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I was going to upload two chapters yesterday containing nothing but "Trololol..." but I decided that would be a mean thing to do, especially if you were really looking forward to the new chapters XD

Hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you so much for reading so far into this story! 

Just as Elsword predicted there were various traps triggered on the way to the core, the traps only consisted of lasers and missiles so we didn't have to worry about fighting midair (which made Aisha and Chung's job significantly easier) . Unfortunately, when we arrived to the core we couldn't find an obvious doorway to enter so we had to resort to breaking ourselves in---looks like stealth was no longer part of the plan. 

The inside of the core was rather plain and disappointing, to say the least. I expected the core to have various Nasods on guard and futuristic gadgets that would activate and attack us for invading. Instead we were greeted with an empty blue hallway, two shielded Nasod guards, and a couple of coloured laser beams guarding the hall. 

Our sudden appearance caught the Nasods off guard, giving us just enough time to attack and quiet them down. Eve wasted no time to extract the memory from the fallen Nasods with her phone-like device.  We stood on guard while Eve gathered as much information as she could on the core. It was suspicious to see the lack of Nasod activity during our watch. You'd think a loud explosion would cause the Nasods to grow distressed or curious. The further I thought about it the more I grew concerned about our safety. Maybe the Nasod King knew we were going to come and set up a a trap for us to wander in to. It wouldn't catch me by surprise if we found out one of the surviving enemy Nasods warned him about our possible invasion.

"I have got it," Eve announced after some time had passed. 

With the El Shard still tightly in hand, I scanned over the surrounding area one last time before turning my attention to Eve. She held up her device proudly, on its small screen showed a detailed layout of the core," the memory extraction was a success. I have got valuable information on the core layout and the guards on duty."

"So what are we up against?" Elsword asked. 

"One thing you must know is that the core is a one way passage. You can think of it as a building made up of one big hallway." She zoomed into the top left corner of the screen. "We are up here"----she gestured to the blue layout----"the Nasod prisoners are held just above us, so the rescue team won't need to travel a long distance. The location where the older models are being scraped is around the same area so you can stop by there right after freeing the prisoners."

"And let me guess," Aisha piped in idly. "The big fancy king is at the bottom of this thing."

"Exactly," Eve double tapped the screen to zoom out. "The King is safely situated at the bottom level of the core." She gestured to the empty space at the bottom of the map. "I would imagine the area is heavily guarded so do expect a couple of battles along the way; this applies to the rescue team as well."

"Is there any particular threat we should be aware of?" Raven asked. 

"There is a couple of things," Eve answered. "Both teams will be encountering laser traps along the way. Whatever you do, do not touch a red or green laser. That will set off an alarm through the entire core. The blue lasers aren't as threatening but they will do damage if touched. In addition, both memories showed vague signs of two elite Nasod guards. I cannot get any additional information about these two guards but I suspect they know of our intrusion."

"Or maybe they slept in today and don't know about our surprise visit," Elsword added jokingly. 

"Elsword, take this seriously," Aisha snapped, slapping him on the arm. "We could die because of these guards."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now