His Heart Song ~Lukanette~

By Tenshi-_Shinigami

72.4K 1.8K 828

Marinette secretly sings in the music room on free period when it is mostly unoccupied. She thought she was a... More

Marinette's Introduction:
Luka's Introduction:
Juleka's Introduction:
Rose's Introduction:
Alya's Introduction:
Nino's Introduction:
Adrien's Introduction:
Kagami's Introduction:
Plan's In Action
Her Voice!!
It's A Reunion!!
His Voice!!
After School To The Park!!
First Date!!
Drawing/Ask Out!!
Halloween Dance!!
Singing To Him/With Him!!
Halloween Party @ Mari's!!
The Sleep Over!!
Morning Shower!!
Triple Date!!
First Fight!!
Make Up ~ Make Out!!
Kagami's Confusion!!
Juleka To The Semi-Rescue!!
Christmas Date!!
Hanging With Jagged!!
Christmas Presents!!
Gift Time!!
Spending New Years Together!!
Zoo School Junior/Senior Trip!!
Valentine's Love/Birthdays!!
The Scare!!
School Lunch Date!!
Hurting Everywhere!!
BOTH He's Were Pissed!!
Back To School/Chloe's Apology!!
Ready/Competition Time!!

Graduation/Summer Break-Tropical Island!!

1.2K 24 26
By Tenshi-_Shinigami

Mari's POV:

      It was Luka's Graduation today so I was getting ready when I received a text from my mom.

Mom: Hey Sweety, remember our summer vacation we are going on? Well if you want you can bring a couple of your friends or just your boyfriend!!

Me: Really?? That is awesome, Thank You Mom!!

      After I finished my shower and got all prettified [Outfit on Top] I called Luka. "Hey, IcyBlues I'll see you during the ceremony and have some news to ask you after everything is over." I said as I could see the smirk forming on his lips. "Mmm. okay!! See you soon Beautiful!!" He chuckled and we threw in a kiss through the phone and hung up.

*@ Graduation Ceremony*

      As people were called I clapped softly, but as soon as Luka was called up I stood up, clapped louder, and whistled. I blushed when everyone looked at me smirking. I shyly sat back down and looked down; as the rest of people were called and got their diplomas and scholarships the Graduation Day came to an end.

      I was waiting outside for Luka to find me when I saw Kagami and Adrien. I walked over to them, "Hey, Kagami Congratulations on Graduating a year early!!" I said as I gave her and Adrien a hug. They hugged me back as Kagami said a Thank You. I smiled at them and just as I turned around I bumped straight into someone's chest.

     "Oh, I'm Sor..." I was cut off by familiar arms wrapping around me and a voice saying, "hey, Babes I see you rather Congrats Kagami then your own Boyfriend; now that's just cold hearted!!" He chuckles as I slap his arm playfully and kisses him as I pull him along.

      "Ha ha, very funny IcyBlues. Actually I was waiting for you but saw them and wanted to say hi with a Congrats to Kagami. ANYWAYS my family is going on Summer Vacation at a Tropical Island that my family own and was wondering if you wanted to tag along? Also as a Graduation present, and of course spending the whole summer with yours Truly??" I asked.

      "Also to see if Juleka and Rose wanted to tag along too??" I mumbled. I could feel his eyes on me as he intertwined our fingers together as we walked along the sidewalk towards his place. "Firstly, you look very Beautiful as always; also not going to lie, I wish you and I could spend the summer alone together without pestering sister and friends, but I would love to go with you and I can tolerate my sister this summer as long as we have a room away from her??" I giggled as he mentioned this and nodded to his terms.

      "Fine, I guess we could be alone together if that's what you really want," I tease him as he smirks. "As if you don't want the same thing Miss I Can't Be Without You," he mentions as the memory of me saying that floods my mind make me blush deeply. "ShhhhhhhuuuuuuSSSSHHHIIIIEEEE" I whispered-yelled.

      We finally made it back and Juleka Jumps out, "hey," she says in a monotone voice. I smiled at her as I asked her if she and Rose wanted to go to my family's Tropical Island. "Of course we want to come," Rose jumps into the conversation startling both Juleka and me. I giggled as we all agreed on everyone going.

