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If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a fantastic time on Friday! I know I had a blast eating all the yummy food at dinner and now I feel like a happy fat penguin (I don't think my fitness level is too happy with my life choices tho) X'D

If you celebrate something else around this time of year, I hope you're enjoying whatever it may be, best wishes to you! :D

It's almost New Years, which means we can all cry about the things we didn't accomplish this year, and the fact that we're getting older (ewww). 

Some things you should be expecting from me in the New Year, the next story is almost ready to go into writing phase. I should be able to write in January or February, depending on how busy things get and how much I can plan in the next couple of days. I'll also be brainstorming on the final story once I'm done planning this one. 

I MIGHT do a rewrite of Within a Thousand Heart Beats, there's a bunch of things I want to fix and change in that story. (I should also start editing the darn thing) 

On a final note, this story will be split into two parts, meaning that I will "create a new story" for the second part. The second part of this story will be much shorter. I will tell you guys the name of that "next story" (I hope all of that made sense).

If you didn't have a good or happy holiday, I'm sorry things turned out the way they were. I may not know or understand the things you're going through at this moment, but my heart still goes out to you and I really hope things will get better soon. Stay strong my lovely reader <3

I gingerly thread my way around the guys sleeping on the floor. It was extra difficult to get around Elsword as he had his arms spread across the floor, if he had decided to move my cover would've been blown. 

Just a few more steps. I told myself, as I stepped over someone's leg. I'm almost free.

With a sharp breath in I hurry I final steps out the door, my legged brushed against something but I don't think it was enough to wake the person up. I hastily closed the door behind me before breathing a sigh of relief. 

"I can finally get some air." I whispered, wiping the drop of sweat rolling down the side of my cheek. 

The hallway was dark, with only the kitchen light to light my path. I quickly ran my fingers through my tangled hair before walking toward the kitchen, I don't want to look like a mess to whoever is up with me.

When I walked into the kitchen I expected to see Amos at the kitchen table again, with his books spread throughout the small space as he studied into a new potion. Instead it was Agatha rummaging through her fridge for a late night snack. 

"It's pretty early to be up." Agatha said, as she dug through her fridge. "I had a dream I was eating this gigantic cake, and when I woke up I found myself starving." She laughed. "I'm assuming you went through a similar thing?"

"N-not really," I confessed, taking a seat at the dining table. "I just couldn't sleep well."

"Tell me about it," she closed the fridge door. "I'm always making sure Amos is asleep. I jolt awake every couple of hours thinking Amos is gone." She paused. "That's one of my greatest fears." 

I can't imagine taking care of another family member all by myself---especially a child. 

"When my parents were alive," Agatha began, as she poured herself a cup of water. "They would always yell at my brother for staying up too late. My ma' said he would not grow a single inch if he stayed up so late." 

Amos is pretty short. Then again, all the Ponggos here are fairly small to us. 

"Sounds like Amos really likes alchemy." I noted. "He has strong willpower for a kid his age." 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now