The Story of a Reaper [COMPLE...

By tRaSh_4U

163K 7.1K 8.5K

When made by his father, the god of death, he didn't know his purpose. All he could do was kill things on acc... More

The Story of a Reaper- Birth
The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love
The Story of a Reaper- You Killed Him!
The Story of the Reaper- A Friend or a Murderer
The Story of a Reaper- An Ally
The Story of a Reaper- Renovations and Training
The Story of a Reaper- The News
The Story of a Reaper- I'll find you instead
The Story of a Reaper- Found You!
The Story of a Reaper- The Information we needed
The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!
The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye
The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- I Killed them...
The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!
The Story of a Reaper- My new Quest!
The Story of a Reaper- Pup
The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time
The Story of a Reaper- Mating Season
The Story of a Reaper- The Cliff
The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!
The Story of a Reaper- I love you pup...
The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter
The Story of a Reaper- Guest
The Story of a Reaper- His past in a Story
The Story of a Reaper- I warned you...
The Story of a Reaper- An Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- Snow and the Flames
The Story of a Reaper- Time to leave
The Story of a Reaper- The Planning of Reapertale
The Story of a Reaper- Goodbye Dad, Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- Spring Forest
The Story of a Reaper- Death and Life at each other Doorstep
The Story of a Reaper- Baby birds
The Story of a Reaper- The Dead Leaf on a Blooming Lilly
The Story of a Reaper- Tweet and Chirps
The Story of a Reaper- Killing Patrol
The Story of a Reaper- How'z Tori doin'?...
The Story of a Reaper- You Felt that...Right?
The Story of a Reaper- I know How to find Life
The Story of a Reaper- The Mirror of Truth
The Story of a Reaper- The Black Vortex
The Story of a Reaper- How the Demon came to be
The Story of a Reaper- Undyne Search is to an End
The Story of a Reaper- Life is found
The Story of a Reaper- The Queen Returns and the Barrier Breaks
The Story of a Reaper- No one can escape death!
The Story of a Reaper- My New Teammates
The Story of a Reaper- My First Mission
The Story of a Reaper- Multiversal Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- The Talks about Me
The Story of a Reaper- The Murderous Plan
The Story of a Reaper- A Test Dummy
The Story of a Reaper- Operation Star Skeletons
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane, with a New Beginning
The Story of a Reaper- Hello there
The Story of a Reaper- About You
The Story of a Reaper- Join us!
The Story of a Reaper- A Fun Time, with a little Worry
The Story of a Reaper- For me?
The Story of a Reaper- I Need to Quit
The Story of a Reaper- We're all Misunderstood...
The Story of a Reaper- Interrogation
The Story of a Reaper- Looking in a Maze
The Story of a Reaper- SLUT!
The Story of a Reaper- A Struggle in Rope
The Story of a Reaper- The Deathly Problem
The Story of a Reaper- Saving the Murderers
The Story of a Reaper- I will start war...
The Story of a Reaper- The Differences Between Good and Bad
The Story of a Reaper- Sinful Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- In the Months
The Story of a Reaper- War...
The Story of a Reaper- Guilt
The Story of a Reaper- Day one
The Story of a Reaper- Day two
The Story of a Reaper- Day three
The Story of a Reaper- Day four
The Story of a Reaper- Day five
The Story of a Reaper- Back Home
The Story of a Reaper- "THAT" Day...
The Story of a Reaper- Babies
The Story of a Reaper- Family Fun
The Story of a Reaper- Tense...
The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?
The Story of a Reaper- Wanna Do Something Stupid?
The Story of a Reaper- Sick in Love
The Story of a Reaper- Far too Lonely to Love
The Story of a Reaper- An Apology Date
The Story of a Reaper- Happy Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- With Creation, always comes Destruction
The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!
The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit
The Story of a Reaper- Horrortale Vs. The Mysterious Skeleton
The Story of a Reaper- An Empty Glass of a Drink
The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error
The Story of a Reaper- 100
The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!
The Story of a Reaper- Let's See How You Like Being Alone
The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink
The Story of a Reaper- You've Really Changed
The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...
The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This
The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?
The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All
The Story of a Reaper- Heated Jealousy
The Story of a Reaper- The Sons of Negativity and Positivity Meet
The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane
The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire
The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family
The Story of a Reaper - Family
The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On
The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall
The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait
The Story of a Reaper - Confrontation, Stress, and Toast
The Story of a Reaper - Sleep Peacefully, For the Night Runs Dry to Dawn
The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper

1K 38 180
By tRaSh_4U

Nightmare and his team were underground in Reapertale, Reaper's home. Everything was empty, and the snow in snowdin was mostly melted. The ground was wet and it felt like a dark cave there. There was barely any light, it was dim.

"So this is where Reaper grew up..huh..." Nightmare said, looking around. It wasn't too different from any Snowdin, but all Snowdins have different feelings and small changes to it. The feeling in the air felt deathly, quiet, and just...dead.