      'I know you all think I must be crazy for not inviting Alya or Nino, but they already made plans to go somewhere over the summer together so I wasn't going to ask them' I say to the fellow readers.

Luka's POV:

      After we talk things over we decided to call it a night and pack for tomorrow's journey. "My divers here, but I'll have him pick your three up tomorrow morning," Mari said before giving me a passionate kiss Goodnight. I sigh as I say, "Wish you could stay but I know you need to pack and get a good night's rest, so Goodnight my Angel see you in the morning." I kissed her one last time before she walked out.

*Skip To 4am*

      My alarm went off as I groaned, smacking it to shut up. I get up looking at my phone to see it was 4 in the fucking morning. If you haven't noticed I AM NOT A DAMN MORNING PERSON. I hear my sister and Rose yelling in the other room with excitement.

      I groan and yell at them to shut the hell up. I sigh as I jump in the shower real quick. After my morning ritual and everything was ready Mari's driver rolls up and we all pile in. 'Hmm, I wonder why Mari didn't come to pick us up?' I think to myself as my sister and her girl get loud again which I gave a death glare to them and they semi quiet down.

      We walk into Mari's house as her parents are waiting with everything they are bringing. "Excuse Mr. Dupain and Mrs. Cheng, but where is Marinette?" I ask cautiously. "Oh, Dear she is probably last minute packing everything she didn't really sleep last night and was up most of the night making what she called a To-Do-List!!" Mrs. Cheng said.

      I smiled as she then asked me to check on her. I went up to her room and knocked as there was no reply. I slowly opened the door to see a sleeping Angel. I started to laugh, "Babe, wake up it's time to get going!" I shook her as she groaned and shot right outta bed. "I'm up, I'm up what's going on??" she asked as I began to laugh harder as she looked at me funny.

      Only then she realized what was going on, "damnit!!" was all she said before running into the shower and taking one quickly as I grabbed her some fresh new clothes and saw some sexy lingerie. I smirked and put that in my Bag real quick. She came back out and I gave her the clothes I picked and she got dressed real quick and gave me a quick kiss and pulled me along downstairs, but not before I grabbed her things to bring them down.

*On Private Jet*

      As we are sitting on the Jet for about an hour now Mari fell asleep on my shoulder rather quickly. I smiled as I tried to fall back asleep only to be annoyed yet again by my sister asking soooooooooooooooooo many questions to me. I glared at her with irritation as she slowly shut her mouth. I moved a little but then I heard Mari whimper and wake up.

      "What is going on I was sleeping," she said annoyed but then saw my face and softened up. "Sorry!" I mumbled as I looked at Jules again glaring knives at her.

Mari's POV:

      After I woke up I noticed Luka was in an atrocious mood; I sighed as I grabbed his face and made him look at me. I smile as his face blushes and softens to my touch. "Let's listen to music and sleep some more; you seem like you need more sleep than me," I giggle as I pull my phone out and plug in the earplugs.

      We snuggled up together and began to fall back asleep to the sound of the music playing.

      Another few hours passed and we finally landed and drove to our luxurious tropical paradise. We grabbed our own things; I giggled because Luka tried being a gentleman and grabbed my things as well. "I have capable hands and can carry my things and besides I have only one bag; my other stuff is already here that I need," I giggled and kissed Luka as he blushed in embarrassment.

      "Should have guessed that from the start," he chuckles as I grab his guitar for him along with my own bag. "Let's go to where we will be sleeping!! Jules, Rose, if you would be so kind as to follow me and I will show you to your own quarters." They looked at each other surprised with my formality. I smiled at them as everyone followed me; we went to the other side of the place and showed the girls their room.

      They looked at me with their mouths open and that made me a little worried. "Is this not to your liking? I can show you another room if this isn't to your satisfaction?" They quickly shook their heads and hugged me as Jules and Rose said at the same time, "No!! It's perfect, Thank You Mari for bringing us along!!" I hugged them back, "It was my pleasure, also if you need anything just push the code 115 on the bedside wall and a maid will soon be here to service you in any way. Luka and I will be heading to my room if you need us, so feel free to look around this place." They nodded as Luka and I walked out shutting the door and hearing them squeal in excitement.

      "Ready to see our room; it's up the stairs and on the other side of the house because I know you said you wanted to be far from them!!" I smirked as I kissed his cheek while on my tiptoes. He chuckles as I lead the way to the stairs. A few minutes passed and we finally made it to our room and I opened the door.

