Fifteen- Goodbye for Now

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(Quirin and Varian made it to Old Corona after coming from the castle. Varian still can't believe his father lie to the king in the face, he should have told him Old Coroba is falling apart because of the black rocks, but instead he lie and hid the problem. As soon they enter the center, villagers came to them and backer and complain at Quirin. Varian walk away so he won't hear this. Running his way, Judy came to him.)

Varian: Jude? Hey. How are you doing?

(Judy stop infront of him, panted from all the running she did. She gain her breath and look at him.)

Judy: Hey Varian, uh...can we talk? Somewhere private?

Varian: S-Sure. What's wrong? Did something happen?

(Judy didn't answer him, she walk past him and head to the same tree they first met. They sat under there. Judy look down, all quiet which very unusual to Varian. She always talk to him and never been this quiet.)

Varian: Judy? What's the matter?

Judy: Wel... (Sigh).. My family and I are leaving today.

Varian: Leaving?!

(He can feel his whole heart breaking at the news. She's leaving Corona now? He'll never see her again, never heard her angelic voice again and never be near her again.)

Judy: Yeah. It's time for us to travel again. And I almost conceder Corona as my new home, but still we're traveling musician.

Varian: You can still consider your parents to let you stay for a while.

Judy: I can't. They're my family, and family have to stay together. I'm sorry Varian, I wish I can stay, but I can't.

(He look away, tears forming in his eyes. He can't believe this. The girl he is in love with is leaving him. Judy see him getting sad, she move close and hug him from behind. It took him by surprise of this, but he hug back.)

Judy: I really want to stay, but I can't. I wish you would come with us, we might make a good team.

Varian: I can't. Old Corona is in danger of these rocks, and Old Corona is my home. I can't leave it behind when it's in danger.

Judy: I understand. (Sigh)'s goodbye?

Varian: (move away and face her) What if I never see you again? What if you never come back here?

Judy: (hold his hand) We're traveling musician, we never go far away from our usual stops. But I can promise you this. When I am old enough to travel on my own, I can come to Corona and maybe stay here forever, knowing we can still be friends. I promise you I will come back to Corona for you.

Varian: Promise?

Judy: (incert her pinky finger) A pinky promise.

(Varian let out a smile and incert his pinky finger as well. They hook their pinky, sealing a promise they share. Judy smile at him as they stood up. She gave him one last hug, he hug her back tight. He look at her, frown and thought for a moment. It's now or never.)

Varian: Judy, there's...there's something I need to tell you.

Judy: What is it?

Varian: I...I...I...Judy, I lo- I lo-... I wish you luck on your travel.

Judy: (smile) Thanks. And wish you luck on your quest to stop the rocks.

Varian: Thanks Jude, that means a lot to me.

(She place a peck on his lips, one that made his heart stop beating.)

Judy: Good bye Varian, see you again someday?

Varian: (Gulp) Please.

(Judy smile and walk away to head back to Corona where her family are waiting for her, Varian watch her leave and walk back to his house. When he made it, he turn and see a carriage drove by a horse with a group of people riding there, he see Judy there and see it's her family leaving Corona. He let out a sigh, one of sadness. He still never got the chance to tell her he loves her.)

Musical Alchemy OneshotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora