Megaman: Reboot

By TwilightDragon5

11.1K 216 23

In the year 20xx, a new type of technology is being produced worldwide. The robot masters, advanced machines... More

His beginning pt. 1
'Cutting' it close
Shocking guts
Soldiers of Justice
Cool brother in arms
Such a Devil
Gold and Blue
Troubled family
Old friends
Attack at home
Mangled Metal
Stopped in time
Bubbly woods
Last in defense
Second defeat
Their fate
Who's at fault?
Welcome Wi-lights
Prickly Shell
A surprise visit
A Light's Shadow
The Reign of the Moon
Keep friends Close
And Enemies Closer
Ambush in the Amazon
Temple Battle pt. 1
Temple Battle pt. 2
Preparing to leave
Robot Assigning
The Prototypes
A Pact
New Power
Far Beyond Reach
The Great Unveiling
Call to Action
Dancing with Death

His beginning part 2

458 8 0
By TwilightDragon5

The city of Monsteropolis spanned for miles, thousands of buildings standing high with flashing signs and factories exploding with noises and chatter. Restaurants, shopping stores, and hotels made up most of downtown with a movie theatre between two popular diners. While most of the business facilities stayed close to the city's inner circle, factories and power plants scattered across several blocks. Close to downtown was Titanium Park, the largest park combining synthetic and natural materials. 

Multiple species of trees scattered amongst artificial mountains for brave children wishing to experience the thrill of climbing, and flattened trails walking through a field of arranged flowers circling interwoven ponds and creeks. In the heart of the park was a large wooden stage with ornate banners spelling out Thomas Light's name. Crowds swarmed the perimeter anticipating the roboticist's arrival with little drones hovering overhead. The backstage was quiet with Rock and Roll straightening the man's lab coat as best as possible.

"How about I say 'to bring a new level of peace' instead? Or does that sound a little vague?" Dr. Light recited his speech. The increasing noise outside indicated the crowds were growing larger and rowdier, and the roboticist clung to his papers.

"Maybe something else Dr. Light." Rock objected.

"Hold still, you're going to mess up your hair." Roll huffed. She slicked his white hair into a pompadour and pulled his fluffy beard from the coat buttons.

"It's funny that even after all these years, I'm still no good at giving presentations. Brings me back to my days back at the university." Light sighed.

"What is a university?" Rock asked quietly. As he finished tying the polka dot tie around his creator's neck, the announcer peaked from the curtain with a small cough.

"Thomas Light, you're up." The announcer said before disappearing back to the stage.

"Just speak from the heart Dr. Light. It has worked before, so you can add whatever you wanted say seamlessly." Rock said. A light chuckle came from the doctor as the three before he stepped onto the stage. Paparazzi previously squeezing through pedestrians and reporters raised megaphones to the wooden edges, the crowd silent with the rise of the speaker's hand.

"Good afternoon everyone, and I'm so happy all of you could join us today..." Light begun with a greeting full of confidence. Rock and Roll stared at their father with intertwined arms through the scaffolding holes. The roboticist's cheesy opening slowly transformed into a heartfelt speech about the bonds between robots and the humans that built and care for them. 

As everyone leaned in to hear him, a figure inched towards a door closed off from the main stage, the robot masters' figures peacefully shut down. The figure pried open each robot's chest with a screwdriver, his hands moving the delicate circuitry underneath. Underneath the circuit clumps and synthetic organs was a silent core, with his fingers tilting them to find the tiny slots behind the core framing. One slot was filled with a colorful chip with the other a vacant slot. The man pulled six dark purple chips and eagerly inserted one into the vacant slot with a satisfying click. He watched as the cores started rapidly and the robot master's came to life, with all looking at him like soldiers to a general. The figure smiled maliciously and pointed their way out.

On the other side, Rock headed toward the door to activate the robot masters. He halted as he saw the already opened door and a letter "w" scratched on its frame and floor. The immobile bodies of his extended family were no where inside, and no evidence but a rusty screwdriver was left.

"Cutman? Elecman? Anyone in there? Did you guys accidently activate?" Rock called. Concerning thoughts circled through his processor as no one responded. He wondered if they really did activate prematurely and wandered off, remembering Dr. Light mentioning they were still in beta. A massive noise shook the stage behind him and the screams of the audience flooded his receptors. Darting out of the room and onto the stage, he was met with a chaotic scene of people fleeing and a blown podium. Many banners blazed in the sky and drones were fried from massive electric discharges. Roll had luckily managed to force Dr. Light underneath a dented table.