The group walked over to Reaper's house and opened the door. Even the inside of Reaper house was...cold-

Nightmare turned on the lights as the others looked around. It was empty, no couch, TV, nothing. Again, they had moved to the surface, so it's not a surprise. "Welp! Guess we'll just chill here till we can get back then-" Horror said, he sat down where the couch would be with Lust by his side.

"Can you let me go now?" Lust asked Horror, "Right!" Horror said, taking a key out of his pocket and letting Lust's wrist go, as Lust rubbed them.

"Maybe we should explore, maybe find something of Reaper!" Killer suggested, "Mmhh, Nah, you guys go ahead if you want, I'm fitted to taking a nap," Horror yawned before laying down, "I'll stay with Horror," Lust told them, "Alright! Your lost!" Killer said.

The rest left the house as Lust and Horror took a nap at Reaper house. They all walked to Waterfall. Waterfall wasn't too different either, except for the fact that there wasn't too much water in the rivers. There was barely any water flow.

Finally, they got to the echo flowers in Waterfall and listened to the conversations they gave off.

They were...weird






The last part sounded like Reaper, to be honest. They kept walking and got past the screaming.

There walked to a waterfall that barely streamed water, it had a few old conversations.

"Hey Paps!" a young girl said


"When I grow up, I'm gonna be captain of the royal guard! And your gonna join with me, and you'll be the SECOND captain of the royal guard!" the girl said, which sounded like Undyne

The young boy, who sounded like Papyrus gasped, "REALLY?!"

"Really! It's gonna be so awesome! We're gonna train! And fight! All a whole bunch of stuff! My dad Gerson said, I'm gonna be the Goddess of War! What did your dad tell you!" Young Undyne said

"He said that I'm gonna be the God of a Peaceful Death, whatever that means!"

"Uh-...You don't need to worry about it just yet, just know your gonna be SUPERRRR POWERFUL!" Undyne said. She sounded a bit worried but played it off

"COOL! I wonder if my lazy brother is gonna be like that too!"

"Guysss!!" Another voice yelled

"Speaking of him!" Undyne said

The sounds of them getting up was heard before the echo flowers started the whole process again.

"Wow...did we just find a very old conversation?" Killer said with a brow raised and a smirk, "That's could someone so threaten and sadistic have such a nice childhood?..." Nightmare questioned, "It should have gotten worst as they grew, they were just kids after all," Cross reasoned.

"Maybe," Nightmare said, "Anyways! Let's keep going!" Killer said as they walked off. Dust stayed where he was, watching them walk off without noticing. He looked around as they left and opened a portal to Dusttale and went back home.

As Killer lead the group, he found another old conversation nearby.


"Yes, Gaster?"

"I want to let you know, when your older...maybe about 18 or will have to live up to your role know that right?"

"...I know...Gaster..."

"...-" Gaster seemed to have sighed.

Reaper sounded about in his teens, maybe 14-16

"You seem to not want to do such a thin-"

"When it comes to people losing there lives, of course, I don't want them too...everyone is afraid of death...I'M afraid of myself and what I can do...I hold back a lot, just because I have too much power in my hands...I never asked to be-..." Reaper stayed quiet.

"Did we just find his dilemma as a kid?" Killer whispered to the two as the scoffed and continued to listen

"...I know you never asked to have your power....none of us asked to have our role as gods...but we must use them for the greater good-"

"If we're gods why can't we just leave the underground?-"

"It's not that simple, Reaper-"

"Yes it is...we can teleport us ALL out of here, we have the ability to!"

"We may have the ability to, but we're not going to because the humans need time,"

"Time to do what?! Live!?" Reaper exclaimed.

"...Whatever," Reaper scoffed before getting up and stomping away

"...He can't hide from this forever..." Gaster said before it all restarted again

"Such angst-" Killer said.

Nightmare and Cross rolled their eyes before going away on there own, leaving Killer and Error, as the two wandered off.

Nightmare and Cross soon found a secret spot away from the echo flowers. It was behind a wall and near the edge of a river. There stood an old bench, and an old tape recorder under it.

"Ooo~ Look at this!" Cross said, walking over to it, sitting down, Nightmare following along, sitting next to Cross. Cross bent down and picked up the tape recorder, "Here, how about we listen to it?" Cross said, handing it to Nightmare.

Nightmare hummed as Cross played a little with Incubux as they both listened to the tape.

"Hey, bro look what I found!" Reaper said, "Woah! So cool!" Papyrus said in amazement, "I know right! I found it in the garbage dump! I showed it to dad and he told me it records sounds and voices, it's recording us right now actually!" Reaper explained

"Really! Hello, recorder!" Papyrus said as Reaper giggled, "What do the buttons do?"


The recording ended and another one started.

"Hello, recorder! I'm not sure what to say actually...mhhh...maybe I should update you on what's happening!" Reaper said, he sounded much older

"I know we haven't talked in a while, only because I've been so busy raising Papyrus all by myself really, not like it's any big deal, I've dealt with worst, like almost getting killed and killing other things none the less!" Reaper said

"Uhm...I met some girl named Undyne! Said she's supposed to be the future Goddess of War! She told me she learned by her dad Gerson, but I wonder who her mom is...I wonder what my mom Love looks like, it's a bit weird thinking about her...concitering what Death looks like, probably gothic or something like that! Anyways-"

Many questions ran through both of there heads who are the people Reaper is talking about? Now that they think about it...Reaper's past is so unknown to them...

