Musical Alchemy Oneshot

By 2-Lett2304

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Short stories and oneshots of my OC, Judy Pot and our favorite alchemist Varian. Ideas and Plots are welcome... More

Judy Profile
One- Dress
Two- Fever
Three- Pox
Four- Liar
Five- AU
Six- Stutter
Seven- Roxanne
Eight- Miraculous
Nine- New Element
Ten- Malice
Eleven- First Meeting
Twelve- Lovebirds
Thriteen- Nightmare
Fourteen- Spiderman
Fifteen- Goodbye for Now
Sixteen- Angelic Voice
Seventeen- Aftermath
Eighteen- First Song
Nineteen- GenderMix
Twenty- Wedding
Twenty One- Blood
Twenty Two- Babies
Twenty Three- Daydream
Twenty Four- Dark Kingdom
Twenty Five- Massage
Twenty Six- Phantom of the Opera
Twenty Seven- Capture
Twenty Eight- Real Happiness
Twenty Nine-Parents
Thirty- Princess
Thirty One-AU part 2
Thirty Two- Heaven's Light/Hellfire
Thirty Three- Reunited
Thirty Four- Moondrop
Thirty Five- Hero vs Villain
Thirty Six- Siren
Thirty Seven- Picture Show
Thirty Eight-Distraction
Thirty Nine- World will Remember
Forty- Reversion
Forty One- Tragedy
Forty Two- Reborn
Forty Three- World will Remember us
Forty Four- Date
Forty Five- Full Moon
Forty Six- Belle
Forty Seven- She's Mine
Forty Eight- First Zing
Forty Nine- Red
Fifty- Stories
Fifty One- I Do
Fifty Two- Hide and Seek
Fifty Three- To the Bride
Fifty Four- Spooky Scary
Fifty Five- Simply
Fifty Six- Old Friend
Fifty Seven- Meet the Dad
Fifty Eight- Rewrite our Stars
Fifty Nine- Spy Fail
Sixty- Overprotective
Sixty One- Be There
Sixty Two- Angel
Sixty Three- Birthday
Sixty Four- Slipper
Sixty Five- Bully
Sixty Six- Proposal
Sixty Seven- Nutcracker pt. 1
Sixty Eight- Pregnant
Sixty Nine- Love Again
Seventy- Gift of Magi
Seventy One- Nutcracker pt. 2
Seventy Two- Skating
Seventy Three- Nutcracker pt. 3
Seventy Four- Mommy Kiss Santa Claus
Seventy Five- Dream
Seventy Six- Jealousy
Seventy Seven- Laws of Love
Seventy Eight- Trial/In Her Eyes
Seventy Nine- Hero vs Villain 2
Eighty- Sleeping Beauty
Eighty One- Day of Hearts
Eighty Two- Big Bad
Eighty Three- Words Hurt
Eighty Four- Soulmates
Eighty Five- Alpha and Omega
Eighty Six- Chase
Eighty Seven- Angels and Devils
Eighty Eight- Big Hero 6
Eighty Nine- Toxication
Ninety One- Alchemist
Ninety Two- First Meeting- Alternative
Ninety Three- Alchemy
Ninety Four- Pain
Ninety Six-Tired
Ninety Seven-The Argument
Ninety Eight- Judy's Song

Ninety Five- First Date

556 11 2
By 2-Lett2304

Varian clear his throat and spoke. "Hello Judy, I must say you're looking spellbinding today." He said. "Even your eyes look more crystal like than ever." Then he sighed and push his bangs up. "Look, I know it been a couple weeks since we've become a couple and these were the best time of my life. But what I am trying to tell you is.." He gulp. "Would you like" He groaned. "This is hopeless, I can't ask her."

Ruddiger sigh and shook his head. Turns out that Varian was trying to practice his speech on asking Judy on a real date while looking at a mirror. And he is too nervous and scared to ask her. It been nearly days since he and Rapunzel stop the red rocks and he saved Corona from suffering still in fear, even he had to tell Judy multiple times that she will not get abandoned or left out by him and the rest of her friends. And they haven't gone on a date after he had turn good. They are way overdue.

He begin pacing around his room with his hands on his head. "It's no use Ruddiger, what if she said no and refuse?" He asked his raccoon friend. "What if what we have was useless and for no reason? But she loves me so much, heck, the letter and her confession is proof enough, but what if it was nothing?" He pace still. "I am too scared to ask her, I don't know what to do Ruddiger."

"Don't know what to do what?" Asked a familiar voice.

