Chapter 7

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Aisha and I remade breakfast while everyone else got themselves ready for the day. To be honest though, we spent more time pretending to fight one another with kitchen utensils rather than making food.

The food was eventually prepared and the remainder of the team ate their share of breakfast. Aisha and I settled down by the patio to play with the Phori, who had finally grown comfortable with Aisha.

The remainder of the morning was filled with housework. Truth be told, I was disappointed at the lack of action. I was expecting to get thrown in a dangerous mission, filled with mystery and new enemies—the only enemy I encountered was dust bunnies.

The adventure I craved finally came knocking on our door at noon, quite literally too. Lowe and Echo had come to reveal new information about yesterday's attack. Everyone was called downstairs to meet with them.

"I see that fluffy guy is still hanging around." Echo's eyes locked onto the glass doors as she proceeded to the dining table. On the other side, my new friend was basking under the sun's warmth.

"It's been there all morning," I told her. "Aisha and I have actually played with it earlier."

"I wish I had a fluffy Phoru in my backyard," she cooed, adjusting her backpack strap. "I wonder if it can help you in combat..."

The topic on my Phoru died out as we huddled around the dining table. Echo slid her backpack off and rested it on the tabletop while Lowe delved into their findings.

"We contacted our allies and found out more about the stolen scroll." Lowe began. No one in the group dared to interrupt him.

"After much persuasion, we were given the translations of the scroll." Lowe's eyes rolled onto Echo, who had just pulled her laptop from her bag. "Echo, you can take it from here."

Echo opened her laptop and began typing furiously into her keyboard," I think it's strange that they wanted to hide the translations from us." She said. "I mean, what's there to hide?"

"If it's worth hiding from us then it must be important." Aisha pointed out bluntly.

"Correct," Lowe replied. "Meaning we should do everything in our power to get the scroll back."

"Right..." Echo's fingers finally came to a halt. "So the content on the scroll says the following: A treasure bright as the Northern Star rests in darkness. The sacred jewel of the sky hides within the ground, invisible to Mother Nature's eyes. If found beware of the wind, for it will lead you to death's door."

"Jewel of the sky?" Elsword quoted. "I never knew you could hide treasure in the sky."

"It's a riddle, stupid." Aisha slapped Elsword on the back of the head. "Echo, do you know any more information about this...jewel?"

"Trust me, I searched everywhere for more details." Echo sighed. "Alas, the internet has failed me. The only lead we have is Ara's story about the World Wonders."

"We can't be sure if this jewel is a World Wonder." Chung noted. It made my blood boil to admit he had a valid point.

"Still, the words beware of the wind and death don't give me much reassurance." Echo gestured to her screen. "This thing could be a weapon for all we know."

"And the enemy has the riddle now." Raven added in a whisper.

Someone in the room coughed.

"I think we can all agree this jewel is dangerous." Lowe was the first to speak up. Everyone at the table bobbed their heads. "We can argue about the jewel's identity another time. Right now our goal is to track down the demons, there's no saying what they want with this treasure."

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