Six- Stutter

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Modern AU in Cartoonaroll.


( In the Toon Town high school, Cartoonaroll school for toons. It was just a normal day like all. In Chemistry class, at the front of the desk, Varian Corona write down notes while Ms. Peridot lecture the class who are broad except Varian. The bell ring, signaling it's lunch time. The student get out of their seats and rush to the cafeteria. Varian grab his bag and rush to meet up with his three friends, Hiro Hamada, Tom Lucitor and Miguel Rivers. He made it at the end of the hall and greet them with high fives.)

Hiro: Hey, glad you made it. Thought you left us hanging.

Varian: As if. Come on, I'm so hung-

(Walking their way, is a teenage girl in Varian age. Dressed with a off shoulder too, pants and ankle boot and a shaggy baggy hoodie. Varian eyes grow heart, his face turn red and feel his own heart going fast at the sight. The three boys groan of this.)

Tom: Here we go again. Miss Judy Pot have arrive.

(They stand and watch as Judy came but stop when Varian is in the way, who is standing like a idiot in love.)

Judy: Oh, hi Varian. What's going on?

Varian: J-J-Judy... H-H-Hi..

Judy: Uh, are you okay?

Varian: I-I-I... You see... Uh... Yourethemostgorgeouscreatureeverbemygirlfriend?!

(The boys have their mouth jaw dropped and Judy have her eyes widen, Varian can feel sweat coming out of him.)

Judy: I...didn't catch that. Say it again please?

Varian: Uh...I... Really hungry? N-Not that I am hungry for you. W-Which I am not! I meant for food! And pretty sure you're hungry too! F-For food I mean! (Nervous chuckle) Y-Yeah, and I... I... Ibettergo!Bye!

(With that, he run off in a speed of light. Judy stand with a really confusing look. The boys follow Varian. At the lunch court, Varian groan with his face red and sweating while the boys are laughing their heads off.)

Tom: (laughing) Holly crap! That was ten times funny than last!

Hiro: (laughing) "Not that I am hungry for you"?! (Laughing) Dude!

Miguel: (laughing) Everytime! (Laughing)

Varian: (head under his arms) I am such a idiot. I probably blow my chance with her.

Hiro: Hey, you can still do it.

Varian: I-I don't know guys. S-She's the daughter of the Gorillaz famous couple, and I'm just a farm boy.

Tom: Dude, you have higher grades than any senior in school. Girls like Jude go for smart brains like you.

Varian: You mean those jocks.

Hiro: Seriously, you're acting like Judy is the most popular student. When you should know that Judy is not into popularity.

Varian: B-But Judy, she's the most-

Miguel: We know. "The most beautiful angel of all, she's so amazing, kind and have the voice of a real angel." You can barely make a sentence around her.

(Before Varian can bark back, he stop and froze still as he sees Judy with her three friends Star and Mabel coming there way. Judy wave them goodbye and head to the table the boys are.)

Hiro: Got a go! Good luck dude!

(And just in a flash, the three are off leaving Varian alone with Judy.)

Varian: G-Guys!

Judy: Mind if I sit here?

Varian: (blushing) Uh.. I... Uh.. Sure?

Judy: (smile) Thanks. (Sit down)

(Varian can feel his heart pumping so fast he can pass out from lack of oxygen just by looking at her smile. Judy pull out her lunch box, and pull out a container with leftover food. She look up and see him looking red and sweating.)

Judy: Varian? Are you okay? You're so red.

Varian: Oh. Well...I... You see I... (Nervous chuckle) I...

(She get up and place her hand on his forehead. Varian can feel his heart is going to explode from her being close to him.)

Judy: You feel so warm and really sweaty. Do you need to go to the nurse?

Varian: I-I'm fine! R-Really! I-I don't want to be a-a bother to y-you.

Judy: What? Never. You're never a bother to me.

(She smile again, making him feel so weak. And before he know it..)

Varian: I like you Judy Pot! I really, really like you!

(Judy stare at him, as do the other students. Varian sweat in fear, fearing what will she say of this. Instead of being disgust of this, she let out a sweet smile.)

Judy: I like you too Varian.

Varian: Y-You do?

Judy: Of course. Who else?

(He let out a smile, feeling happy that she like him back. They go back to their lunch, then they went to their next class. And Varian and Judy happen to in the same.)

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