Chapter 10

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Everyone left for the assigned tasks that following morning. I was left behind with Echo, she was going to help me communicate and possibly control the demon possessing me. Admittedly, I was shaking at the thought of contacting the unknown demon.

What was I going to say to it? How should I ask for its permission to take control? I kept these questions to myself as Echo proceeded with her plan.

She sat me down in the living room and asked me to meditate. I didn't last five minutes. At first it seemed like a pretty easy task, but that fantasy faded real quick after my legs, arms, and necks began randomly itching.

I barely hit the twenty minute mark as I continuously yawned, sneezed, and squinted my eyes open. Needless to say, Echo was not very pleased with my progress. She eventually gave up once the afternoon hit. We spent the rest of the day playing Elsword's video game. Unsurprisingly, I lost every round I played against Echo.

"Another victory!" Echo pumped her hand into the air. I groaned and dropped my controller on the ground.

"It's just a game," I huffed. "Who cares?"

"What was that? I can't hear you over my amazing victory!" She squealed. " I love video games!"

I left to play with Yang, who was still lingering on our patio, while Echo played with the game by herself. It as almost amusing to hear her rage as she lost nearly every match.

Twilight had take reign of the sky by the time Elsword and the others returned. Echo and I were in the middle of cooking dinner when the team stomped inside, clothes muddy and dripping wet.

"How was your--" I gagged at the putrid stench emitting from the group.

"Sorry, we went sewer hunting." Elsword grinned sheepishly. "We kinda fell in the water."

"Ugh, I need to take a ten hour shower." Aisha dashed up the stairs, I took quick notice of a brown blob clinging onto Aisha's hair. The dinner, that was currently cooking in the kitchen, didn't seem appetizing anymore.

"Sewer hunting?" Echo emerged from behind me. "Lowe never said anything about going down there."

"Aisha and I found some interesting information at the library, thus we decided to do some exploring." Eve explained, seemingly unaffected by the brown stains on her dress. "We met up with the others and exchanged information with them."

"We decided to go exploring as a group," Elsword continued. "But as we were exploring, demons ambushed us."

"I think I accidentally swallowed some of the water when they pushed us down," Raven was looking unusually pale.

"Gross," Echo shivered. "I can't help you if you accidentally swallowed dirty toilet water, but I can do something about your clothes. I have the perfect potion to wash away all that...waste."

"I am forever in your debt, Echo." Eve replied with the smallest of smiles.

"Let me run home and get the potion," Echo said, gingerly treading around the group, making sure to avoid touching them. "While I'm at it, I'll get Lowe to come over. He's gonna want to hear about this."


Lowe burst into laughter upon arriving. It was almost impossible to not laugh along with him as he was nearly out of breath from laughing, The team wasn't too happy with his response.

It took forever for everyone to finish cleaning up. I guess I can't blame them, considering how gross the sewer water may be—and how long Aisha's shower was.

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang