Finding Myself In The Forest

By CuriousThoughts

61.8K 1.9K 310

My name is Felicity Chapman, My family and I recently moved to the woods of Montana. Literally. The closest... More

So Sorry!
36. Plus Recap!


1.5K 45 1
By CuriousThoughts

Edited 4-16-15

Picture is of Parker and Felicitys' Mom!

The song is Secrets by OneRepublic:)


Love you guys!



Felicity -

"Merc, where are we going? I'm stil feeling-" I cut myself off my squealing when Mercury stopped suddenly and lifted my into his arms and continued walking. 

"We're going to your new room, is that okay?" He asks grinning widely, I smile and nod my head against his chest. 

Minutes later he's in front of a large white door, once he opens it his scent pools out from the open door like a waterfall. I felt my eyes widen as he walks into HIS room. 

"Uh, Merc, this is your room." I state shyly as he sits me down in the bed, then crouches down in front of me on his knees, his hands holding my knees. 

"I know, the other thing with mates, is that when you realize you're mates and stuff, you don't want to be far away from each other, so I moved you into my room, is that okay? Or...." He trails off quietly, I can't help but smile at his cuteness, I mean come on! Adorable!

"It's fine, I'm honestly more comfortable with that." I say smiling at him, his eyes flicker with happines as he jumps up and lifts me up into a hug. 

"Are you still tired?" He asks once he finally sets me back on the bed, I nod weakly, but don't let his hand go, infact, I felt my hand tugging his towards the bed in my silent question to stay. I hear his deep laugh as he lifts me up again and puts me in his lap and lays down.

I smile against his chest and finally fall asleep.


Tristan (RIGHT?!)  -

"You're sure he knows?" I ask worriedly to my mate Jewels, who nods sadly.

"We don't have much time." She finally says, I furrow my brows, "how long?"

"6-7 months, plus we still need to begin training Felicity, or he'll get her." I growl at her response, even though Felicity isn't Luna yet, I still have a need to protect her, like a bodyguard or brother even. It's what we will all feel when we have the Alpha/Luna ceremony next week, when Felicity can finally connect to all of the people in our pack.

"We must tell Mercury and his parents." I state, she nods meekly and grabs my hand as we walk to Alpha and Lunas' office. Once we're there, I knock and we hear muffled 'come ins' so we open the door.

"Alpha, Luna." Jewels and I say bowing our heads, they both nod and motion us to come into the office and sit in the chairs infront of Alpha's desk with Luna's next to his, both large mahogany desks with papers, pens, books and other stuff on them. Large windows covered by red satin curtains behind them, then a coupls couches around the room with painting and famliy photos cascading the walls.

"He knows her, sir and he wants her." Jewels says breaking the silence, Alpha and Luna go rigid once the words spill out of her mouth.

"When did you find out?" Alpha Ben says angrily, tyring to keep his wolf at bay, Luna Bethel quickly notices and soothingly rubs his back, he calms down quickly to her touch.

"Just 10 minutes ago."

"We will need to do the ceremony tomorrow night then and begin training tomorrow morning. Did Doctor Tom tell you what was wrong with Felicity? Is she okay?" Luna Bethel quickly answers before Alpha Ben could.

"Doctor Tom said that she let Toyaz out too much and that it wasn't good for her health since Toyaz just woke up, she can let her out only once a day." I say quietly in response, I see everyone physically relax, I smile inwardly, even Alpha and Luna already respect and want their future Luna and Alpha safe.

"Where are they now?" Alpha Ben asks.

"Mercury took Felicity to their room a while ago, their probably both asleep, sir." I answer quietly.

"How long do you think we have Jewels?" Luna Bethel asks, leading us back to our topic.

"6-7 months, maybe more, maybe less." Jewels answers sadly.

"Well, we need to inform Mercury, Tristan, go get him please." Alpha Ben dismisses me.


Once I'm outside of the room I groan loudly, have you ever tried pulling a man away from his newly discovered  mate? No? Lucky.

Last time I tried to wake up my brother from his mate when they were visiting, let's just say I ended up in the hospital and leave it at that.

I shiver at the memory, finding myself in front of Mercurys' door. Hesitantly, I open the door to see Mercury asleep with Felicity laying ontop of him in his lap.


I quietly walk over and nudge Mercury, then quickly run to the doorway so I have a quick escape when he wakes up. But he's still asleep. I groan quietly and repeat the same thing for 15 minutes, until I can't take it, I grab Felicity by her waist and lift her maybe an inch or so above Mercury. I almost set her down away from him, when all of the sudden Mercury's face is all I see, I yelp and jump up, dropping Felicity down to the floor, but Mercury quickly grabs her and sets her back in the bed before she could touch the floor.

