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 "And don't stay down here for too long," Elsword added hastily. "I-I don't want to lose anymore lives tonight."  

Without another exchange of words, we split into different paths. I swiftly glided down the heated street, passing by burned bodies of both Nasods and villagers. I strained my ears to pick up on any desperate cries for help, but nothing could be heard from the buildings. 

I searched through my section of the street further, hoping that I would bump into someone that was still alive, but this hope was breaking the further I ran through the village. It was difficult to control my rage when I encountered enemy Nasods. Eun didn't even bother controlling me when I ripped through the Nasods like a blood thirsty animal. 

"Tiger Claw!" I screamed, ripping my claws into an opposing Nasod. It went limp almost instantly and crashed into the ground. 

We should be going. Eun finally spoke up. We've searched for long enough. 

"I won't leave until we find a villager."I growled, wiping my sweat drenched forehead on my sleeve. 

Ara, your hand is scratched up and you are overheating in this environment. You will die if this continues. 

I didn't realize how badly my hand was throbbing until Eun mentioned it. The multiple Tiger Claws was bound to leave my hand damaged. 

"I'm fine, Eun." I insisted. "I've still got to find Yang. Even if there's no villagers down here I won't let Yang die." 

I can't lose anymore friends. 

Fine, but I will take over if you are put in any more danger. 

"Fair enough." 

Ignoring my fatigued and overheating body, I took off into another sprint and continued my blind search through the a blazed village. 

I continued to strain my ears on the surrounding building, hoping I could distinguish a cry for help over the roaring fire. My hopes of finding a villager and my trusted Phoru was quickly dying as time stretched out, the further I searched the more disappointed I grew. 

I didn't know how long I was searching for, but the feverish heat made my time down there feel like an eternity. Every limb felt like it was on fire---I've lost track of how many times I thought my clothes had caught on fire. It was only a matter of time before my body would surrender to the heat or Eun would force us to leave. 

My seemingly fruitless search was soon rewarded when I picked up the faint sound of crying. I nearly screamed in joy at sign of life. I used the last of my energy and rushed toward to crying, praying that they'll be okay by the time I reached them.

I swiftly turned the corner and noticed a group of Ponggos gathered in front of a burning house, most of them appeared to be children with a few adults accompanying them. One of the children turned their head and screamed at my approach, startling the remainder of their friends. 

"Please hurry," one of the Ponggos screamed into the burning house. "There's a monster out here."

I came to a quick stop and hid my fox-like features," I'm an ally." I announced hastily. The younger Ponggos seemed to relax at my identity while the older ones held obvious suspicion of me. 

"Who's still in there?" I asked, pointing to the burning house. 

"My mommy is trapped inside." One of the children replied, crying. "The big fuzzy monster went in to save her."

I could only assume that big fuzzy monster was my trusted partner. 

"We've been waiting out here for quite some time." One of the older Ponggos added. "W-we cannot wait in here any longer. I-I fear this heat will be harmful to the children."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now