"School has been nice...for me at least, I'm the top of my class actually, mostly because I'm great at math, but I have Bird to thank really!...actually, it's been a while since I've seen him, and right now, I feel bad for just leaving all of a sudden, I hope Frisk didn't tell them that I left them on purpose, and I hope they gave up looking for me, considering that I might never see them again," Reaper said his voice was thoughtful yet pitiful

"I also feel a bit bad for killing Alphys...she was sweet and all, but I warned her...and her was so...hehe, I should think about such things, it was her fault for going after me, even though I was a kid, it was rather stupid of her to go out in the cold just for a random stranger like me! But then again...I was a child, and she is an adult..." Reaper said softly

"I don't get why adults think they have to take care of kids, we can fend for ourselves! I was fine by myself! And sure I had a little help on the way, but I still was fine by myself, I don't have to eat, and with one touch you die! So what's the point of taking care of kids?!" Reaper exclaimed

"...Well...I guess not everyone has the same power as me, so they might be a bit weaker, but they can still adapt with there powers! It's a bit frustrating!" Reaper said with a grunt

"...Recently I asked Gaster why we're underground...I know it's just how this story goes and all, but I really...all he told me was new, he said that the humans were afraid, they beg, pleaded and actually FOUGHT us to go away...we listened to please them, which to me sounds stupid! We're gods, why'd would we do such a thing?!" Reaper yelled

"I got a bit angry at Gaster for such a dumb story, but he told me when I'm older I'll understand...I don't get it! I'll still have the same mindset when I'm older! Age doesn't even matter or count for me! I'm pretty much ageless!" Reaper said. He sounded more knowing than the people he was strange in a way

"Anyways, what else is new...Queen Toriel has disappeared and guards are searching for her- Now that I think about it, I should be quieter before the guards find me over here, Gaster says I'm not supposed to go off alone, but I snuck off just to see you, my old friend!" Reaper said with a hum

"Paps has been doing just fine as well! Still wants me to read Fluffy Bird every night even with the lack of vocabulary...although I still love Fluffy Bird myself!" Reaper said with a bright tone

"Anyways, I think that's about it! I'll try and talk to you more often, that is if I'm not exhausted from Paps needing constant attention, but he still is a baby, so I understand...anyway, I gotta go before Gaster know I'm gone, he's probably gonna be angry if he does realize me away from home, bye!" Reaper said as the recording stopped

They continued to listen to the young Reaper as he grew

They heard of Death, Love, Life, Gaster, Papyrus, Undyne...almost everyone in the underground, even JERRY!

There were so many questions that led to more questions, it was all so confusing. They'd probably have to ask Reaper when he returns to help them...

"Night..." Cross said, Nightmare looked over with a hum, " think we made the right choice?" Cross asked a bit quietly, "What do you mean?" Nightmare asked, "With Incubux...with us?" Cross asked, " love me, and I love you, what is so wrong with that?" Nightmare asked, a bit nervous

"...Nothing, I just-...I wanted to make sure if being with you was right than...keeping my emotions in-" Cross said.

Nightmare scooted closer to Cross, "Explain..." Nightmare said, but more asked Cross, "When...when we were at the blossom trees, I just...wanted to tell you how I feel and hope for the best, not even thinking about how you might feel between me...I'm jealous when I see or hear you flirt with others, especially Hate- the bastard! I just...I want you to myself, but I never considered your feelings," Cross said

Nightmare placed a hand on his hands, "My feelings don't matter, it's my job to make you happy, to make all of our friends's a bit off of me to say it like that, considering all the selfish things I do- but I mean it when I tell you, all of our friends...Your happiness is the most important...without you guys I wouldn't be a leader, I wouldn't be...'Nightmare' I suppose," Nightmare explained

Cross sighed before leaning his head on Nightmare shoulder, "Well...I guess your right..." Cross said. Nightmare hummed and leaned his own head against Cross. So many thoughts were going around in Nightmare head, unlike Cross which was relaxed and clear

He couldn't stop thinking about he felt and what he wanted

He wanted the others to be happy, if this is what Cross wanted, it would make him happy that Cross is happy right?

This is happiness, right? The attention he wanted? Needed?

Making Incubux is something Cross and Nightmare wanted right?

Is he...happy?

In the AU of Dusttale, a few moments before Nightmare and Cross, Dust had tensed up his fist in anger and entered his house to see Blue on the couch, angry himself. Blue stood up roughly and looked at Dust.

They both noticed there angry and soon there angry had disappeared seeing as how both were upset, "What happened??" Dust asked, "What- What do you mean, what happened? What happened with you?" Blue asked in concern. The both of them walked over to each other and were quiet, not sure how to start the conversation



Soon, an idea popped up in Dust's head, "Let's fight! Magic can be used if you want! We can tell each other that way!" Dust said. Blue thought about it and nodded as they both walked outside.