Once she's down again, he turns to me, his wolf's eyes are out and he's snarling.

"What do you want?" He sneers quietly, trying not to wake his mate next to him.

I stand slowly and raise my hands in front of me trying to calm him down, "Alpha, Luna, me and Jewels need you. It's Alpha George."

Before I could even blink Mercury is already at the doorway glaring at me, "let's go!"

I roll my eyes and nod following him back to his parents' office.


Parker -

"Mom, it's time Felicity knew and now she does." I state angrily to my mother, once Felicity and Mercury left, we all went into the SUV and Felicity's car and went to the pack house. 

Alpha and Luna left with Tristan, so now in the empty living room is me and my mother.

"You know why we tried to hide it Parker." She snaps at me her aura still has power in it after dad died, she puts her head in her hands and leans them on her knees as she sits in the large black couch in the living room, me standing in front of the large television away from her. 

"I know, but I was still a kid when you guys told me this, I didn't know what was going on! I was just a kid." I spat at her, she rises and glares at me with black eyes, her wolf is trying to get out, I know, so I say, "you're no longer Luna of anything, so calm down or you'll be kicked off the land, want that to happen like last time?" 

She sits back down slowly, her brown eyes coming back into color huffing in anger. 

"I may not be Luna, but you're just as low as me in this pack." Mother points out cockily.

I smirk, "see mom, that's where you have it wrong, when Felicity and Mercury wake up and we all talk, we're going to have the Alpha and Luna ceremony very soon, and Mercury has given me title of 3rd command, and Tristan, Beta." 

She pales, then as she opens her mouth to yell at me, Alpha and Luna storm in.

"Enough Carol." Alpha states lowly, I hear mother whimper and bow her head in submission.

"Mercury is up, but Felicity isn't, Parker please go wake-" Luna Bethel begins, but is quickly cut off by Mercury storming in with Jewels and Tristan behind him, "NO, I'll go get her up, she's my mate after all." He then turns his heels and walks out of the room.

I hear Luna Bethel sigh, "the ceremony will have to be tomorrow night, Felicity must begin training the day after, there's no time to waste."

"What?" Mom and I say loudly at the same time, I'm shocked and happy for them, but mom? I'm not sure.

"Alpha, Luna," Mom begins shakily, "Felicitys' full power will show when the ceremony ends, you know the prophecy, you know what will happen."

"Yes, we know, we're not fools, we're prepared." Alpha Ben says in a 'duh' tone, I let a little laugh slip as I see Luna Bethel try not to laugh herself, as do Tristan and Jewels.

"Wait, what will happen?" I ask quietly, being the elephant in the room.

"When the ceremony ends, her wolf will be officially woken up, as is Mercury's, but Felicity's is a tad more powerful to handle than Mercury, since it's been silenced for 18 years and she's oblivious to all of this." Mom says, then Alpha Ben cuts in,

"that is why we let Mercury discover his wolf and everything on his own."

"Right, but Felicity's wolf, it can get," Mom says trying to look for the right words.

"Her wolf can become blood thirsty of all enemies," Luna Bethel says, "only if they decide stupidly to attack, which I see one pack already is that stupid and of course rogues, especially with the war against them coming up."

"So, Felicity really is the last piece of the puzzle to begin war with the biggest rogue 'pack' in whole Northern side of the country?" I ask raising my brows, even though people don't think others  live in Montana, they don't count us, with Alpha George's pack he has over 200 people in it, when we have 100, maybe less.

"That's true, but Felicity is the beginning of the war, and the end."


Mercury -

I couldn't leave that room fast enough to get back to my mate. She's not going in there to anyone, I know that.

Parker, Tristan come up to my room, Felicity and I aren't going down there, I won't let her. I mind link to them.

Coming. Parker states.

Can't, everyone is already suspecting something since you ran off to get Felicity and then Parker runs off into your direction, sorry Alpha. Tristan says, I assure him it's fine and open the door to my room.

"Felicity?" I say quietly as I peek my head and and see her sleeping quietly still. 

"I'm here!" Parker says panting loudly,  I roll my eyes, "dude, she's still asleep." I state sternly, he nods and mutters his apologies. 

 "Parker, I need to do some stuff real quick, mind link me when she's awake or something." I say as I walk into the room and kiss Felicity's forehead and head to my office, far away from my parents' thankfully.



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