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Team Instinct, Mystic, and Valor eh? Personally I wanna be Team Rocket, then I can capture all the legendary birds and take over the world! MWAHAHAHA! Not even the great Omanyte can stop me now!

"How do you feel now?" One of the doctors asked once I was done drowning down the bitter potion.

The individual medical tents Feita Knights had set up was two times bigger than the one I slept in. Inside was a mat spread on the grass allowing patients to rest, a medical bag pushed to the side, along with extra mats in case the one in use got dirty. 

"Better," I stretched without feeling the piercing pain in my chest. "Thank you."

"The additional effects of the potion will kick in later tonight so don't feel alarmed when you're hit with a sudden wave of fatigue." The doctor explained, placing the empty bottle to the side. "Your chest might hurt a bit later on but its all part of the healing process."

I nodded my head before making my way out of the tent. Once I was out another knight was rushed in by his comrades, his bloodied arm draped over his crimson stained stomach. I pried my attention away from the groaning man and began my way to Allegro's tent----where all my friends were. 

When the mysterious Rena collapsed Elsword instantly called for everyone to return to base. I wanted to ask who the woman was but everyone seemed too worked up to answer, instead I followed them out in silence. Some of the team stayed behind to keep the captured floor secured while others followed us to protect the injured on their way back. 

The instant we came back the knights at the base began setting up medical tents. I was immediately ushered in line for treatment. But just before going into the assigned medical tent, Aisha came and informed me they would be at Allegro's tent, that was where the most sever injuries were being treated---it was where they had put the mysterious Rena. 

I took a short detour back to my tent and found Yang fast asleep with a bandage on its left foreleg---it was treated before me and Chung kindly volunteered to walk it back to my tent. Not wanting to wake it up from its slumber I tiptoed away.

When I arrived to Allegro's tent I  noticed my entire team was seated by the sides of the tent entrance, along with a few other knights---some of the knights were chewing on their nails while others cried over a fallen friend, my team was seemed frozen on the ground. I bowed my head and approached them, they took a quick notice of me and made room for me to sit.

"How are you feeling?" Aisha asked softly.

"I'm good," I answered while taking a seat between Chung and Raven. "How about you guys?"

"We only came out with minor injuries," Raven replied flatly. "Well...everyone but Rena."

"O-oh," I began playing with my fingers. "Umm, so who is this Rena person?"

"Yeah," Amos, who was sitting on Eve's lap, piped in. "You guys seemed so scared when she came here. Is she a friend?"

Aisha burst out in tears. Elsword wrapped an arm around her and allowed her to rest on his shoulder.

"She..." Eve hesitated. "She wa--is a part of the team."

"Why hasn't she showed up till now?" Amos pressed on---I envied his ignorance to the heavy air weighing on our shoulders.

"She's....supposed to be dead." Chung answered bluntly. Amos immediately went silent at his response. "W-we all saw her get buried."

Everyone snapped their heads to the tent entrance at one of the doctors walking out. They immediately pried their attention away once the doctor called out a foreign name, their darkened eyes stirring with disappointment. 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora