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I retired to bed early as the rest of the team stayed behind to discuss the recent return of Rena---I felt bad for staying and listening to their private conversation. The base was quiet as quiet as can be, many of the knights were resting from today's battle while the least injured patrolled.

Along the the way I couldn't help but wonder what Chung and Rena's relationship was, Rena seemed so much more emotional when she first set eyes on him. It made something at the pit of my stomach stir upon seeing Chung so eager to follow her and care for her. Just as we began growing closer she came in and quite literally ripped us apart.

I wish I could welcome her with open arms and acknowledge that she was on old friend to the team, but the ugly truth was I hated her. I hated how she made me feel so alienated to the people I cared for and I hated how she dragged away one of my closest friends. But if any of them were to hear these thoughts they would hate me too. 

"Remember when you first brought me hiking in the forest?" I perked my head up at Chung's soft voice. 

"I do," Rena's voice answered softly. "I recall laughing when you fell in a hole or when you attempted to climb a tree but nearly broke your arm. You were not as skilled as Raven when it came to outdoor activities." 

I held my breath and crept around the base searching for them. I came to an abrupt stop upon catching a glimpse of the two near the outskirts of the base. I ducked behind a tent and poked my head out to examine them. 

Rena and Chung were standing side by side with their backs toward me, their hands were separated with an inch of space---a sudden wave of emotions hit me square on the head. I swallowed down the lump forming at the back of my throat and dug my nails into the damp soil. 

He chuckled," I miss spending those happy days with you."

"I...bet my former self would miss them too." 

"Rena, you seem different." Chung's hand inched closer to hers but quickly retreated back. "Before you would waste no time to tell us a bad joke, you'd literally laugh at everything, and you were nice to everyone and anyone; regardless of whether they deserved it or not. Now you seem so...blank. Even Eve shows more emotion than you."

"I've noticed," Rena answered. "Everyone has changed. Eve and Raven seem like new parents now, Aisha is less of a tomboy, Elsword no longer plagues us with his inappropriate jokes, and you've grown soft."


"You didn't even kill the demon when you had the chance." She elaborated. 

"Oh, I'm assuming you mean Ara." He ran a hand through his hair. "I'll admit it, I didn't like her at first."

"At first? What made you change your mind?" She asked.

"She cared for my friends and even cared for me---the person who was nothing but a jerk to her." I felt my face warming at his response. "In a way Ara reminded me of you. She accepted the demons that should've been our enemies and put in her best effort during battles--"

"She almost sounds normal." Rena snorted. 

"Rena, what happened to you?" Chung sighed. "You don't seem happy anymore, y-you seem so cold now."

"Chung, let me be honest with you." Rena answered almost instantly. "Ever since I came back I can't feel anything. Sure I can cry but I won't get the feeling of being sad. When I see knights die from the demons I feel the strong urge to kill, but I don't feel despair or anger. Even when I look back on my life I can't remember the feelings I had, just the physical aspects. It's like eating food without any taste---only the texture." 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant