Thirty Seven- Picture Show

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Bonnie and Clyde AU. Cause the two are voiced by the two actors, Jeremy and Laura. Song doesn't belong to me.


Young Judy: (sing) I can see me, I can see me

Living just like Clara

Spipping champagne, can't you see me

In the middle of the dance floor

(She is dressed up in a black dress, stocking a Mary Jane shoes, standing in front of her mirror. She imagine herself as a famous actress, with everything girls want.)

Young Judy: (sing) That could be me, that could be me

Doing things like Clara

Flirting madly, looking dreamy

These are things toy take a chance for

(She spin around, grab her blanket and put it around her neck like a shawl cape. She paste around, pretending.)

Young Judy: (sing) It must be great to be called the "It" girl

Your face on every magazine

That's where I'm gonna end up one day, trust me

Scarlett: Judy Lenore O'Hare Pot! Come out now, we're gonna be late for your father's funeral!

(Coming in is a woman, hair short and dirty blonde, light blue eyes and dressed in a black dress with a black hat. She stare hard at Judy, who just stand there looking away. Judy didn't look at her.)

Young Judy: You go, I don't want to come.

Scarlett: But you have to. Your father wouldn't want you to be sad of his death.

Young Judy: No! Leave me alone!

(Scarlett walk to her, and give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead.)

Scarlett: Come on sweetie. At least say your last good bye to him before he head to heaven in Jesus name.

(Judy look down, and frown. At the funeral, a picture of Staurt is seen on his coffin. His friends, family and all who knew him all have their head down in respect. Stuart was a great man, a wonderful husband and a caring father. The priest spoke before them.)

Priest Xavier: Stuart Harold Pot was a beloved husband to Miss Scarlett, and a understanding father to sweet Judy, who was ten when it have happen. Now, all please bow our heads and pray for his safe trip to the lord.

(All bow their heads and pray, but Judy didn't. She look up at the sky.)

Young Judy: (sing) I wanna be her, I wanna be her

Dressed in style like Clara

I can see me, can't you see me?

The main attraction at the picture show

Like Clara Bow, like Clara

(While just a few miles away, a young boy have a BB gun. He run around his barn, acting like a crock on the run.)

Young Varian: (sing) I wanna live the life of an outlaw

I'm gonna be like Billy the Kid

And when the law has got me surrounded, no doubt

I'm gonna shoot, my way out

(He fire his gun to a open field, then run to the other side. Where he is near a chicken house.)

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