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The following day Elsword announced that Lento had approved of our plan. Everyone ate their breakfast in a haste so they could spend as much time packing for the day's long trip. While the rest of my friends were busy thinking of all the possible medicine and potions to bring, in case something went wrong, I focused on trying to figure out the perfect combination. It would be great if I could figure out during the mission then I could learn the ultimate skill sooner. 

Just before leaving we met up with the new Red Knight party, Elsword and Speka introduced them to the teams and their leader introduced us to them. After all the greetings were finally finished we headed out to the temple, this time with more confidence and excitement.

The team tensed as we step foot into the stone corridor, the bodies that were left here yesterday was now absent, but the demons were still lurking in the blanket of darkness. 

"They're here," I told them quietly. 

Speka nodded and silently motioned Elsword to step forward. Elsword smirked and walked down the dark corridor with the Fire Shard held behind his back, his footsteps crunched loudly against the thing layer of gravel underneath. Yang let out a low growl as the demons began emerging from their hiding spots. While they were hidden to the others, Yang and I could easily pick them out from the shadows. 

Without a moment of hesitation Elsword pointed the Fire Shard ahead, a blazing aura pulsated through the dark corridor before a spiral of amber flames burst from him hand. Yang instinctively backed away as the heat raged on, the hungry flames instantly incinerating anything that blocks its way. Through the amber light we watched as our enemies ducked for cover while others cried out at the fire slowly eating away at them. 

I felt my stomach twisting as images of the old burning Ponggo village flashed through my head. While that event had already come and gone I couldn't stop myself from recalling the many lives that were destroyed there, the blistering heat the plagued the village---the way Agatha risked her life to protect her brother. 

I snapped out of my daze as Yang suddenly charged forward with the rest of the team. I took a quick scan of our surroundings and noted the many burning bodies around us, the corridor now reeked of burning flesh but it was also lit up by the many open flames. 

"I'll supervise the team down here!" Speka's voice sounded from behind. "Good luck upstairs and remember to retreat if the fight gets too overwhelming!" 

We bid good bye to Speka and continued to charge at the stairway. Elsword slowed down his pace once we had reached a set of stairs, one of which was leading down while the other led up. 

"Thank goodness we're not exploring the basement," Elsword laughed while examining the steps stretching upwards. "I bet there's ghosts down there."

"G-ghosts?" Aisha gasped---even I felt shivers run down my spine at the mention of ghosts. 

"I'm kidding," he laughed, gesturing us to continue upwards.

 One by one we squeezed up the stairs with our eyes peeled for any signs of ambush. I could barely sit still on Yang's back the further we trudged up the steps. 

 "There's no such thing as ghosts." He glanced back with a toothy grin. 

"Dude, a ghost will come haunt us if you keep saying things like that." Raven piped in, causing Aisha to yelp. 

"I think that would explain the strange shadow I saw in the bathroom the other day," Chung added with a light chuckle. 

"And it would explain why I hear strange noises late at night." I said, trying to hold myself back from laughing.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now