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As we approached closer to the factory, more and more Nasods began to attack us, this quickly became an issue as these Nasods were more equipped to take on enemies; they were also in better shape than the Nasods we have encountered in the past. It felt like forever before we could even reach the building's entrance. 

"Is everyone okay?" Elsword asked, as we finished off the last group of Nasods. 

"We're fine." Aisha answered in between breaths. 

I glanced at the factory. Now that we have advanced to its front doors, we are finally able to catch a good glimpse of its structure. To my surprise, the factory isn't all that big---you could easily mistaken it as small mall, a mall with no windows.

 The Nasods seemed to have taken very good care of it as its white walls are barely stained, making it look like a newly opened building. I would imagine its interior is a bit more complex as it needs to create a  lot of new Nasods. 

"This is a pretty sad factory." Chung commented, with a raised brow. "I thought the Nasods could do better than this."

"Don't land judgment so quickly." Eve snapped. "We have not even seen the inside yet."

Chung shrugged," I guess you're right." 

Raven pushed against its metal door," at least they're smart enough to lock the thing." He took several steps back. "I'll try to break it down." 

We inched away from him as he readied his Nasod arm, with a sharp breath in he attacked," Mega Drill Break!" He launched himself at the door, slashing it with his sword. He ended the attack by launching his Nasod arm into it, his arm ripped through the metal barrier upon contact. 

"Wow, that was pretty awesome." Elsword awed---Aisha shook her head at his childish response.

Raven nodded as he unlocked the door from the inside," be careful." He said as he opened the door for us. 

We began to file into the building. The inside was as boring at the outer appearance. The empty interior had only two stairways to welcome us, one heading up and one heading down. The sound of metal clanging screamed from the lower levels.

I held onto my spear tightly as we proceeded further into the empty space.

 It's strange how no Nasods have come rushing out to greet us yet. 

I wonder if this is a trap. 

"Seems pretty cozy." Elsword said, as he examined the blank walls. "I would like to speak with the dude who was supposed to decorate this place. They don't seem to be very good at their job." 

"What's our plan now?" Raven asked, ignoring his remark. "We don't need to split into teams in order to explore this building. 

Elsword frowned," you're no fun." 

Raven's jaw tightened at Elsword's response, "this is no time to have fun." He answered. 

Elsword locked eyes with him for a second before speaking again," it sounds like the basement has more going on than the rest of the building." He began. "I want Chung's team to explore the upstairs while my team will investigate the downstairs. If you can't find anything, then just go where the other team is. Each team's goal is to find a way to shut down the factory without blowing the entire place up---I don't know about you guys, but I don't wanna become barbecue at the end of the day." 

"Elsword, you jerk." Aisha stomped her foot. "You purposely left us with the boring path."

"Don't be so angry about it," he winked. "Besides, you don't know for certain if you got the boring path." 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now