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Hello, reader, I hope you're enjoying Yin Yang so far :D I wanted to let everyone know that chapters will be coming slower from now on. School is starting soon and that means I won't have as much time to write anymore, so expect chapters to come every SECOND week. 

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Let me make it up to you with a virtual cookie.   

*gives you cookie of virtualness*

"Oh sweet land!" Elsword fell on his knees the instant we hit land. "I'll never take you for granted again!" 

"I have never been so happy to sit down." Raven was the next to collapse. He laid on the ground sighing in relief. 

I place the Shard back into its pouch, I gave myself a pat on the back for the successful trip," I'm glad we all made it back in one piece." I muttered. 

I jumped up screaming the instant a fist came colliding into my back, my legs nearly caved in at the sudden impact. Snapping my head back I glare at Chung," what was that for?" I stammered; placing my hand on my beating heart. 

"Look at you! You're more shaken up than half of us!" Chung points out with a raised voice. "I bet you were unsure of that plan of yours."

His made my made all eyes turn to me, I bowed my head to hide from the quizzical stares.  

"I wasn't unsure"--I lift my head to meet his eyes--"I was just a bit sleepy from last night." I lied praying he won't pry any further. 

"That sound believable." He said with sarcasm. 

"Don't be so harsh on her," Aisha piped in. "I bet you would be doubtful if you were in her shoes." 

"Whatever," Chung crossed his arms tightly together. "I guess she did a pretty good job. After all, no one died during the trip here." 

"W-well I probably wouldn't have done it if you hadn't given me the support." I whispered in  tone only Chung could hear; he tensed in response.  "I-I was glad to hear someone trusted me."

"The altitude made my head loopy." Chung defended, with a bruising punch to the shoulder. "Don't take that personally, freak." 

I grind my teeth together at his response. My hands instinctively formed themselves into fists, readying to launch at Chung. 

"Please break this nonsense up." Eve popped in between us. "You two can resume this bickering later tonight"--she pushed us apart like the Red Sea--"right now we need to explore the island." 

Eve glanced between Chung and I sternly. I could see her hand twitch, preparing to smack us across the face if we object.

"Fine," Chung muttered through clenched teeth. 

"Good--"Eve wrapped an arm around me--"let us get going." 

I didn't get a chance to say another word before Eve pushed me away from Chung. I took a quick glance back and stuck my tongue out at him; he scrunched his face up in response.  

 We began walking further into the island without another word or thought. The further we went the more disappointed I grew. 

When I heard Altera was the home to Nasods I was expecting to see cities filled with flying cars, hovering buildings, and robotic citizens. Instead the island is covered in fields of dry grass, with a few trees sprouting from the green carpet, and mountains sitting in the horizon; waiting for the sun to set in its rocky terrain. 

My interest in the island didn't return until rusted metal parts started appearing. At first there were only bolts and gears laying around; due to the grass they were a bit of a tripping hazard, but soon we began stumbling across rusted Nasod arms, Nasod heads, and even pieces of old buildings. 

Elsword: Yin Yang (Under Major Revision)Where stories live. Discover now