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I'm probably gonna get killed for saying this but...Team Instinct's leader looks pretty cool. Haha glad I chose to side with them. 

Oh and next chapter may not be up today. If it's not expect it to come out tomorrow evening. 

I left the twins' tent despite Aisha and Speka's protests, both sisters insisted I sleep with them for the night. While the idea of spending the remainder of the night with my friends was nice, I didn't want to bother them, plus I didn't have a "bed" to sleep on.

I lied about returning to my tent to catch some extra shut eye before taking off into the darkness of the early morning---I didn't want to return to the prison of my past. Seeing how the Chung and Rena were occupying the only peaceful spot I could think of in Feita, I made my way up to the graveyard. Spending my night with gravestones wasn't the best way to make time fly but it was quiet; quiet and peaceful. 

I crept into the misty hill with hands wrapped tightly around my trembling body. I didn't bother taking my spear or the blue pendant before leaving, as Eun was probably enough to fight off any lurking enemies and I could withstand the cold anyways. Shivers ran down my spine at the unease I felt walking in. I wasn't sure if it was the lingering fear I still held from the nightmares or from the paranoia I felt from walking into a graveyard in the dark. I found myself glancing back every few seconds, half-expecting to find a dead corpse standing a few meters behind me. 

"There's nothing there," I whispered to myself just as I finished checking over my for the twelve time. "I-if there is I can fight it. U-unless that creep with without limbs show up."

"That does sound creepy."

I let out the biggest scream I could and spun myself around---a dark figure stood a good distance behind me, their identity veiled by the violet fog. I growled at the dark figure and lifted my clammy fists up. 

"Wow, no need to get violent." The figure escaped from the protective cover of the fog and pulled back on their hood, rebellious strands of scarlet red hair poked out from her head. "I didn't think you'd get that scared." She giggled.

"S-Scarlet," I relaxed my clammy hands and sighed. "Don't randomly pop up on me like that." I laughed despite the drumming of my heart. 

She smiled sheepishly," sorry, I couldn't help myself. The set up was just too good to not scare you." She held out her arms and pouted. "Can you at least give me a hug?" 

I rolled my eyes but accepted her hug anyways. Her arms wrapped tightly around me, forcing some air out of my lungs. I hugged her back but not with the same force. 

"Is everything okay, Ara?" Scarlet asked once we pulled away, her red eyes locking onto mine. "You looked like you just cried." 

"Y-yeah," I pried my gaze away from her. "It's just not my day today." 

It's never really my day unless I can find Aren safe and sound. 

"May I ask what's wrong?" She gently placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand if it's too personal, but I'm here to listen."

I felt the familiar burning return to my eyes," I cried because I told some other friends about my past and..." I paused. "Well, it's nothing."

"Nothing?!" Scarlet cupped my cheek and forced me to look at her. "Ara, no matter how big or small the problem is, it should never be treated as nothing." 

"It's really something stupid though," I chuckled dryly, backing away from her hand. 

"No it isn't," she persisted. "I promise I won't laugh...unless it's something really embarrassing like walking into the wrong washroom." 

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