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I bet you guys must "love" my uploading schedule. Well good news for you! This will probably occur more than once! 

In all seriousness, I am sorry for the late update. There isn't any good reason as to why I didn't update. The only reason that I can use to defend myself with is the crazy semester I have. I had a plan to balance out my schoolwork and writing, but that obviously didn't work out too well. 

My new studying schedule should give me more time to write, but I will apologize in advance if the updates are very late again. I'll try my best to write as much as I can. 

Oh and before you read any further I would highly suggest going back and refreshing your memory on what happened. It'll help settle you back into the story. 

Other than that enjoy and thank you so much for tolerating me and my wonderful updates XD


It was unusually peaceful on the trip back to the village, it seemed like all the Nasods have disappeared into thin air. We decided to let our guard down as the one hour mark hit. 

Raven woke up at some point and insisted he could walk by himself. Aisha was clearly upset by his request and insisted someone to help him walk. After much debate Raven gave in and allowed Elsword to help him walk. 

We were nearly back at the village when the sun began to set, filling the island with a hue of amber light. The air cooled around us as the sun inched closer to the horizon, surrendering the sky to the moon and the stars. 

Although we were still walking blindly through enemy territory, I was at peace. The evening breeze cooled the heated tension looming over us. For a moment I forgot about the possible Nasod war, the injuries Raven sustained, and the stolen El Shard. Everything seemed alright. 

"Sorry," Raven whispered softly; almost too softly for us to hear. "I know I've been acting suspicious, and it's my fault--"  

"Don't you dare blame yourself for what happened back there." Aisha cut him off. "It was our fault for distrusting you."

"It was partially your fault for acting so weird." Chung added. 

Aisha raised her hand, threatening to hit Chung. 

"Wow just hear me out," he backed away from her with raised hands. "Yes, it was our fault for distrusting him and hurting him, but he was acting really strange."

"I-I guess," she lowered her hand. "But that still doesn't--"

"Chung's right," Raven interrupted. "I shouldn't have acted so strange."

"Why did you?" I asked. If he was always on our side, why would he behave so strangely around us? 

"It's a long story," he chuckled humorlessly. "You don't wanna hear it." 

"Oh come on, we have the time to listen." Elsword piped in. "Don't think of it as a story, think of it as a chance for us to know you better." 

I wrapped my arms around myself as a cold breeze brushed past us. 

"I would like to listen as well." Eve said, with her eyes locked on the path ahead. "I am curious to know more about the human who shares the same sins as me."

I glanced back at Raven. He had his head bowed down and his arm wrapped around Elsword for support. He took a deep breath in before lifting his head up----his eyes were blood shot.

"You guys know part of my past, but I'll quickly go over it since Ara hasn't heard it yet." He wiped his with his sleeve. "I was once part of the Velder Knights. I had a good life in Velder. My job was getting food to the table every night, I had a roof over my head, and I even had a fiancée--"

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now