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Don't you hate it when you get sick on a really busy week? Like how can I do a writing assignment when I'm trying to keep myself from using up all the tissues, and how can I study when I be loopy on "non-drowzy" Tylenol? The struggle :'D

Shout out to anyone who goes to work while feeling under the weather, you're the real MVP. ^0^

"Wake up!" I screamed at the top of my lung, switching on the bedroom lights. "Everyone, please wake up!"

Everyone groaned at the sudden light blaring into the room. The guys sleeping on the floor rolled lazily onto their stomachs, while the girls hid themselves under the cover.

"I was in a middle of an awesome dream." Elsword whined, shielding his eyes from the light. "Why did you have to ruin it?"

"I swear I just fell asleep," Aisha groaned from under the blanket.

Ignoring their complaints I make a quick grab for my spear," the village is being attacked by Nasods!" I told them, almost instantly everyone popped up in a sitting position. "They just broke in!" I added.

"What? I thought those metal doors were secure!" Elsword exclaimed, with widened eyes. "How many are there?"

I shake my head," I have no idea." I confessed grimly. "Raven is already out there kicking Nasod butt. If we wait any longer those Nasods will destroy the entire village!"

The team exchange quick glances with one another before getting themselves up. I quickly thank them before running out of the house, along the way I could see Agatha and Amos huddled up in the living room. Agatha has her fists tightened and ready for a Nasod to pop in, while Amos is cuddled tightly in his sister's lap, trembling in fear of being hurt by the Nasods.

I wanted to go reassure the two Ponggos that everything will be fine, and that they can count on us to defend them; but I knew it'd only waste time. The only thing I can do for them now is to fight for their village.

Charging out of the house I hurry towards the raging group of Nasods. Within the group I could see several Ponggos trapped in the centre, each one paralyzed from fear. I quickly glide to the group and launch my attack.

"Moonlight Slash!" I swipe through the backs of several Nasods; this caught the attention of the remaining Nasods.

I quickly launch a second attack before the remaining Nasods could fight back," Flying Kite!" I jump straight to my targets, slashing through each one faster than a blink of an eye.

The trapped Ponggos' smiled widely at my victory," thank you!" A small Ponggo exclaimed; its hands still shaking. "You were so cool!"

"I'm just glad I came here on time," I said; wiping the beads of sweat on my forehead.

Perking my head up I could already see my team mates launching into battle with the enemy Nasods---Yang stood protectively in front of Amos' house, baring its sharp fangs to warn any incoming enemies.

"Everyone, I need you all to listen carefully." I spoke to the Ponggos sternly. "I need everyone to head to that house"---I point to Amos' resident---"the Ancient Phoru will protect you guys from the Nasods!"

Looking back at the Ponggos I could see doubt in their eyes, some of them began backing away," that Phoru is a part of my team." I clarify in a softer tone. "I promise it won't hurt you."

"B-but we're food to that thing." One of the Ponggos spoke up. "We look like prey to it!"

I clench my teeth at their response, it's unbelievable how much they doubt my team---especially at a time like this," if you cherish your lives I would highly suggest going to that house." I said slowly; trying to keep myself calm. "It'll be hard for us to keep track of you all if you're standing out here."

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now