Ask Sollux And Eridan

By erisolshipper

329K 8.3K 1.8K

Hey me and fii2hdiick are bored 2o we decided two an2wer 2ome que2tiion2 and 2tuff liike that. I'm so bored... More

Ask Sollux And Eridan
#12 ?
#224 and Thanksgiving Dinner!
#228 amd Merry Christmas!
#231 Happy New Year
# 240
#243 is a good number for a perfect end.


419 14 1
By erisolshipper

TheAlternativeRuler :

*changes Sollux back to normal* There you go, Sollux! The windy thing is John's thing, it doesn't work for everyone. So guys, have you ever felt really distanced from all your friends before? Like they're all just leaving you behind, no matter what you do?

"Gog, thank you.."

"Wwhale... Feelin' really distanced... Yeah... Sometimes.."


"Yeah.. Wwhen I tried making amends wwith evveryone.. They all just kept awway from me.. That is, until you came around." *smiles at sol*

"Aw, ED!" *hugs him*

AquaShimmer :
JR: ()KAY S()LLUX. BACK T() B£I/\/G /\/()T A PAG£ ()F BR£ATH. A/\/D-
RC: $top. No bodily chang€$.
JR: A\/\/...
Admin: So anyway, are you guys going to celebrate Thanksgiving? And what are you thankful for?

"Oh! Admin told us about this! It sounds reely fun!"

"2he 2aiid 2omethiing about gettiing everyone twogether. II hope that work2 out!"

"I'm thankful just for havvin' sol." *blushes* "and for all my friends bein' here noww."

"IIm thankful for all of my friiend2 Beeiing there for me through the hiigh2 and the low2. You guy2 are really great.."

fictionwriterforever :

fine fine *changes Sollux back but turns Eridan into the Page of Void*

"Cod damn it!" *POOF!*

"II thought we were done wiith thii2!?"

NabbitSmiles :



It's ErIdAn..


"I havve a feelin' you wwent through Gams sopor supply.."

"Oh Gog.."

DjxzOmbiex :
Karkat appears* WHAt DO YOU DO?!

*karkat appears in their kitchen*


"KK, what the fuck?"

"Hey Kar."

*points at Eridan*

"Got turned into re fuckin' Page of VVoid or wwhatevver the fuck.."

"FUCK NO." *changes him back*

"Heh, thanks."


"What Romcom? You know II don't watch tho2e."



*sollux laughs*

"I havve to say...they aren't THAT bad.."

*karkat gets Romcom and leaves*

"Well that ju2t happened.."

i_love_waffles69 :

Hey sol...*sniff* c-can I have a h-hug *wipes tears away with black sweater

"Of cour2e." *hugs you*

mayflower412 :
you know you liked the vid everyone does sol~

"Oh my Gog, ju2t 2hut up."

Kar-kitten :

hi guys oh sollux before i forget i love bees too and can i have hug , and eridan i agree with kanaya you're not fashionable

"Heh, 2ure. Anythiing for 2omeone who love2 bee2." *hugs you*

*eridan snaps his fingers*
"Pfft! Me not fashionable! Wwho the hell do you think your talkin' to?"

"ED, you know thii2 ii2 admiin2 moiiraiil riight?"

"I don't care, they're callin me unfashionable! And for the record! Kan wwanted to open a clothin' store wwith me!"

mayflower412 :
he is so!.

"Thank you!"

"Oh my Gog, ju2t get over iit."

homestuckbabe :

Hey guys I dare you to go through admins pictures on her computer and show us one of them that you find ;)

"Okay, I knoww takin her book, wwhich is incredibly- look, I knoww me takin' it got you all riled up, but goin' through her pictures?!"

"That2 ju2t crazy.... But~"

"Wwhere are you goin' wwith this sol?"

"Come on! One peek wont hurt."

"Sol, no. I think I'll stick to readin' her fanfics.."

"Whatever, IIm goiing two look." *goes to her computer*

"Sol! No!"

"Calm down. 2he2 not goiing two know.." *goes to her pictures*

"Cod damn it.."

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