's going to be staying with us." Dr. Light smiled. However, both of his robotic children had their mouths open.

"What?! B-But Dr. Light why?" Roll argued.

Judge Peterson coughed lightly, clearing his throat. "Well, it's a little more than that. It's less on "staying", and more on the watching. Albert Wily has a chance to redeem himself of his mistakes. He is to be watched for a period of time, and if he can prove himself to be trustworthy and harmless to the public by the deadline, he will be free of his charges."

"Don't talk about me like I'm not here." Wily grumbled.

"That's because I'm talking to the robot," Peterson continued on, "Since your creator has connections to Dr. Wily in the past, and volunteered to take the burden of watching him, Dr. Wily is to be watched by all residents of Light Labs. However, that doesn't mean we won't be sending officials to keep check occasionally." He nodded to Dr. Light.

"But what about Wily's robots?" Rock dared to ask the question. Peterson's look hardened before turning a tired smile.

"You don't have to worry. Those robots will be scrapped at the Monsteropolis Trade and Junkyard. The public won't have to worry anymore about them." Dr. Wily was giving a killer glare at the judge, to which Peterson stood his ground. Roll had clutched to Rock's arm, as if she thought he was going to break from the tension.

Dr. Light had somehow gotten the courage to put a hand on Dr. Wily's shoulder. It was a few moments later that anyone noticed. "I'm sorry Albert, but I'm trying to give you a second chance. I don't like the thought of robot masters, even yours, being thrown away. But don't let your anger get the best of you. We can figure this out, like old times."

Unfortunately, Wily shook his shoulder and looked down. "Whatever Thomas. Don't act like you're not happy my work is being turned down again for yours."

"I'm not happy, Albert. I'm not, but I'm here to help you get back up."

"I'll be sending the documents for you Thomas Light. You'll get news from the court and the mayor." Peterson shook the doctor's hand before leaving the court room. Dr. Wily was being taken back by the guards while having a conversation with Dr. Light. Rock was following his sister out of the building. He sat silently on the steps, while Roll had a look full of conflicted feelings.

"Are you okay sis?" He spoke quietly.

"What is Dr. Light thinking? Letting Dr. Wily live with us for 2 months?" She mumbled.

Rock thought of what words to say before hugging her. "Well, if Dr. Light thinks Wily deserves a second chance, then I believe him. After all, I think everyone deserves a second chance."

"But Rock, he tried to kill you twice! You shouldn't forgive someone like that!" She counter argued.

"But Dad wants to forgive him. Do you really want to upset him?"

Roll went quiet again, then sighed. "No."

"I can protect myself now Roll. Wily won't think of hurting us again. But if you want to, I won't tell Dr. Light when you are going to use the broom."

That seemed to get a smirk out of her. "Okay, deal."

As Dr. Light came out of the doors, the three got into the car to head to the police station. There they were to pick up Wily. Rock was thinking of what Roll said. Some of the stuff she said was true, as Wily did try to kill him just a week ago. But Dr. Light was also right that people deserved a second chance. But one thing did register in his processor brain.

Whatever was to happen from this day and on, it was never going to be the same.

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