Varian jumped and let out a yelp, then quickly turn around and see Judy standing by his door. She was holding a tray of baked cookies she have baked and have a confused look on her face. Well, she did come in and find her boyfriend talking to himself, or rather talking to Ruddiger. "J-Jude!" Varian exclaimed nervously. "Didn't hear you come in."

Judy walk in. "Well the door was open so I thought I come in and surprise you." She said. "I made cookies and thought you would like some."

"T-thank you." Varian thanked her, taking one and eat it. It have a moist feeling and can taste chocolate in it. "This is so good Jude." He said.

Judy let out a chuckle and place the tray on one of the chairs. "I tried my hardest, not like ma." She explained with a chuckle. "So, what were you talking about with Ruddiger?" She ask him.

It was then that his eyes widen in alarm, should he tell her that he wanted to ask her on a date? Or just ask her now since she is in he same room with him? So many questions run in his mind that he couldn't form up a word inside his head. Soon he started to break a sweat.

"W-Well, y-y-you see.." He begin stammering. "I..I was wondering...wondering" He rub the back of his neck, trying to come up with a word, while Judy just stare at him confuse and concern. He look at her in the eyes, her light blue eyes that can never outstand any crystal in the seven kingdoms. He gulped. "J-Jude, we-we've been together for weeks. Right?"

Judy nodded. "They been the best weeks of my life." She said.

He nodded back. "Yeah. A-And we've never know... Uh.." He sighed, his face soon turn red. "Uh...what would you say if...if we..we.." He gulped. "..go on a date?" He started to get scared and nervous.

Judy's own face let out a blush. Did he ask her on a date? She can feel herself wanting to jump and shouted to the world a million yeses, but rather wait for any reason to do that. She rub her arm. "I...I.." She too stammer. "..I love to." She said.

"You would!?" Varian asked right at her face. "Seriously?!" Then he back away and blush as he rub the back of his neck. "I..I mean..Great." He said. "S-So, how does tonight at the square sound to you?"

"S-Sounds nice." Judy nodded. "S-See you there."

"Same." Varian nodded back. "See ya tonight."

Judy only smiled and walk out of his room. She did a little hop of excitement, feeling her heart getting giddy that she been ask for a date with her boyfriend.

While in Varain's room, he grab Ruddiger and spin around with a big stupid grin. "Yes!! Yes!!" He shouted. "I got a date with my angel!! I got a date with the most caring angel in the world!! I got a date..and I am in huge trouble.." He stopped, with Ruddiger hanging while being held. During his excitement, he have forgot that he knows nothing about dating. He groan and dropped Ruddiger and place his hands over his face. "I am so stupid! I don't know the first thing about dating!" He plup on the bed and lay there while his face is still cover.


Varain sat on a chair near the cafe, still in deep thoughts of the fact he will ruined his first date. It's not like he isn't the most charming boy in Corona, he sees himself as handsome, smart and can be a bit dorky by accident, and Judy love him so much for them. He isn't like Flynn Rider or Eugene himself.

Then a thought came to him, Eugene! If anyone knows the first step of romance, it's him. But he couldn't go to him and ask for help, that would be ridiculous. But he really need help and he have no choice.

So he stood up and look for Eugene. Probably helping the princess with her new duty as the queen

With Eugene, he and Rapunzel are discussing with one of the building builder on where to put in the first ever Corona school for young kids. Rapunzel know that it would be something her father would be against, but this would be the right time to make up for what he done during her absent.

"Okay, i think having it on this area would be a good start." Rapunzel informed the builder, pointing at a empty space. "Think you can do it?"

"Can do princess."The builder respond with a nod.

Rapunzel let out a smile. "Great!" She said. "Be sure to get all ready and report the process along the way." She told him.

"Yes princess." He saulte and left.

Rapunzel turn to Eugene, who is standing by her along the way. "You sure are doing pretty amazing Blondie." Eugene said.

"Thank you Eugene." Rapunzel smiled. "I know things will get much better." She look down. "Well, almost better.."

Eugene let out a frown. He can tell Rapunzel is still hurt from Cassandra betraying her and taking the moonstone for her own, when she had a destiny to end this black rock nightmare.

He took Rapunzel by the arm and hug her. "Hey, it will be okay." He reassure her. "We'll get her back, hopefully."

Rapunzel look up at him, she snuggled her face close to his chest as he hugged her close.

A sound of a clear throat is heard. Both turn and see Varian who was rubbing his arm awkwardly. "Hi. Uh.. Sorry for interrupting your time." He said. "But I..I need your help."