      I gave him a tour of the room and our own bathroom, "Sorry I know it's more girly, but it is my room. If you want we can go to the room down the hall if you prefer a room less purply/pink?" I look down as he chuckles putting down his stuff along with taking the stuff out of my hand and placing it down. "Nah BabyCakes this is fine; it reminds me of you, so I love it just like I Love You!!" he leans down and kisses me wrapping his arms around my waist.

      I smile into the kiss as he picks me up and drops me on the bed with him going down with me not breaking the kiss. We had a 10 minute heated kissing session when there was a knock on the door. I sigh as he rolls off of me and I open the door to see Rose and Juleka in their bikinis. "Com'mon you too let's go night time swimming!!" Rose said a little too excitedly.

      I turned to see Luka grabbing his shorts and taking off his shirt, "well I'll take that as a yes," I said as I told the girls to give me a few to get my bikini on

      I get ready as Luka gets ready as well and we meet Roleka {quick combined Rose and Juleka together} down by the stairs. We waved to them and walked down the stairs and towards the outside pool. "It's heated so feel free to just jump in while I turn on the colorful lights for the pool," I say as I go to the island bar and turn on the lights to the pool.

      I saw they were all splashing around in the pool having a great time. I carefully sat down on the edge of the pool putting my feet in the pool and closed my eyes for a few minutes.

      I soon felt something come up between my legs and wet hands go up my thighs and place them on my ass. I opened my eyes to see a smirk on Luka's face. I look down at him as he pulls me closer to the edge; "No, Luka don't you dare pull me in!!" He smiles innocently and lifts up to kiss me only to pull me down into the water.

      I come back up from the water and glare at Luka as the girls and him laugh. I swim towards him as he back up to the pool walls; I giggle as I put my arms on his shoulder and give him the same innocent smile he gave me and shoved him under the water. He came bubbling back to the surface but as he did he kissed all the way up from my lower belly button up to my neck before lifting my thighs up and pinning me against the pool wall and kissing my lips gently.

      I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him back as he grabs my ass tightly massaging it as our kiss got more heated. I pulled away to breathe when I saw the girls looking at us with smirks on their faces. "Stahp looking at us and swim or kiss each other; jezzz we came to swim so let's swim!!" I explained with a dust of blush sweeping over my cheeks. They giggled as they started swimming again.

      A few hours passed and we all decided to call it a night; we got out wrapping towels around ourselves and headed to our room after saying Goodnight to each other.

*3 Weeks into the Vacation*

      It's been a week since we came here and we all went jet skiing, rock climbing, ziplining, four-wheeling, super sliding, and swimming obviously. Today we decided to do some banana boating and some beach volleyball with some of my parent's friends' children who are the same age as us, one of them being a year older than Luka, that my parents invited over. We first got to the boat where we will be banana boating. Roleka wanted to go first along with 4 others; they all got in their spot as I started the boat up and everyone else got on the boat.

      We all took turns driving the boat and flying off of the banana boat!! We decided to call it and head back to shore and eat lunch before playing intense games of Rough Beach Volleyball. I threw on Luka's hoodie as I ran into the dining room to find one of our maids preparing our lunch already. "Oh, Thank You!! I was just about to ask you to make us all something, but I should have known you would have it already made for us; as always you are on top of things. Here let me help bring the stuff to the outside table!" I said as I started to help carry stuff outside.

      The maid thanked me as I gave her a hug and told her she can rest and do as she pleases for all her hard work she deserves a break. We all ate our lunches and just rested on the lounging chairs, so our tummies would settle down before we go to the volleyball part of the beach.

*30 Minutes Pass*

      It's been half an hour so we all decided to head over to play some Volleyball. I took off Lukas hoodie and grabbed the ball as we all ran to the sandy court. I smirked, "should we do Boys VS. Girls first and then Lukanette and Roleka VS you guys?" I asked as everyone agreed.

      The first game was good but got kind intense with Rose almost getting a ball to the face by the short guy in the front about 3 times before I decided to spike him in the face. "Stop trying to hit her dumbass," I said angrily as Luka went to serve and ended up hitting the short guy in the back of the head while saying, "Ops!!" I giggled as the first game ended. I high fived Luka as he chuckled, "you ok, Rose?" she nodded as we got ready for the final match. (If you get this reference I LOVE YOU!!)