They were a safe distance away with each other. "You can start if you want-" Dust started before getting interrupted by Blue charing at Dust, as Dust quickly blocked Blue punch that was much intense than he expected

"I HATE INK!!" Blue yelled once in contact with Dust. Dust summoned and long bone and tripped Blue, "You randomly attack us!"

Blue kicked himself up and swung a kick at Dust which was blocked by his arm, "I didn't want to attack you!" Blue yelled back

"Blackberry is so CREEPY!" Dust said, throwing a punch at Blue before getting blocked by Blue hand, Blue then threw Dust to the ground as Dust let go of his long bone as it disbursed

"This is all Dream fault! He so dumb and knows the wrong he is doing!" Blue yelled

Dust grabbed onto Blue leg and pulled him down with a big thud. "I hate Dream and Ink because you hate them!" Dust admitted, "I know! They're so stupid!" Blue said, kicking Dust in the face as he rolled a bit in the snow from the impact as Blue got up.

Dust got up as well, with two sharp bones in his hands, Blue also summoned two sharp bones in his hand. Dust charged at Blue, "I hate Nightmare and Cross parenting skills!" Dust yelled as he started to try and hit Blue with his bones, Blue blocked the bones with his own, "I hate much Ink sexual talks!" Blue yelled before pushed Dust back.

Dust fumbled a bit before getting his balance. Blue drop one bone and summoned a gaster blaster, Dust also summoned his own gaster blaster, "Almost everyone annoys me except you Blue!" Dust yelled, "Ink is SO insensitive!" Blue yelled as they both shot there gaster blaster as their power pushed to destroy the other gaster blaster

"Dream and Ink make me SICK!" Blue yelled, "Nightmare and Cross make me SICK!" Dust yelled, "Error has kids?!" Dust yelled, "Ink and Dream don't know how to take care of kids!" Blue yelled, "Horror and Lust are TOO close!" Dust yelled, "I want to beat the living HELL out of Ink and Dream!" Blue yelled

"I hate being attacked all the time!" Dust yelled, "I want to curse at them so badly!" Blue yelled

"I want to strangle someone!"

"I want to get rid of Dream!"

"I want to go back to my room!"

"I want things to go back to normal!"

"I...w-want to relax...with y-you," Dust said, getting tired

"I...want to have time with y-you..." Blue said, also getting tired

They soon stopped using their gaster blaster. Both worn out from not saving their energy.

Dust fell on his knees as Blue walked over to Dust, sitting on the snow with him, breathing heavily

"...You...really mean...that?" Dust asked, clearly tired, "I..r-really do..." Blue said. Dust laid int he snow, along with Blue. They put snow on there faces to cool off from being hot, and the overuse of magic.

"...Gosh...I didn't know you wanted to curse," Dust chuckled, "As much as I want to, I won't! It's rude and vulgar of me to do so, what would everyone think of my innocents?" Blue huffed, "I know curse words, you know what sex is...I don't think your so innocent Blue," Dust said

"I-I mean...we all learn at some point...i-it's natural and informative, as disgusting and descriptive as it is- ANYWAYS That's not my point, Ink just randomly talks about it! It has nothing to do with whatever topic we talk about!" Blue ranted

"Hehe, I'm just pissed I had to leave home...this place is empty and is only fun when your around...that's why I like it at NM place...also, Blackberry is creepy, I mean..crap! I almost pissed my pants every time he got close to finding me! It was like a horror game but in real life-" Dust explained as Blue laughed, "Mweh heh heh! Blackberry can be like that sometimes yes, but he is usually serious, so it is normal for such a serious person to have a very scary aura!" Blue said

"Hehe, well, I guess we got the steam out of us," Dust said, "I guess so- By the way, where did Reaper take you- ACTUALLY nevermind, I shouldn't know, it wasn't fair since I never warned you in the first place which was...sort of dumb of me now that I think about it-"

"'s fine, it is fair that you didn't tell me, we should of been prepared anyways, with how we...basically destroyed your base and all-"

"No! You guys were just trying to get your friends back! It's fine! It was wrong of us to kidnap them and to try to- I don't know, enslave you! The others were ACTUALLY thinking of doing such a thing!" Blue said

"Really? Well- It's our fault, we should of left Reaper alone- I should of told the others Reaper left-" Dust said

"N-...Reaper left you guys on purpose?" Blue asked, "Yeah...he said that someone, who I'm assuming is Geno told him to quit, I think he wanted Geno to be happy," Dust said

Blue smiled at that, "Speaking of which, you never told me much about Geno, only that he was new and stuff-" Dust said

"He's...Reaper loves Geno," Blue said

"Wha- Really?!" Dust said, happy for his buddy, "Yup, no wonder...he listened and obeyed us, just to make Geno happy" Blue said

"Well...that's certainly a gentleman right there!" Dust said as Blue giggled, "You're a gentleman!" Blue told Dust, gently punching him, Dust chuckled.

