Three- Pox

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(Judy run straight to Old Corona, while Odette hold on to Judy's tunic. Today Judy wrote a song on her own and she wants Varian to be the first to hear it. She stop in front of his house, she knock on the door and wait. Quirin open the door instead of Varian.)

Judy: W-Where's Varian?

Quirin: In bed.

Judy: Bed? Is he okay?

Quirin: He have spots all over him, they're red and swollen.

Judy: Oh my. Can I come in? I won't let him touch me.

(He let her in, she give him a thank and walk to Varian's room upstairs. She enter and see Varian in bed like Quirin said, he have red spots all over his skin and he was stretching on them while Rudiger is away from him in a small basket with a blanket and a pillow. Judy put Odette in the basket and sit on a chair by his desk. Varian turn around to stretch his back, then stop when he see Judy.)

Judy: Hi Vary!

Varian: (blushing) J-Judy! W-What are you doing here?! You could get sick with whatever I got!

Judy: Relax, as long I don't touch them. And to what you got, they're called Chicken Pox.

Varian: Chicken Pox?

Judy: A illness that gives you itchy blister rash, I have one when I was a kid, only last for a week.

Varian: I didn't have them as a kid.

Judy: Well you are way over due my alchemist friend.

(Varian stretch his back.)

Varian: I need to find a cure for this pox.

(He get up from his bed, but Judy block his way.)

Judy: You're sick, you could get more if you don't get rest.

Varian: But Judy-

Judy: Let me help make you feel better. I know a good treatment for a pox.

(A few hour later, Judy feel a huge tub with water and put baking soda she bought from Corona store in the water. Quirin brought Varian, covering himself with a cloth.)

Varian: You sure of this Judy?

Judy: Taking a bath in a baking soda water is a good way for the pox.

Varian: Yeah, but I don't feel comfortable with taking a bath with you in open.

Quirin: That's why you have me son. I'll take care of it Judy.

Judy: Thank you sir.

(She walk inside, just as Varian get in the tub and shiver from the cold temperature of the water.)

Varian: It's freezing!

Quirin: It will smoothe the harsh rash of your skin. Unless you want Judy to deal with you-

Varian: (blushing red) NO! I-I mean... I-I don't want her to get uncomfortable with my...

(Quirin let out a laugh of this, his son is getting fluster at the thought of Judy seeing his private part. He wash Varian skin with the soda water when it's time to go inside. Judy came with a bowl of soup, walk to Varian when he sat on a couch.)

Judy: Here you go. Makes me feel better.

Varian: Thanks Judy. How long will this last again? I need to make a cure of the pox.

Judy: Only a week. But best get a doctor who is skilled with illness like this. For now, you're suck with home treatment and no alchemy work.

(Varian let out a loud sigh of this, have no choice but follow Judy methods. He took a sip of his soup as Judy watch with a smile in her face.)

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