"Doctor Light, Roll, are you alright?! What happened?" Rock shouted.

"Rock, be careful! It's the robot masters! They started on their and attacked the whole stage!" Light said gently grabbing Rock's shoulders.

"But that can't be! How is that possible? " The little robot looked over the table. A fully functional Elecman was shocking entire buildings with lightbulbs shattering and hot glass sprayed across pathways, Gutsman and Bombman throwing cars barely missing pedestrians, and Cutman slicing support beams. Iceman was freezing countless tress, and Fireman was setting the beautiful flowers on fire.

"Guys, what are you doing?!" Rock shouted while running toward Cutman. He managed to stand between the timber robot's projectile scissors and another support beam. Just as Cutman halted his attack, a rampaging Gutsman swung his fist in a backhand motion, slamming Rock with all of his force against the support beam. The little robot grunted softly before shutting down, his bright blue eyes turning a dull grey.

"Gutsman, no!" Dr. Light called out.

"Elecman, did ya manage ta get someone?" Fireman called to his comrade.

"Yeah, yeah got it. Dr. Wily, now's your time." Elec was holding a scared news reporter, his electrified fingers barely grazing their arm. With a threatening glare the camera was turned on and directed towards the robot masters. Suddenly a old man came front and center, his wild grey hair swept to the sides of his bald scalp, his puffy moustache couldn't hide his wicked grin. 

"Dear citizens of Monsteropolis, my name is Doctor Albert Wily. After spending so many years in Doctor Light's shadow, I have decided to take action in cementing myself as the greatest genius in the world. Please enjoy watching the robot masters you've grown so used to destroy everything that Light has helped build. But I can stop it all if your mayor surrenders and hands all power of the city to me. If you don't, these robot masters won't stop until I give the order." Dr. Wily announced to the camera. Then, he turned in the opposite direction with the robot masters dispersing behind him.

Dr. Wily hopped into a saucer-like vehicle and quickly disappeared into the sky. Dr. Light and Roll ran to the knocked out Rock before watching helplessly at the robot masters vanishing into the city.


Rock woke up slowly to realize he was back in his bed. The curtains draped over the window, the tired voice of Doctor Light echoing downstairs. A knocking came to the door as Roll came in with a E-Tank. Upon seeing her brother awake she dropped the drink and hugged him.

"Thank goodness you are awake! We got worried after you were was almost crushed." Her voice was muffled from the hug.

"Roll, where's Dr. Light?" Rock asked.

"Trust me Rock, you don't want to go down there. The situation is bad, ever since that weird human took our family away." Roll said.

"You mean Dr. Wily?" Rock asked again.

"What?" She asked confused.

"That was his...hold on, I'm going to see what dad's complaining about." He quietly opened the door, with his sister following him as they entered the lab. Standing in front of the largest screen was Dr. Light talking with the city mayor.

"I understand the paranoia mayor, but rest assured, I had nothing to do with this attack.  Why would I try to harm the city if it that my own creations would attempt to hurt me as well?" The roboticist argued. Rock noticed the dark bags across his creator's face.

"I'm not saying you were responsible in any way Doctor Light, but we are kind of in a pickle here. None of the police can even touch them, and the robots have taken over parts of the city! The press is all over me! They are demanding answers that I can't provide! I just want to know, are there any ways to stop your robots?" The mayor exclaimed.

"None of them are easy solutions. They were built to be stronger than humans, and more efficient in their functions. Their processors allow them to come up with strategies to overcome any problem. Even if the police do manage to outsmart their programming, normal bullets alone won't be able to puncture the thick armor." Dr. Light murmured.

"I am aware of that! I just-! ...Sorry Thomas, I'm just stressed. More importantly, how do we deal with Dr. Wily's declaration on taking over the city?" The mayor said.

"Are you going to give up the city to him?" The doctor asked, and the mayor shook his head 'no' aggressively.

"Of course not! I am not going to surrender the innocent civilians in this city to some madman, especially one willing to let it burn just to get what he wants! I may be just the mayor, but if I must, I will send every police force possible to protect this city!" The mayor said in a exasperated huff.