" were going easy on me, weren't you?" Dust asked with a smirk, "I was...but I still used all my energy, and I'm not using my full power on you!" Blue said crossing his arms

Dust chuckled, knowing that Blue is way stronger than he thinks. Dust sat up and rubbed the snow off his face, he then rubbed the snow off of Blue face as he squirmed and tried blowing Dust's hand off his face. Once most of the snow was off Blue blew a raspberry with his tongue, "BBllllllllpppp-" Blue giggled after such a noise as Dust chuckled

"Anyways, I'm suppose to be with the others at the moment, so I have to go," Dust told Blue, "Really?" Blue whined, "Yeahh, I came here to rant, and I did just that...I don't want the others to worry about me," Dust said

Blue huffed, "I don't want to go back to those...dummies as mean as that might sound-" Blue said as he sat up. Dust laughed, "Just leave the room if you can, or ignore-" Dust told Blue

"I've been trying to ignore! But I just can't when it's so rude!!" Blue whined, "You'll think of something Muffin," Dust said, patting Blue skull as he continued to huff.

Dust stood up and helped Blue stand up as well, "Talk to you later?" Dust said, Blue nodded before hugging Dust, "Thanks for fighting with me..." Blue said

Dust chuckled and hugged Blue back, "No problem, fight with me anytime you want!" Dust said. Blue then leg Dust go as Dust opened a portal back to Reapertale

Blue waved goodbye as Dust waved back before closing the portal. Blue sighed, "...See you soon..." Blue said before opening his own portal back to his base

Reaper and Geno soon woke up from there nap and headed to Reapertale to go get Frisk, and to see Nightmare and the others.

They entered there house, "Hey...we're back," Reaper said with an exhausted sigh, stretching with his eyes clothes. Geno froze in surprise, for they have entered in the wrong time. Reaper opened his eyes to see Mettaton kissing Papyrus on the cheekbone as Papyrus blushed.

"...UH UH! NOPE! NOT ON MY WATCH!" Reaper said as he split the two apart. "H-Hey! What's that problem!" Mettaton whined. Reaper eye glowed at Mettaton as he tensed up, "B-Brother! It's not what it looks like!" Papyrus said nervously, "It merely meant nothing brother! Please calm down!" Papyrus said with a nervous laugh.

Geno placed a hand on Reaper shoulder as Reaper calmed down a little and stopped glowing an eye at Mettaton.

"I catch you two again...I'll make it your last living moment-"

"Reaper! Don't be so rude to our friend!" Papyrus huffed at Reaper. Reaper glared at Mettaton before the sounds of running taps were heard from upstairs.

"REAPER! GENO!" Frisk yelled from upstairs as they jumped the railing. Papyrus caught them, "Human! You shouldn't be jumping from such a height! You could hurt yourself! OR WORST!!" Papyrus exclaimed before putting them

Frisk bounced in front of Reaper and Geno, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! KISS LIKE THE LOVERS YOU ARE!!" Frisk yelled at them

Geno and Reaper blushed as Papyrus raised a brow, Mettaton growled with an annoyed smile, "Brother...what is the human talking about?" Papyrus asked, "N-Nothin-"


Geno covered his face as Reaper eye lights disappeared, "Um- Oh, okay?..." Papyrus said, in an awkward position, "Well...ahem...was it...pleasant?" Papyrus asked, "We didn't do that!!" Geno exclaimed, "Well you sure did kiss!" Frisk said. Geno hit Frisk in the head, "Shut up!" Geno yelled at them, "Owww!" Frisk whined as they rubbed there head.

"Anyways, we came here to check up on Frisk and a few others that we brought here," Reaper said, "Really?" Papyrus said, "Yeah, they aren't with us because I didn't want you all to panic, so I brought them underground instead," Reaper explained

"Oh, alright then, are they friends of yours?" Papyrus asked, "Yeah, more or less, anyways we need to go check on them, you might be able to see them sooner or later," Reaper said, turning to the door, along with Geno.

"Oh, alright then! See ya Brother!" Papyrus said waving to them as Frisk followed them, Reaper turned and looked at Papyrus, his eye lights invisible with a wide grin, "No sinning with the cinnamon roll..." Reaper warned as the three left.

Papyrus smiled nervously as Mettaton smiled annoyed.

Reaper teleported Geno and Frisk into the underground, in Snowdin. "Woah!" Frisk said in awe

"Is this were you were born?" Geno asked, "...I-I was raised here!" Reaper responded, leaving out the part of how he was made and was just placed here as a kid-

Reaper saw how the lights of his house was on as the three of them walked over to the house. Reaper opened the house and saw Horror and Lust sitting there, "Oh hey Reaper? Just caught us from our nap!" Horror said

"Where are the others?" Reaper asked, soon the door was opened by someone else.

It was Nightmare, Cross, Killer, and Error, "You guys are back too? Alright then..." Horror said, sitting up.

