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You guys probably figured out by now, my publishing schedule is leaning more to every third week. As much as I want to update every second week I can't, it takes a long time to write and edit these chapters, and if I only work on this story I won't have time to work on other works. If I have chapters ready by the second week I'll upload them, but chances of that happening are quite low at this point. So please be patient people.

Also thanks to everything that's supported this story so far, it warms my heart to see everyone enjoying it :D

On a side note (this isn't that important but I wanna share it because I can) if you've read "The Great Gastby" tell me; don't you think Gastby and Nick are cute together? *Spoiler*...........................Gatsby is like the emotional "girlfriend" trying to get over their past lover and Nick is the cool and collected "boyfriend" that's always there for him, even if Gatsby can be a bit odd and fake at times (okay all the time). They're like my otp XD


"Welcome home...Your Majesty."

The Nasod slumped down as its legs gave in, the tiny green spores encircling it began to infect the rest of its body, eating away all that is still 'healthy'.

"Get away from it," Eve broke herself free from my arms and fell to her knees," I won't let those spores get you." She wrapped her arms around the Nasod; wincing as she made contact with the spores.

I cursed under my breath as the spores began surrounding Eve," we need to get you two to safety." I said, readying to charge through the flowers. 

"Eve, are you able to walk?" I asked, while searching for the best escape route. 

"These spores are barely inflicting damage on me." She replied---getting up to her feet, with the Nasod still firmly in her arms. 

As if the spores had heard her comment, the red flowers around us began to tremble, readying to release more spores into the room. 

"Stay close behind me," I ordered, as I positioned my spear to our chosen path. 

"Fierce Tiger Strike!" I charge forward, crushing as many flowers as I could along the way. 

"Spit Fire - Flush!" Eve summoned out her servant to take care of the remaining flowers. 

Be careful, Ara. Eun drew my attention to the mass of trembling flowers; some had already released their spores. If those spores build up, your team will not stand a chance. 

"Got it, Eun." I drew out Eun's power before charging further down the path. 

"Flying Kite!" With a burst of speed I jump from plant to plant, quickly piercing each one before moving on to the next. 

A small voice in my head told me to hurry as the path of flowers grew less dense, my heart quickened at our approaching escape. 

Watch out! 

Eun took over and quickly ducked, barely missing the yellow laser flying over our heads. Shivers ran down my spine at my near-death experience, if Eun was one second slower we'd be toast. 

"Ara, are you okay?" Eve asked, coughing as more spores began encircling her---some had already planted themselves on her clothes. 

"We're fine." Eun replied, helping us up---Eve's jaw dropped at the sound of Eun's voice. "Where did that laser  come from?" 

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