"I apologize for asking. I'll call you later to discuss what to do." And without anything else to say, the communication is cut. The doctor sighs before turning around, nearly getting a heart attack when he noticed his two robotic children watching.

"Ah! Rock, Roll, you two are awake!!" He exclaimed.

"Are you okay Dr. Light?" Roll hugged him a little.

"I...I'm fine Roll. It's just been a long day." Dr. Light said reassuringly, giving her a gentle hug back.

Something circulated in Rock's processor that irritated him not finding the answer. With a desire to learn the truth, he put on a confident face and stared his father down. "Who is Dr. Wily?"

For a moment, no one moved from the question. Roll, holding the mug with big eyes, watched the two of them for someone to answer. Then, with a sigh, Dr. Light went to a chair and sat down.

"Albert Wily. He was a good friend of mine from a long time ago, and we desired to create a world for robots and humans in different ways. We went to university together before we ended on not great terms. I haven't seen him for many years before today. I never thought he would do something this drastic." The roboticist explained.

"But why would he want to take our family and do all this 'conquering the city' nonsense?" Rock kept insisting. "Why would he hold a grudge against you?"

"Possibly because of the success of the creation of robot masters. Albert always was a bit of an over achiever, trying new ways to benefit humanity, even if they ended up proving to be too dangerous. One day he wounded up doing an illegal experiment and was banned from robotics all together. I continued in my robotics career and built enough of a reputation to make the robot masters. I guess after all these years his jealously got the best of him. I tried to talk to him before, but..." He slumped against his chair as Roll clutched his sleeves. Meanwhile, Rock just watched the door and thought about his newly built brothers.

"I can go." Rock spoke.

"What?" Light and Roll's faces were horrified.

"I helped you make their schematics, so I'm sure I can figure out how to bring them back without anyone getting hurt. I can do this." 

"No! No, Rock please! I'm not letting you go out there and face the robot masters on your own! You are not built to handle this situation! You'll die from their abilities before you can get near them!" Dr. Light hastily got up and shook Rock's shoulders. The robot could tell the both of them were scared for him. But the logic behind his solution was proving to be overloading his emotional ties to his creator. If nothing is done soon, the possibility of humans getting hurt would increase. If humans faced the robot masters, their reprogrammed selves would be compelled to hurt them back. Rock found sending a robot master to confront them to be the safest option for everyone. More than all of that logical reasoning, he wanted to save his family from the clutches of Dr. Wily.

"Then modify my body so I can withstand attacks and protect myself. I will do whatever it takes to bring them back." Rock said determined to get his creator to agree. Doctor Light continued to stare at the robot he come to love as a son. Sighing, the doctor patted the table for Rock to sit down. 

"Very well, I can tell you will not change your mind. I will help you prepare for the worst. But, I will keep an eye on your journey should the worst happen. Do you understand?" Dr. Light said as he the power lines into Rock's core.

"Yes! And thank you, Doctor Light."

A warm, fatherly smile replaced the doctor's frown as he powered Rock down to modify him. "Your welcome, Rock. Roll, would you hand me the screwdriver over there?"


As Rock came online, Dr. Light went through his checklist for possible problems. His human looking body was now a light blue color, and his arms and legs were covered in a dark blue trim. His left hand was now replaced with a arm cannon within the dark blue trim and a spherical helmet laid on his chest.

"Alright Rock, how do you feel?" Dr. Light asked.

"All of my circuits are running fine Dr. Light." Rock said pushing his hair back for the helmet. The blue helmet slid perfectly in place with a click and the arm cannon reverting to his real hand.

"Your new layer of ceratanium armor should help you withstand almost all impacts and elemental damage. If you do get into a situation that you need to fight back, the arm cannon in your left arm wire fire condensed solar bullets to blind your opponent. Let me know if you take one of the robot masters down. There's something I need to tell you later." Dr. Light said.

"Thank you Dr. Light. I need to head out now and fix this mess." Rock murmured. As he opened the door, Roll hugged him with her eyes appearing glossy.

"Be careful Rock. Come back safe and not injured." She said, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

"I will do my best Roll. I promise I'll bring everyone home Dr. Light." Rock assured before closing the door hastily, leaving a nervous Dr. Light gripping his coat with anticipated heartbreak.

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