"Well, at least your all alright, we came here to check up on your guys just to make sure you were safe and no one followed you here since...most saw you guys leave to this AU..." Reaper said

"Really? Guess they've never been here," Nightmare said, "I'd can only guess most of them, since Ink can literally go anywhere he wants," Reaper said

"I guess that's true," Cross said, "Your child is very lovely, what's there name?" Geno asked Cross, "Incubux," Cross replied, "I named him!" Lust pointed out, "SHUSH! They didn't ask!" Cross yelled at Lust

"But the way...where's Dust?" Killer asked, "Wha-...I thought he was with you two!" Nightmare said

Error and Killer shrugged

Nightmare groaned before the door opened again, "Oh! Dust your back! Where were you?" Nightmare asked, Dust, looked up, "Oh...I was in another part of Waterfall...near the dump, I think," Dust told us, "Oh! So you were close by! Okay!" Killer hummed

Dust nodded a bit nervous, "Yeahhhhh-"

"Anyways, we just came to check up on you, feel free to explore and stay here till you go back home, or find another hideout," Reaper told them

They nodded, "Geno! Let's go explore for a little while!" Frisk said, grabbing Geno hand and pulling him away outside

"W-Waoh!" Geno yelped before they were out of the house.

"...Soooo, Reaper, I have a few-...a LOT of questions..." Nightmare said. His voice sounded a bit concern and made the air in the room feel...dense

"What do you mean?" Reaper asked, "Well we-..." Nightmare showed Reaper the tape recorder they found. Reaper blushed from embarrassment, "W-Where did you find that?" Reaper asked

"It was in Waterfall, near a bench," Cross told him, Reaper sighed, "What happened to you Reaper?... What happened in your past?" Nightmare asked

"I-..." Reaper sighed again. He wasn't really ready to tell them the things he's dealt with as a kid, "Who is Death?" Nightmare asked that made Reaper's body tense up.

The other rose a brow, "Who? I thought Reaper would be considered as Death!" Horror said

"I wasn't born-..." Reaper blurted out, "I...was made, but Death, he named me Reaper and sent me down here to help him with the population..." Reaper said

"Wait- So there are two reapers?" Dust asked, "Yes...Dust was the closest to ACTUALLY meeting him really," Reaper told him

Dust looked surprised, "When?" Dust asked, "When you-...I can't say," Reaper said

"Why not? Don't keep secrets from us!" Nightmare huffed, "I-...As much as I wanna argue, I can't tell you, or..." Reaper said

Dust understood what he wanted to say, "It's okay to tell them..." Dust said Nightmare turned to Dust, "What are you talking about?!" Nightmare exclaimed, "Dust helped me run away...when I suddenly was because Dust helped me-" Reaper said.

Nightmare grabbed in Dust shirted and pulled him close as he was about to get a fist to the face. Incubux started to cry. Cross gave Incubux to Lust as Cross held Nightmare back, "Night! Don't do this! Reaper has a reason for asking Dust for help!" Cross said

Nightmare snarled before relaxing a bit, putting his fist down and letting Dust go. "Dust helped me because I wanted to quit being a Bad Guy Sans...I wanted to change, and he knew that If I told you Nightmare straight out...It would of gone I ran away instead..." Reaper told me

"Reaper...I-I..." Nightmare was a bit quiet

"Anyways...I went from AU to AU killing off many animals and plants...I even killed a different version of you Nightmare..." Reaper told him

Nightmare tensed up and looked down in frustration.

"I also killed a Dream, and many other creatures after that...and this was all before Reapertale...I learned to live by myself at the mental age of 5...because honestly, I don't have an age..." Reaper told them

"Who is Love?" Cross asked, "Love would be considered as my mom, even if I've never met her before..." I explained

"Why'd you keep this from us for all this time?!" Killer exclaimed, "I wasn't ready for you to know...I was ready to tell you my story of constant heartbreak and complex feelings that I still don't understand!... I may look old, and I may know some BIG words to make a sentence, but honestly, I still feel like a 5-year-old child that is confused and doesn't know why he is here in the world if he's just going to cause heartache!!!" Reaper yelled, clenching his fist, his eye lights were invisible.

He looked over at Geno who was listening from the door, along with Frisk. He gasped in surprise that they were listening.

"Reaper..." Geno said, as he clenched the door, "Geno I-"

Geno left the door and started to run away, "W-Wait!" Reaper yelled before running out the door as the others moved out the way.

Frisk followed them as Geno opened a portal to the Save Screen, as Reaper and Frisk followed the two of them.

"Geno! I can explain-"

"You kept that story...what REALLY happened...a secret from me Reaper..." Geno started

"I told you the story of how Papyrus died...HOW I DIED...and you decided to keep such a story away from me...hidden away..." Geno said

"Geno, I didn't want to tell you becaus-"

"BECAUSE YOUR SCARED?!? What does someone like you have to be scared about!?" Geno yelled at Reaper, as he turned to him, tears in his eyes but he sounded so...pissed!