"What is it Varian?" Rapunzel pull away from Eugene.

Varian blushed, face down to the ground. "I...I ask Judy on a date and-"

"You ask Judy on a date!?" Rapunzel asked with a big smile. "Congrats! It's about time you two done something together as a couple!"

"Thanks." Varian smiled, then turn to a frown. "But..I don't know the first thing about dating or what to do on dating." He said. "So, I was thinking that maybe either one of you can teach me about dating."

Eugene think for a minute, turning to Rapunzel. She gave him a nod. He face Varian. "We sure can help you Varian." He said. "Where you taking her to?"

"At the square, tonight." Varian answer.

"At the square? No! No!" Rapunzel wave her hand. "That is not one of the romantic places for a date." She added. "I got a better idea for a date, but you need to get ready."

Varian blinked, what is Rapunzel thinking about?


Later that night, every citizen is in their homes for the night. All but a single figure that is walking down the street. It's Judy, but she is dressed differently. She have a off shoulder top with long sleeves, a corset with a wait belt and two layer skirt that reach her knees, black stocking and boots. Her hair is nicely done, her curly is down with a braid behind her hair. She wore her string choker and her bracelet. She look nervous.

She never admitted it, but after finally being a relationship with Varian she thought that it would be this easy. Dating on the other hand, is new and hard for her.

Judy stopped when she hit the square, by the fountain. But she doesn't see Varian. "Varian?" She call out. "Vary? Where are you?"

A loud 'ppsst' is heard. She turn around and see Rapunzel behind her, holding a guitar while playing. "You came in time." She said. A guitar string pop and break.

Judy fight a chuckle. "Still need to work on it Rapunzel." She added. "Where's Varian?"

"Follow me and you will see." Rapunzel told her. She turn around and walk away while playing her guitar.

Judy roll her eyes and follow her away from the square. Soon they were away from the kingdom and on to the forest. Judy can see the stars from past the trees, even the moon is full and bright.

From ahead, Judy and Rapunzel can see some lights that came from some candles that circles around a table. Seems to coming from a hill. They walk up on the hill, Rapunzel still strum her guitar as she stand by the circle.

Judy stopped and gasped at the sight. Standing in the middle next to a table is Varian, he wear a vest, no gloves and no apron. His hair is swept to the side in a nice way, a neck tie around his blouse collar and holding a bouquet of roses, sunflowers and forget-me-not. He look nervous, almost sweating. In Judy's eyes, he is handsome. And in Varian's eyes, she is more beautiful than any stars.

"Wow, you like amazing angel." He said.

"Thanks, you look charming as well too." Judy respond back.

Both smiled nervously. Rapunzel strum a romantic guitar music, she motion her head to the table.

"Oh." Varian notice it. "Uh, shall we m'lady?" He took Judy's hand.

"Indeed we shall my good sir." Judy giggled.

He lead Judy to their seats. Varian pull a seat for her as she sat on it, he push her a little. He run to his seat and sat down. Eugene came, dressed in a suit and held a towel.

"Good evening." He bowed. "For tonight's meal, ham and cheese sandwich with a side of salad and for dessert, strawberry shortcakes." He said. "Have a pleasant night." He step away from the couple.

Judy face Varian, who is sweating through his clothes and smiling awkwardly. "Uh, here." He pull out the flowers. "These are for you."

"Aw, thank you." She took the flowers and smell them. "They smell lovely." She added.

"Y-You're welcome." Varian blushed and rub the back of his neck.

Judy put the flowers down and place her hands on the table. There was a moment of silence bewteen them, aside from the guitar music. Both looked at each other awkwardly, unsure on what to say or talk about.

"So, uh." Judy spoke. "Nice night we are having."

"Yeah." Varian nodded. "It is so beautiful, the moon reminds me of you."

Judy blinked. "Cause I am bright or-?"

"Not that I am saying you are big! I'm just saying that the moon is so pretty like you!" Varian blushed. He chuckled nervously. "Th-that was a big mistake, was it?"

"No. No!" Judy shook her head. "Of course not Vary."

"Oh, good." Varian smiled, looking down.

Both look down, feeling pretty silly about this. In a nick of time, Eugene came with two plates of ham and cheese sandwich and two bowls of salads with forks in them, he set them down and back away to leave them alone.

"Oh! Dinner came!" Judy said quickly, taking her sandwich and eat it.

Varian nodded only a little. He start eating his salad first.