      As the match played out I finally noticed eyes were on me throughout both matches. I jumped up to spike and that's when I noticed the older boy was watching me while licking his lips and smirking at me. I ended up missing the ball and falling pretty hard on the ground. I whimper as I roll over on my tummy, "oww!"

      Everyone ran over to me to see if I was ok and Luka fell to my side as he put his hands on my waist to help me up. I flinched a little thinking it was the other person but relaxed when I saw it was Luka. I lean into his side as I get up. "You ok Baby?" Luka asked as I nodded and pushed off of him to stand on my own. "Let's finish the game," I said as everyone looked at me like I was insane. The older guy walked up to me, "Nah little girl it was fun to watch you but play times over for now maybe we could see more of each other later tonight maybe alone perhaps?" He said cockily.

      Chills went up my spine and not the good kind, it made my blood run cold and I started to feel sick. I backed away and hid behind Luka as my legs began to shake, "N-nn-no, I D-dd-o-on't th-i-ink so-oo," I trembled on my words.

Luka's POV:

      Everything was going great until this douchebag prick came on to my girl with this shitty pick up line type shit; trying to get in her pants like the vial son-of-a-bitch he is. "Excuse Me Asshole, but I'm her BOYFRIEND," Luka says as he emphasizes the 'Boyfriend' part; while he pulls me into his chest protectively. "SO KEEP YOUR SHITTY WORDS TO YOURSELF OR BETTER YET SHOVE THEM RIGHT UP YOUR ASS... She is not some chick you can screw and toss aside ok Mister Playboy or more like Plagueboy; people like you should drop dead in acid. Besides she is mine and mine alone; your trashiness is not worthy of her beauty. Yes I saw you checking her ass and tits out while we played Volley, believe me I tried staying cool so I didn't ruin the fun but you took it too far." I took Mari to Juleka as she clung on to her still trembling.

      I ran to the guy and knocked him on his ass and started punching him as the others just watched. Next thing I knew Mari was trying to pull me away from the guy as she was crying and I accidently pushed her away as I landed one more punch on him. I got up to see Mari on the sand holding her wrist that just finished healing with a pained facial expression.

      I looked at her with a sad face and was about to kneel down to her when her parents came running out. "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON OUT HERE, ONE OF THE MAIDS CAME RUN SAYING THERE WAS A FIGHT GOING ON?" Mr. Dupain said until he saw Mari on the ground holding her wrist and the other guy on the ground bruised up and a little bloody and saw my knuckles bruised and cut up. I sigh as I explained everything while helping Mari up and held her close to me while I place my hoodie carefully over her body and kissed her cheek and then her wrist very gently, so I wouldn't hurt her. "Sorry Baby, I didn't mean to push you. Are you ok?" I asked worriedly and quietly.

      She kisses me gently and nuzzles up to me, "Lets just shower and cuddle please that is all I really want to do right now," she whispers in my ear as I pick her up bridal style and bring her to our shared room.

      We get to the room and head into the bathroom; I turn on the shower and let it heat up as I began to strip and then helped Mari strip down. We get in the shower and wash up as I help Mari wash her hair and body. I bite my lip as she rubs her booty against my now turned on lower friend. I shake the thoughts away as I rinse off her body and hair as I turned off the shower and grabbed the towels. I dried her off and wrapped the towel around her and I wrapped my towel around my waist.

      As we entered the room a nurse knocked on the door and came in and saw us in just our towels. She blushed as she walked up to Mari and started to badged her wrist up. "Thank You Trista!" Mari said as the girl bowed and walked out. I smirked at Mari as she took off her towel; I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her tummy pulling her against me as I kissed her neck.

      "Can you choose an outfit for me and dress me please?" she asks me as she kisses my chest after turning around. I smirked, remembering what I put in my Bag before we left. "Sure Babe, just let me find it first!" I went to my drawer to find the lingerie I placed with my outfits. I turned back to her with it behind my back and walked back up to her, "Close your eyes and keep them closed until I am done dressing you!" She simply closed her eyes and I carefully dressed her, "DONE!!" I said excitedly.