"You can never die! You can NEVER understand how it feels to be close to be close to never waking up in the morning...I DO! ...I HAVE A FUCKING SCAR ON MY CHEST THAT IS CONSTANTLY BLEED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!" Geno yelled

"I thought we had trust me don't you?-"

"Of course I do! Don't say such a thing!" Reaper said, walking over to Geno, giving him a hug, "I just-...It's not that fact that I'm just whole life is a burden...I-I'm just scared of...h-heartbreak...I want to be loved...I want to feel needed, since for all my life, I felt...I FEEL unloved for such a gift and a curse...I stopped reaping, leaving it to my brother, I'm constantly trying to seem harmless but I can never do such a thing...I understand long as I'm a god, I will never be close to death...but I know that it will even harder to keep someone I love..." Reaper told Geno

"That's nonsense! You will never lose me!" Geno said, placing his hands on Reaper's face, making him look at Geno. Reaper chuckled, "I-I'm just...I just don't want to lose your've done so much for me, I could never repay you back!" Reaper said

Geno hugged Reaper tightly, "You don't have to pay me back, your debt is already paid with your love!" Geno told Reaper

Reaper felt tingly as he hugged Geno closely...

Frisk gushed before noticing something- or someONE behind them. Frisk gasped before running over. Geno noticed Frisk running past them, which was new of them

Geno and Reaper stopped hugging and looked at whatever Frisk was running to. It was a child, the same size as them. Their hair was a lighter brown and their sweater was green with a yellow stripe in the middle. Their cheeks were pink as there face was much paler, it was-

"CHARA!!" Frisk yelled with a big smile. Chara looked over and saw Frisk running over to them as they smiled, but it was all stopped when Geno teleported in front of Frisk, stopping them.

"You...DIRTY BROTHER KILLER!!!" Geno yelled his eye glowed blue and red as Chara looked a bit frightened, remembering how many times it took to kill Sans already, and now that she was in the save screen to relax she had to deal with THIS Sans...

"W-Wait! Geno!-" Frisk called before Chara was surrounded by bones, nowhere to escape and barely any room to move. "I will give you no M.E.R.C.Y" Geno growled as Geno surrounded Chara with Gaster Blaster.

"Stop!" Frisk yelled, moving in front of Chara in Geno crossfire. "MOVE FRISK! I already tolerate you! Don't make me attack you too!" Geno warned

"You don't understand listen!-" Frisk yelled. Geno picked Frisk up and threw them to the side, "Ack!-" Frisk said with a thud

Chara shook in fear as Geno stared at them with angry evil intent, "Don't act scared now! You weren't scared of the consequences when you killed my friends! When you killed ME! WHEN YOU KILLED PAPYRUS!!" Geno yelled, his body glitched from distress.

Frisk stood up and got in front of Chara again, "I won't let you hurt them!" Frisk huffed. Geno growled, "Well..don't blame me when you die multiple times for a demon, like yourself!" Geno growled as Geno let his gaster blaster shoot the both of them

They both screamed in agony and in pain from the burning, stinging feeling. It was like getting someone was tabbing your body all over...and slowly at that.

Soon Geno stopped shooting them, his own bones disintegrated from his burning shot-

Chara fell on her knee as Geno summoned and bones and hit Frisk, Frisk blocked Geno's bone and tugged it out of his hand. Geno growled and summoned a bone to his hand as he sent many bones there way, random and different.

Frisk pushed Chara out the way as she tried rolling away as Geno walked over to Chara. Frisk quickly got out of Geno random patterns to protect Chara.

Geno had many bones floating above them as they were walked over, then Geno sent the bones over to stab Chara before Frisk slid over on there knees and took the bones to the arm and chest.

"F-Frisk!" Chara said. Geno growled and tried stabbing Chara with the bone in his hand. Frisk blocked Geno bone with the bone Frisk held.

"QUIT PROTECTING THIS DEMON!" Geno yelled, "This demon is my SISTER!" Frisk yelled back.

Geno looked in surprise but kept trying to hurt Chara, pulling his bone back as he picked Frisk up by his shirt, "Papyrus was my BROTHER! It makes no difference to me!" Geno said throwing Frisk to the side, then trapping them in bones.

Chara slid back a little before Geno had stopped them by piercing a blue bone through there stomach.

"Move and there will be a bleeding hole through your stomach!" Geno told Chara. Geno stomped on Chara's shoulder as she grunted. Geno started to stab Chara's other shoulders with his bone as she started bleeding out quickly.

"STOP! STOP HURTING HER!!" Frisk yelled. "Shut up Frisk! Your not the good guy here either! It's your fault that this OTHER demon exists!" Geno growled.

"I only killed to see her! That was the only way! Sure at first it was an experiment! But when I found out about Chara, I HAD to keep seeing them to hopefully SAVE them as well! I wanted a good ending I swear, but I wasn't going to leave my sister alone!" Frisk explained



Geno stopped as Chara looked up at Geno as in a pleading manner, Geno's eye lights had disappeared. Geno then pulled back. The bones he had created being dismissed.

