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I woke up feeling like death, I wasn't sure if it was because we all slept a bit late last night or that I'm not fully recovered yet. Whatever the reason may be it left me feeling half dead throughout the morning. 

Throughout the week we have been preparing ourselves for the trip to Altera, helping villagers with reparations, and playing games until the sun rose. We knew we needed rest for the trip today, but that thought got thrown out the window pretty quick.

 Lets just say playing that game of truth or dare last night wasn't exactly our greatest idea; especially since we have to leave for a long journey today. 

Stella cooked us up a large breakfast, telling us we needed to eat lots for the long journey ahead. She even insisted on making us some snacks but we objected, we didn't want to bother her any further. Breakfast went by in a flash, before I knew it we were standing at the border of Bethma readying to head off to the mysterious Altera. 

"Do you guys have enough potions? Did you all pack your clothes; do you all have extra water for the trip? Did you leave anything behind? Is there anything else you still need?" Echo bombarded us with questions; not stopping to wait for a reply. 

"We're fine, Echo." Raven quickly reassured with raised hands. "We'll be able to take care of ourselves." 

Echo bit her finger nails," if you say so." She glanced at Elsword. "Do you still have the Wind Shard?"

Elsword nodded, taking out the small pouch from his bag," it's nice and safe with us!" He waved the pouch carelessly in the air. 

"Thank you for aiding us in the battle." Eve held out her hand to Echo. "And I would personally like to thank you for allowing us to journey to Altera."

Echo accepted the hand shake," of course!" She grinned. "I understand that these Nasods must concern you; I'm sure Lowe will think the same." 

"So what are your plans now?" Aisha asked her sister; Speka simply shrugged in response. 

"I think I'm gonna go do some exploring on my own," she said; readjusting her backpack. "There's still a lot I need to learn about Dark Magic." 

I frown at the thought of Speka leaving. It'd be nice if she could stay with us, I'm sure she would've made a fine addition to the team. 

"Don't worry though, sis!" Speka added, with a childish grin. "I'll walk you guys to Altera before leaving, it's the least I can do for your team." 

Aisha wrapped her arm around Speka," maybe I can convince you to stay along the way." She said, with a wink. 

"I highly doubt it." Speka said; rolling her eyes. 

"I think it's about time for us to hit the road!" Raven clapped his hands together. "Let's get going before it gets too hot out!" 

"Are you sure you can make it back to Elder yourself?" I asked Echo concernedly. The journey from Bethma to Elder will be rough, I really hope she'll be able to make it back safely. 

"Don't worry about me!" She held her head up confidently. "Stella is willing to walk me half way!"

"You bet I will!" Stella beamed from behind her. "But before you kids leave, I have a special surprise for y'all." 

Stella stepped aside to reveal Lucas and his father walking hand in hand our way. Lucas smiled widely at us," guys!" He shouted; letting go of his father's hand to wave at us. 

"Lucas!" I called back, and ran to the small lizard with open arms. I instantly wrap my arms around him the moment he came into arms' reach. 

"Ara!" Lucas greeted me excitedly. "I'll miss you and your team!" He hugged me back. 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now