Plasmatropolis [OLD]

By sapphirezekat

12.1K 460 381

A Songs of War and Worlds Apart Fanfiction This was a collaboration @PoseidonHeirYT, Kai, @WinterArtz and I (... More

Terrorist's Escape
Help from the Outerlands
Out of the Frying Pan, into the Fire
Unexpected Enemies
New Allies, New Enemies
Cold Heart, Warm Heart
Honour and Glory
Battle after Battle
Comedy and Tragedy
Discussion, Recruits
Sworn Oaths
Friends and Foes
No Quitter
Endless Conflict
Half Empty, Half Full
One Day
Repercussions (Epilogue)

Breaking News

652 19 13
By sapphirezekat

Ingressus and Achillean were seated on their couch at home, watching the news. Standard weather reports, and then, suddenly, breaking news came on. A reporter began talking, and an image of a lifeless Ardoni corpse was shown, dressed in a military style, blurred to avoid graphic detail.

"Breaking news! The master of the Sendaris gang was shot and killed last night. Osivian Sendaris, a member of the gang, was accused of having committed the act and is being locked up by the gang. City authorities have demanded Osivian be released and given a proper trial, and searches for a lawyer have begun. The new master of the gang was chosen this morning by its members. The gang is now led by Thalleous Sendaris, a well known and well liked member."

"What in the Nether? This is unthinkable!" Achillean remarked, shocked. "Ingressus, why would someone do this?"

"Not sure, maybe that Obsidian guy or whatever his name was just really wanted power."

"I've got a bad feeling about this, Ingressy... Something isn't right." Achillean curled up close to him, fear threaded through his voice.

"It's fine, Achi, these things have happened before."

"Not like this... There's something about Osivian, he doesn't look guilty, just angry. And there's something off about Thalleous too, like he's hiding something..."

"This just in - a message was just send to our network from Black Plasma Studios, and it contains their thoughts on the murder." The reporter continued. A recording was shown outside the BPS headquarters at sunrise, where the leader, David R.B, was facing the camera.

"We received word that the Sendaris master was murdered." David said. "We're disturbed by this tragedy, but we have to agree with city authorities. The suspected murderer has to be proven guilty. We will investigate the situation ourselves. Anyone who thinks they could help us is welcome to participate."

"Ingressus, I have an idea." Achillean told him. "There's rumours that Thalleous is dating Tygren, you know Tygren, right?"

"You heard, then?"

"Ok, so my point is... you might know a bit about Thalleous through him." Achillean told him. "Because of this, we can help the Studio investigate. I'm telling you, something is up. We gotta get to the bottom of this! ...What do you think?"

"Huh... I do think that this may be a cause for investigation, but are you sure you want to get into something like this? Our standing among the members of the city and Studio isn't great-"

"Then I'll find a way to get in touch!"

"I'm sure you will." Ingressus let out an exhausted sigh, "But assassinations happen all the time, Achi."

"You exaggerate, the last leader who was killed by one of his own clan was that Kaltaris guy. And for good reason. This one seems different, and for that reason I'm going to find out more and report it to authorities."

"Fine, I'll come along."

Privately, Ingressus had no such concerns, though he was worried about Achillean's wellbeing. But Achillean seemed excited about his idea. Ingressus couldn't refuse a cute look like his boyfriend's.

"Hey, this'll go just fine, I promise." Achillean said. He leaned toward Ingressus, and kissed him softly. "We'll solve this mystery - you and I!"


Ingressus and Achillean were walking through the streets, trying their best to avoid recognition until they found their target.

"So, you see, Ingressus, the members of the Studio are usually hard to reach. They have a lot of things to do every day. We certainly can't go up to their houses and just bother them with it. I mean, sure, David asked for help, but I'm sure the help has to be from someone with experience."

"Does this mean we won't be allowed to help them?"

"Not necessarily. There is one member of the Studio who can help us."

