Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Majo...

By StarlightShaymin

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"I've lost everything, my home, my parents, and my brother is missing. All I have left is this spear, my... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Note


399 17 1
By StarlightShaymin

"We're almost done!" Mother exclaims as she fixes up my short pig-tailed hair. "Done! You can turn around now."

I spin around to face the mirror, nearly gasping at my new appearance," I-I love this!" I spin around in my crimson red dress, the golden bracelets around my wrist nearly slip off as I pose in front of the mirror.

"You look like a princess, Ara." Mother holds out a pair of red flats. "These will complete you outfit."

"Thanks," I take the flats carefully - scared that one wrong move would ruin them. "Do you think Aren will make fun of me?" Aren often says I look like a monkey, no matter what dress I wear.

Mother giggles," your brother would never call you a monkey today," she began as she helped me slip on the flats. "Today is your fifth birthday, it's a very special day for you."

"I guess."

"Now you're all done!" Mother claps with delight. "How about we go and greet your brother? I'm sure he's wanting to see his beloved little sister."

"If he calls me a monkey can I have his share of cake?"

"Alright." Mother smiles warmly at me as she opens my bedroom door. "Aren, come see your sister!"

"Coming!" Aren replies almost instantly. I can hear him sprinting towards my room shortly after.

"Don't run around the house!" Mother scolds. "You could break something!"

"Sorry," Aren pushes past mom and into my room. He sends me a toothy smile the instant his eyes land on me," you still look like a monkey." I pout at his remark. "But today you look like a beautiful monkey!" He quickly adds on.

"I'll leave you kids alone." Mother giggles as she steps away from the door.

"Mother promised me your share of cake if you called me a monkey!" I exclaim proudly. "Hah! You get no cake!"

"In that case you won't get a share of cake on my birthday either!"

"Not fair!" I cross my arms. "I never call you anything!"

"You're so loud." Aren covers his ears up."Calm down, monkey!"


"I'm just messing with you." He suddenly pulls me into a tight hug. "Happy birthday, little sister. You're finally old enough to train."

"I'll be stronger than you one day!" I reply loudly while hugging him back. "You better watch out, big brother! Your little sister will surpass you!"

"You keep telling yourself that." Aren chuckles. "Listen, Dad told me I may not be home often once I'm old enough to leave the village." He breaks the hug. My happy mood is suddenly put aside at the sight of Aren's sad expression.

"Aren?" I swallow. "A-are you okay?"

"Yeah," he turns away to rub his eyes. "I just don't want to leave the village. I'll miss our parents and you."

"But we'll always be here waiting for you to come home. It's like when we wait for daddy to return." I hesitantly grab his hand. "When you come home we'll have a big party, with lots and lots of cake!"

Aren glances back," really? You won't be mad if your big brother isn't home often?"

"Well, of course I'll be sad. Home won't be the same without my big brother." Something in Aren's eyes spark at my statement. "But I'll be super happy when you come back! Mommy, daddy, and I love you! We'll always be waiting for you to come home!"

A droplet of water falls from Aren's right eye. Smiling he turns around to hug me," I'm glad I have you as my sister." He tightens his grip around me. "I'm sorry in advance if I don't return. Until then I will always protect you, your big brother won't let anyone hurt you."

"What do you mean you won't return?" I ask. "Don't you want to come home?"

Aren shakes his head," you'll understand when you're a bit older. Come on, let's go prank Vapor."

"Okay," I whisper aloud. A warm droplet of water trickles from my left eye. I bite my bottom lip trying to hold myself back from bawling.

All those happy memories and promises seem so far away now. Sometimes I wonder if remembering the past is a good thing, all those flashbacks only bring me pain. On the other hand, forgetting all the good times would be a terrible sin. How could I forget about my family? Something I can never have again.

"Oh, Ara!" Echo's voice snaps me back to reality. "You're awake!"

I slowly open my tear filled eyes, Echo gingerly wipes my eyes dry," are you okay?" She asks softly. "You started crying in your sleep a little while ago."

"I did?" I blurt out. I mentally curse at myself. I've always hated crying, it's such a useless function which only promotes weakness. Crying during battle will only show the enemy your weak point.

"Are you in pain?" Echo asks - her face pale from concern. "You had some pretty rough injuries, and let's not forget the fact that you were dangerously weak after the fight."

"I'm fine." I began helping myself up. To my surprise there was no pain hammering on my back. "How long was I out for?"

"A couple of days." Echo replies while helping sit up. "I used some pretty strong potions to help speed up your recovery. You may feel a bit dizzy because of that."

"It's fine." I study my surroundings. No longer am I in the ruins of Elder, instead I am back in my room - with a plain white T-shirt and some grey sweatpants. "Was I able to exterminate all the demons?"

"Yup," Echo began in a more cheerful tone. "To say Lowe was shocked is an under statement. To be honest, I didn't even think the El Shard had that much power, I guess it's good that we got it, right?"

"Yeah." If we hadn't got the El Shard who knows what could've happened?

"So how's the demon?" Echo sits herself on the edge of my bed. "You two getting along?"

"Eun's a great help." I answer almost instantly. "Eun gave me power to fight, and provided me comfort during the battle."

It is all thanks to you. Eun pipes in. If you never made a contract with me we wouldn't have gotten the El Shard. Ara, I must thank you for all your effort.