      She opens her eyes and her face instantly flushes to a crimson red. "You likey?" I teased her as I ran my fingers from her ribs to her hips. She bit her lip and said, "yes, but I bet you're loving this." "HELL YES I AM BABE!!" I mentioned a matter of fact. She giggled as she pulled my towel off and pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me.

WARNING: Viewers discretion is advised for this section is Rated M for Mature Audience only, read on at your own risk because there's no going back to innocent days!

No seriously it's going to be intense and kinky as hell so this is your last warning to leave....



No?? Alrighty then I warned you but here you are reading onward... for all you corrupted sinners out there here's your uncensored porno read!!

      As I landed on the bed my hands automatically clung onto Mari's hips. My dick sprung upwards and Mari slides over it rubbing her laced covered pussy up and down slowly. "Err such a damn tease," I mumbled as I moved my hands down squeezing her thighs tightly.

      She giggles as she takes off her lace panties and drops them on my face as she continues to slide forwards and backwards on me. She starts to go a little rougher to increase friction; which just makes me want to push her roughly off me and slam her against the bed and stuff her full of my cock while deeply pounding her pussy until she is screaming my name.

      I allowed her to tease me a little longer until I smirked and pinned her down on the bed and got in between her legs and made her keep her hands above her head. I moved down as I grabbed the back of her thighs and pushed them opened and up to her chest as I felt like teasing her like she did to me. I lightly licked her clit as she began to squirm around. I held her thighs tighter to stop her from moving around. I soon began to lick rougher and push my tongue inside her as she grabbed my hair moaning softly.

      She was becoming more and more wet as I sucked on her clit as she moaned a little louder. I pull away as she looks down at me disappointed, "why did you stop, it was feeling so good. Please continue!!" She begs me trying to push my head back down. I of course refused and she was getting very impatient. I smirked as I pushed her hands back above her head as she let her legs fall back down to my sides as I looked down at her. She moves her hip up towards me whimpering for me to give her the pleasure she knows she deserves.

      I see the glint in her eyes as I thrust all of my cock inside her roughly making her moan out loudly. She keeps on moaning out in pleasure as I pound her into Oblivion. I lean down and start to suck and bite her nipples trying to distribute equal attention to both nips. As they perked up I grabbed them and started to squeeze and play/pull on them as she arched her back as she began moaning my name louder and louder each time I slam into her.

      I made one final thrust and we both cummed with me still inside her. I smirked as I flipped her over on her hands and knees and slammed my cock even deeper inside her as my cum slushes in and out of her. She became a moaning mess as she begged me to keep going harder; I obeyed and went harder as she began pushing back against me.

Mari's POV:

      I was a complete mess as Luka was being very rough with me. "Fuck, yes, don't stop go rougher!!" I begged him as he does as he is told. "You're enjoying this a little too much baby!!" he said as he moaned out cutely which sent me over the edge. "FUUUCCCKKK!! If you keep this up Ima go crazy. My pussy can't take much more of this, MMMMMMMM LUUUUUUKA!!" I moaned out loudly.

      He grabs my tits pulling me up to his chest and slides his right hand down my stomach and starts to play with my clit; while his other hand massages my left tit. "MMM, LUKA IMA CUM AGAIN!!" I moaned out and put my hands on the back of his head pulling his hair gently. He goes faster and moans in my ear as he rubs my clit faster. I began panting and moaning as I reached my climax just as he cums deep inside me again.

      He slowly pulls out of me as I gently lay on my side as he lays on his side next to me. "You okay baby? I was a little too rough with you," He grabs my ass pulling me on to his chest holding me close to him. I giggle and say, "I'm actually perfect, that was amazing!! I missed doing this with you; it's been too long since we last made love!!" I cuddle closer to him sighing dreamily. We soon fell asleep not realizing what was to come in the next 10 months!!


WORDS: 4650

A/N: Till next time, to find out what's next I need plans for the Sequel. Most likely the name is going to be 'His New Melody' which from this you will basically know what it's going to be about!! I haven't decided if I am doing a sequel or not!! ANYWAYS Thank and Again for all the Reads, Stars, and Comments. Any suggestions for the sequel Private Message me and I would love carry out any and all wishes!!

~sRae says See You Later for now!! Also other stories will be posted soon I promise!!

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