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Shout out to everyone who is studying and preparing for finals! I swear I lost brain cells from studying so much XP

The metal floor beneath us clanged with each heavy step we took, it was the only noise to break the suffocating silence. Elsword and Raven haven't spoken a single word to each other. Eun and I decided it would be best if we kept quiet as well. A single word could break the mute alliance between us and him

The hallway seemed to extend itself, trapping us longer in its thick metal walls, as we proceeded further into its narrow path.

 I had the urge to break through the walls just to get away from the tension binding us together---I desperately wanted to have some space to breathe.

The fact that our friends are being held hostage and it's all because of Raven sounds so surreal, like a dream. It feels like I could wake up at any moment now and finally be granted freedom from this terrible nightmare. 

I understand your disbelief, Ara. Eun piped in. However, now is not the time to be wanting escape . You must pull yourself together and face the truth---regardless of how painful it may be. 

That's easier said than done. 

 Do you think you are able to walk now?

'Yeah, I think I'll be fine. Thanks, Eun.'

I stumbled at Eun's abrupt withdrawal. Elsword glanced back at us, but didn't say a single word before turning his head away. I bowed my head and slowed my pace down; no one noticed I was staggering behind. 

I hope we can rescue the others quickly, I thought. After what happened, I could really use a warm bath and some alone time. 

"I-I can see the next room." Raven announced weakly. 

"We should hurry then," Elsword said, hurrying ahead of him. "We wouldn't want to keep our friends waiting." 

I held my breath at his emphasize on 'friend'. 

Raven lowered his head," y-yeah." He mumbled. 

Without another word, we hurried down to the next room. The first thing I noticed when we arrived was our friends, they were all seated in three separate chairs with their hands behind their backs---their backpacks and weapons were pushed against the wall. 

Aisha's face lit up the instant she spotted us," Elsword," she cried, squirming in her seat. 

"Aisha," Elsword rushed to her side, wrapping his arms around her. "Thank goodness you're okay." 

"Took you guys long enough," Chung said, frowning. "Do you know how worried we were? We thought you guys were held somewhere else." 

"I-I'm so glad everyone is safe." Aisha sniffled. "I wouldn't know what to do if something were to..."

"Don't say things like that," Elsword said, as he went behind her. "Let's just set free first, we can talk about this later." 


Looks like they're finally getting along. 

"How did you guys end up down here?" I asked, approaching Chung and Eve. 

Eve bit her lower lip," I-I do not know how we can answer." 

"W-we got ambushed," Chung added, taking a quick glance at Raven. "It honestly doesn't make much sense to me either."

"What doesn't make sense?" I questioned as I began undoing the rope around Chung's hands.

"Well, we were investigating the second floor as ordered," Eve began. "There was not a lot to see, so we had decided to head down and look for your team. On the way down we were attacked."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now