Frisk than ran over to Chara to check on them. Geno fell on his knees, "...Damn got me there..." Geno said. Reaper walked over to Geno, "You...okay?" Reaper asked

"...For now...I'll be fine," Geno told Reaper. Reaper nodded as he sat next to Geno, "Are you, okay sis?" Frisk asked, "Y-Yeah...I found a friend to f-free me from such a timeline..." Chara told Frisk

Frisk smiled, " can stay with me? Forever?!" Frisk asked, "I'm still capable of dying Frisk, just...this time it can be game over..." Chara told me

Frisk hummed in understanding, "Reaper, you can't touch my sister! You can't kiss them either!" Frisk glared, "U-Uh! I wasn't planning to!" Reaper huffed

Geno curled up in a ball, his eye lights out. "Anyways! I have to tell you about the adventure I've been having recently!" Frisk said happily, "I-I'm excited to hear about them I g-guess..." Chara said

As Frisk and Chara kept talking, Reaper couldn't help but noticed how uncomfortable Geno was. He was deep in thought, more than normal. Reaper picked Geno up and dragged him away from the two humans.

"Geno...are you REALLY okay?" Reaper asked. Geno hummed, "...More or less..." Geno replied

"...Maybe you need to look at it from Chara's and Frisk's perspectives. I mean- I know I'm not too fond of them myself, but...I feel this one can be trusted as a friend..." Reaper aid with a warming smile

"...I can't shake off the fact they killed me..." Geno told me, "Pfft- SO what? I tried killing you, but that didn't stop you from loving me~" I hummed.

Geno blushed, but his eye lights were still out, "Just try...for me?" I asked. Geno eye soon came back, he was looking up at me as he continued to blush, "Alright you dummy..." Geno huffed. I chuckled before I quickly kissed them on the forehead with Frisk looking away from us.

There face turned red as I blushed a little as well.

They'll have to get along sometime now...

In Dreamtale Ink and Dream were hugging each other, Paperjam and Gradient were away with Blue, taking a nap at Underswap as they hummed and giggled in each other arm on the couch.

Soon, Ink started a conversation, "Dreamy darling?" Ink started, "Mmhh?" Dream hummed in attention, "I still feel a bit sad," Ink said with a whine, "Is that so? What would make you feel better? I'll do anything to do so!" Dream told Ink, "Anything~~~?" Ink sang

"U-Uh...Yes?-" Dream responded before getting picked up bridal style

"W-What are you-"

"I wanna have some fun!" Ink said, taking Dream upstairs to there room, "W-What I didn't mean this!" Dream exclaimed. Ink kicked the door open, as he dropped Dream down on his bed before crawling on top of Dream with a star eye and heart eye

"W-Wait! N-No this is rape!" Dream told Ink, "Huh? I thought I had your consent when I asked if you'd do anything for me...right?" Ink asked

"I-I mean...I'd do anything for you Inky...if it makes you h-happy but-"

"GOOD! That means I have your consent right?" Ink said, using his magic to close and lock the door, "I-I-I-I u-u-uhh...I'm not ready to do this! This is my first I'm n-not!-"

"This is my first too Dream, you don't see me having sex with everyone like Tail is doing, do ya'?" Ink pointed out

"B-But...y-you know what you're doing because you've..." Dream looked to the side away from Ink, "Masturbated? Of course I do, what else am I suppose to do when I get bored with drawing and stuff!" Ink said

"Y-You didn't need to tell me that Ink..." Dream said uncomfortably, "Really? Oh, I thought we were allowed to share anything we thought!" Ink said raising a brow, "I mean, you can- just not that type of private didn't need to tell me you've masturbated before...not like I already knew from your random outburst of masturbation and sex-" Dream said

Ink laughed before groaning in boredom, "Can I dominate you now?" Ink asked, "I-I," Dream stuttered again

"Pllleeeeaaaassssseee give me permission!!" Ink begged, "It's not like your gonna get pregnant, or have a kid- unless your female...wait-" Ink said before reaching his hands to Dream's pants

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!" Dream squirmed, trying to get from under Ink. Ink soon was able to see...his size...

"...HA! Mines is bigger!" Ink laughed. Dream blushed from embarrassment before trying to struggle his way from under Ink, "Let me gooo!!!" Dream begged, "But you said you'd do anything! Just give me consent or I'll seem like a rapist!" Ink whined


"Hmph!" Dream huffed, crossing his arms, "Also! I want a kid, can we have kids?" Ink asked, "SO SUDDEN! RIGHT NOW?!!?" Dream exclaimed, "If Nightmare can have a kid, so can you! I want a rainbow kid as gay as me right now!-" Ink begged, getting way to close for comfort

Dream face was plastered in yellow, Maybe Ink being like this isn't a good idea...but I MUST keep him happy, he's whining and begging so much, I-I don't know what to do!!! Dream thought

"I-I...fine, whatever makes you happy, but you must pinky promise to filter yourself...please," Dream said, taking his pinky out for Ink to take. Ink took it immediately "I promise I won't say sexual stuff around you or our friends! You can break my pinky if I do such a thing!" Ink said

Dream nodded, "Now just...please be gentle-" Dream whined

Let's just say Ink didn't listen-...

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