Fifty Seven- Meet the Dad

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(After Judy and Varian first met, Judy finally head back to Old Corona the next day. The problem is, she doesn't know where he live! Luckily she see a farmer working on his field. She walk to him, tap him on the shoulder to get his attention. He turn around and see her.)

Farmer: Hello there, you're the singer.

Judy: Yes. I was wondering you know where Varian lives?

Farmer: Why? That boy is dangerous.

Judy: Dangerous? Ha! I'll have you know that I face danger a lot as a kid. I think I can face something dangerous like him. Now, do you know where he lives? Please?

Farmer: (sigh) Over by the walls, at the end.

Judy: Thank you.

(Judy head off, the farmer shook his head and went back to work. Judy reach the end, smiling to find it. She walk up the steps and knock on the door. Opening is Qurin, he look down and see Judy.)

Quirin: Can I help you with something?

Judy: Hi. Is this where Varian live?

Quirin: How did you know my son?

Judy: Oh! You're his dad? Please to meet you sir. I'm Judy Pot. My family and I are staying in Corona for a month then get back to traveling. I met your son yesterday. So, is his here?

(Quirin stare at her, not sure what to think of her. Judy look down, feeling nervous. Then Quirin shout.)

Quirin: Varian! You got a girl asking for you!

(They hear crash and a yelp of pain. Till footsteps are running and Varian came to view panting. He look at the door, he smile big.)

Varian: Judy! You came back!

Judy: Told you I would. So, about that alchemy trick?

Varian: Jusst follow me and I'll show you the magic.

(Before Judy can enter, Quirin block her way.)

Quirin: Hold it. How can I be sure I trust you won't hurt her?

Judy: Hurt me? (Roll her eyes) (go under him) Come on. I laugh at the face of danger! I can handle Vary here!

(Varian blush when she call him that. Quirin see his son blushing, now seeing what's going on.)

Judy: Well, lead the way my Alchemy buddy.

Varian: Uh.. (Snap out) Oh! Right! Follow me!

(He lead her down the basement, there, she see a desk with chemical sets and bookshelf and metals. She look in awed of this.)

Judy: This is so cool!

Varian: Thank you. I have all I need for my work. But wait till you see one in action!

(He lead her to his desk. She watch him mix the chemicals, heating them and see him writing notes on the results. She smile at this. About a minute later, Judy spoke.)

Judy: What's the deal with your dad? He doesn't seem to like me at first.

Varian: My dad is a tough shell to crack. But I think once he get to know you more, he might warm up to you.

Judy: I see. My pap is usually open up to strangers, but that's just him. Silly old pap.

Varian: He's always like this?

Judy: Yeah. He welcome Murlock, Sera, Naoto and Randol to our family. Mom say he is a happy-go man, but it's what she love about him. And where is your mom Vary?

(hen he look away from her, with a sad face. Judy frown.)

Varian: She...passed away.

Judy: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that.

Varian: It been hard for us, dad never have time for me since she died.

Judy: Oh.

(She put her arm on his shoulder and side hug him. He let out a blush on his face.)

Judy: I know how it is, but we have to let go to move on. Staying on one emotion will not make it work, it takes time to heal.

Varian: Really?

Judy: Yeah, it's what Sera told me.

(She see through a window that the sun is going down.)

Judy: I gotta go. See ya tomorrow?

Varian: Totally.

Judy: Sweet! Later

(She run out of the door and out of the house as she run back to Corona. Varian watch her from the window, smiling with a blush.)

Quirin: So that's the reason you invite her.

(Varian heard his father, turn around and see him by the door, smirking at him.)

Varian: Invite her? No, she ask to see my work. It's nothing personal, Judy's a great girl.

Quirin: I heard from others, that she have a beautiful voice like a angel. You really like her.

Varian: Well, she's really nice, funny, sweet, lovely, a strong spirit and a gorgeous smile.

Quirin: (chuckle) You're growing up so fast. Be sure to treat her fair and don't harm her if you want to keep her.

(Varian blush and stammer, then Quirin walk away. He stopped at his room, and look at the picture of him, with his wife and a baby Varain.)

Quirin: She remind me of you so much.

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