The two teen both think they are acting so stupid and thinking this was a bad idea, while eating. Judy almost finish her sandwich.

" is it going decoding the scroll?" Judy ask him, rubbing her arm.

"I..I am working on it. It may take a while to get the answer." He responded. "Demanitus's work is a real mystery."

"Yeah, sure it." She nodded. "Hard to believe that the greatest scientist is in the form of a silly monkey." She giggled.

"Yeah." Varian replied back.

Judy finish her sandwich and move on to the salad, eating faster.

"Judy, slow down." Varian said. "If you keep eating like this, you could get hiccups."

Judy didn't listen, she was too nervous to slow down. Varian move his finished bowl away and grab his sandwich. By the time Judy had finish her bowl, she move it away and smiled nervously.

Varian blinked. "Jude? Is something bothering you?"

"No! No, not at all." Judy smiled big in a awkward way. "Why?"

"Are you...nervous?" Varian ask her.

"Why would I be nervous Vary?" Judy didn't stop smiling. "I'm having the best time in my life."

Eugene came back holding two plates of strawberry shortcakes for them. He set them down and back away.

Judy quickly grab hers and begin eating it.

"Judy, it's okay to be nervous." Varian told her. "I'm nervous too."

"I'm not nervous, I'm just really enjoying this food you guys put together." Judy defined. Then she let out a huge hiccup.

"I told you to slow down." Varian mention.

Judy breathe in and hold her breath. She crossed her arms and waited till she is ready to breathe again.

"Judy, calm down." Varian tried to tell her.

She let her air out and take a breath. "I am so calm down." She said. "See how calm I am?" She smiled.

Varian crossed his arms and stare at her with a raised eyebrow.

Judy sighed, knowing that she can't hide the truth from Varian. She look at him. "Okay, I am nervous." She admitted. "It's my first date with you and well, my parents never tell me of romantic other than the importance of marriage." She look down.

Varian frown, her family is Christian and too overprotective to tell her of love. He read his hand out and held her hand. "It's my first date too." He respond. "I wanted to have it perfect for you. You are my guardian angel and you deserve the world."

"You deserve the world more than me." Judy said. After being treated like a villain and the pain he been through, he is needed with care. "Even if you get into trouble, know that I can be there to save you."

Varian smiled softly at her, feeling his heart swelled with more love. Hearing this from her make him feel like he had everything that he can achieve with. Judy is a sweet being, she is strong, brave and a bit stubborn when she wants to. He wanted to give her more than the world itself, more than the sun and moon and the stars.

Then something came to mind. "Oh, I almost forgot." He said. "I made you something."

"Oh, no, no." Judy shook her hands and head. "You already made me more than one gifts. The bracelets is more than enough. You made me a sapphire hair comb in a shape of a star, a rose scented perfume and my first alchemy belt. I rather not be spoiled anymore."

"Really? Aw, too bad." Varian smirked. "Then who else can I give this to?" He pull out a small gift box wrapped in a pretty wrapping paper and a ribbon on the top. He slid it to her.

Judy sighed and roll her eyes, might as well open it and get over it. It's not like she doesn't like Varian too much, but it would be nice if he doesn't spoiled her much. She pull the ribbon off and unwrapped the box and open the lid. She gasped and cover her mouth.

Inside the box is a necklace that have the same element as her bracelet, the bead have different color of blue and teal. She pull it out and stare at it.

"Oh my. Varian, it's beautiful." Judy said softly. "And it match my bracelet."

Varian blushed. "yeah, thought you would love it." He said. "Need help putting it on?"

Judy nodded. He stood fro his seat and walk to her. He unclip her lapis lazuli necklace, set it on the table and put the new one in. Judy look down, her finger touch the element with a smile. She look up at Varian who smile down on her.

Shortly after, the two are laying on a blanket on the ground while watching the star sky and holding hands. Judy and Varian took off their boots, getting comfortable. Rapunzel and Eugene both left to give them some alone time, seems that the young lovers got things under control.

"Oh, what about that one?" Judy point at the sky.

Varian look at where's she pointing. "That's Hercules." He answer. "one of the Greek mythology heroes."

Judy nodded. "And what about that one?" She point another.

"Ophiuchus." Varian answer. "Some call it 'Serpent-Bearer."

Judy look at him, smiling softly. She lean her head on his shoulder. It cause him to blush, but he lean on her head. "You know, this date may got on a rocky start, but safe to say it had been the loveliest date I ever been on."

"Same here for me." Varian agreed.

The two cuddle next to each other, still holding hands.

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