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Aisha and I fell asleep outside, how we didn't catch a cold the next morning is beyond me. We woke up a few minutes before sunrise and decided to prepare for the day. After our usual morning routines we decided to put together some breakfast. Seeing how we'll be leaving right after the other's are up, Aisha decided to prepare some sandwiches, I on the other hand loaded up Yang's saddle with medical supplies, some water bottles, and snacks - I even filled a small bag with some extra clothing.

Everyone was up by the time I finished packing. As planned we headed out the moment everyone was up. The walk through Elder was filled with tension, the citizens of Elder were not too pleased with my ride - I just hope Yang can't understand their rude remarks. I felt relief the moment we stepped into the wilderness, with nothing but trees and animals to come our way.

Fatigue quickly grew on us around noon, Aisha began flying on her staff while the others took turn riding Yang with me. To top it all off, we have just reached a rocky plain, with the hot afternoon sun scorching our heads, dust rising from our footsteps, and the lack of wind to cool us off. The familiar desert climate brings a smile to my face, but due to the fact I've been living away from the desert for so long I am no longer used to its heat and environment.

"I feel like my head is on fire." Elsword wipes his drenched forehead with his arm. "I think we're running out of water."

"I feel like our water is evaporating." Raven takes a large sip from his water bottle. "At this rate we'll die from dehydration."

"If we can only make it to those mountains." I point towards the tall rocky figures forming along the horizon. "I bet there's lot's shade there."

"How are you still standing?!" Aisha gestures to Chung. "I feel sick just by looking at all that armor."

"I'll be fine." He replies. "Just a bit hot, that's it."

"A bit? Your face is beet red and your entire body must be drenched in sweat!" Eve adds on. "Heat is bad for Nasods, never the less a human."

He also stinks of sweat.

'Sadly that's true, Eun.' Just one of the downsides to having heightened senses.

"What if this Phoru faints on us?" Raven's comment nearly makes everyone cringe. "Then we'll have heavy luggage and the scorching heat."

"Don't jinx it!" Elsword punches his arm.

"I think its fine." I pet Yang. "It uses fire to attack so I'm assuming this heat will only give it more strength."

"I wish we could use the El Shard for some wind," Elsword readjusts his backpack. "I'm so tempted to get that thing out of my bag and use it."

"Our job is to protect it, not to use it for our own benefit." Eve grumbles. "Stupid human, if it wasn't scorching hot I would've slapped you."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now