"Everyone is downstairs," Echo smiles warmly at me. "They're still pretty tired, but would you like to drop in and say hi?"

"Of course!"

Nodding Echo helps herself up, holding her hand out she says," let's not keep them waiting then."


"Ara!" Aisha hugs me the instant I reached the bottum step. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Good morning!" I hug her back. "How are you guys feeling?"

"Much better," Raven answers from the living room. "It'd be better if I could beat Eve at this stupid game!" He presses his controller madly.

"A simple human like you cannot beat a Nasod," Eve replies calmly. "Oh look at that you ran off the stage."

"Shut it! I was distracted!"

"Hey, Ara!" Elsword emerges from the kitchen - greeting me with a playful punch on the arm. "I see you're up and walking again!"

"Don't hit her!" Aisha scolds. "She's already been through a lot!"

My face instantly warms at the sight of Elsword," it's fine." I play with a strand of loose hair. "I'm feeling much better now."

"See, Aisha, she's a strong girl! Unlike you." He rests his arm on my shoulder - I bite back a toothy grin in return.

"Elsword, you jerk!" Aisha stomps her feet on the ground. "You're lucky Ara is here! Or else I would've punched that ugly face of yours!"

"Ohh kitty has claws." Elsward teases. Aisha grinds her teeth loudly as he laughs loudly at her.

"Elsword, you-"

"You two are hopeless!" Echo cuts her off. "Honestly, can't we have a day where we all just get along? You guys are supposed to be a team!"

"Oh, do you guys know where Chung is by any chance?" I quickly ask before Elsword and Aisha could get into another argument.

"He's out in the back." Aisha's voice rings with confusion. "I thought you two hated each other; why are you looking for him now?"

"Just need to say something to him." I hesitantly brush Elsword's arm off me. "Don't worry I promise not to yell at him." I reassure with a warm smile.

Echo rubs the bridge of her nose, shaking her head," as long as you keep to that promise. The last thing I need is more shouting."

"If it was Aisha she would've devoured his head." Elsword whispers to himself with a small snicker.

Aisha glares icily at him," you suck at whispering!" She curses loudly at him.

"Wow calm down there." Elsword holds his hands up in defeat. "I was only joking."

"Sure you are!" Aisha takes a step closer to him. I simply turned away from the argument the moment Aisha brought her knee up - Elsword cried out loudly in return. "Oops, I was only joking." She says sweetly - probably with an innocent smile.

I roll my eyes as I walk out the back door, even from the outside I can hear Elsword cursing loudly at Aisha. My stomach twists into knots at the sight of Chung seated by the river bed - Yang curled asleep beside him. Sighing deeply I begin my way towards him, bracing myself for him to snap at me the moment I get too close.

"H-hey." I greet sheepishly - my sudden appearance makes him jump slightly.

Chung glances back at me with tired blue eyes," what do you want?" He turns his attention back to the river.

I hesitantly stand beside him," may I sit here?" I ask. He doesn't respond - keeping his eyes glued on the running water. "Er, I'm sitting down now." I help myself down on the damp grass.

Silence quickly falls between us, with only the sounds of nature to fill the void. My eyes can't help but wander towards Chung - I would shuffle a few inches away from him each time he caught me looking. I guess it's just strange to see him in a navy blue sweater and black shorts - he seems much more vulnerable without that thick layer of armor.

"Seriously, what do you want?" He breaks the silence. "If you're here to bother me then do it another time. I'm not in the mood to deal with you."

"Can't I just come to see you? After all, you were the one to help me defeat that Nasod." I try to keep my eyes fixed on the river.

"I'm not your friend," he snaps. "So leave!"

"Who says I thought of you as my friend?" I snort - holding myself back from glaring at him. "I just wanted to say thanks, or is that too much for you to handle?"

"Is that all?" He grumbles. "If so then get out of here!"

This human is certainly rude! Eun pipes in. I do not see the need to continue talking to him!

"Eun isn't a big fan of you." I point out with a scowl. "If you keep this up people will think badly of you."

"Why would I care?!" I flinch at his outburst. "Give me one reason to care!" I snap my head towards him, anger boiling as he keeps his gaze fixed on the running water.

"Look at me!" I growl - grabbing his ear, I forcefully turn his thick head towards me. "You're a good person, it'd be wrong for people to think badly of you!"

Chung slaps my hand away," and what would you know?" He glares at me. "I hate you and you hate me! That's the only thing you and I know of each other!"

I'd be lying if I said his comment didn't hurt me. Of course I'm still not a big fan of him - I never will be - but I've gotten to know him just a bit better throughout the past events. I'll admit it. He isn't that bad of a person.

"If you were really such a bad person you wouldn't have such great friends." I began sternly." And you certainly wouldn't have carried me to a clean spot that one time in the sewers."

"What happened to never speaking of it?" He says through clenched teeth. "Besides it was only one time, don't over-think it you demon freak."

"There was another time," I add on with a smile. Helping myself up to my feet I went on, "you wouldn't have caught me when I slipped off of Yang if you were truly a bad person." I began walking back to the house.

"And why in the world would you think it was me?" He challenges.

I pause, looking back I reply," your armor isn't exactly soft" I wink. " I may not like you, but I know that you aren't a bad person. It'd be a shame for others to think otherwise about you, Rapunzel." With that I continue my way back inside.

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