They approached a young man with deep blue pants pulled high over his waist and a pleasant expression. He was speaking with what appeared to be an overexcited teenage girl, who was chattering enthusiastically.

"Hi, Derp, how are you?"

The man spun around, seeming delighted by the appearance of new people to talk to. The girl's eyes widened with fear as she recognised the Ardoni and quickly jogged away. He gave them a thumbs up, not seeming to notice the girl's absence. They came up to him, and Achillean pulled out a sheet of paper, handing it to him. He held the page, his eyes growing worried as he read the words on the parchment. Derp nodded, clutching the paper, heading toward the Black Plasma Studios' residence, beckoning for them to accompany him. The Voltaris and Nestoris followed close behind.

When they arrived at the home, they found it to be filled up with dozens upon dozens of visitors. The patrons of Black Plasma, people who donated money to them. As they approached, many stopped what they were doing and turned to the three of them. Some gave suspicious looks, but Derp stepped in front of them and waved his hands around to signal that it was alright.

A few moments later, six people emerged from the house and made their way over to the trio. They were the main members of the Studio itself, consisting of David R.B, Samuel Kyber, LittleThomasKid, Skyfall, Knight, and Omeleto.

"Ingressus Voltaris, and Achillean Nestoris. What are you doing here on our property?" David asked, sternly. His blue eyes peered into Derp's suspiciously.

"And Derp, what are your reasons for accompanying them?"

He waved his arms about in a dizzying fashion, then handed over the sheet of paper. Even though the Ardoni didn't understand the meaning of his actions, David must have, as his face was masked by a blank expression as he scrutinized the page.

"Ingressus... You're saying that Thalleous Sendaris is a murderer, and a liar?"

"No, these are only guesses, though I will be gathering more intel about that possibility."

"All we're saying is that the situation is very odd to us." Achillean interjected, "It just doesn't seem quite right, for someone as loyal as Osivian to suddenly turn on his leader."

Omeleto stepped forward and threateningly held a lamp toward them. "Do you have any sort of reason for believing Thalleous is a fraud?"

Derp looked horrified by the lamp, but nobody else flinched, and Omeleto put it back. "Okay, that would've been more intimidating if it was nighttime. My question still stands."

"Doesn't it seem odd, that as the police said, that Osivian was found partly unconscious just moments after the assassination? He was said to have been rolled up on the ground, and no one can shoot a gun accurately when in pain."

"Thalleous claims he managed to catch Osivian right after the master was shot, and harmed him to hold him off before the others could apprehend him." David pointed out. "We don't know if what Thalleous says is reliable, but that sort of explanation does make sense, and it could invalidate your suspicion, too."

Ingressus facepalmed in annoyance.

"Have you heard of the rumors, that Thalleous is dating a Voltaris?"

The team appeared to be slightly confused by his claim.

"I think so." David nodded. "And... What does that mean? I don't get what you're trying to prove."

"I know the Voltaris, on a first name basis, and the information I've been gathering is what I've heard from his own accounts. He doesn't enjoy recounting, and his evidence might be tainted to help hide Thalleous' true intentions, though that's what we've guessed from what he's told us and what we've tried to discount."

"That's why we came here. We want to help you investigate." Achillean added.

"Do you have any experience in investigation?" David asked.

"No, but we know more things about either Thalleous or his lover than you probably do."

"Oh for the Enderknight's sake David, let's just accept their help." Sam told him, as he casually sipped a cup of tea with the BPS logo on it. "You're the one who said anyone who knows anything should assist."

"Right, yes. You can help. We're going to go over to the crime scene and investigate not long from now." David told Ingressus and Achillean. "Make sure you're ready for that. Are you used to seeing dead bodies?"

"Is that a question you thought out? Of course we are."

"Unfortunately, I am too. Any veteran of the Droug invasion like myself is. Anyhow... let's hope you know what you're doing." David told Ingressus. He outstretched his hand, waiting for Ingressus to shake it.

He took his hand with surprising force, and they shook.

"Get ready. We'll leave in 20 minutes." 

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