Seventy One- Nutcracker pt. 2

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Part two of the Nutcracker AU.


(Judy sleep in her bed, dreaming of the story Xavier told of. she even dreamed of a young boy, in her age, with black hair with a turquoise streak, cloudy blue eyes, freckles, pale tan skin and dressed like her nutcracker. he bow before her, smiling as snow fall around them. then she woke up. she look outside her window, still night. She get off of her bed, put on a dark teal sleepjacket that match her teal sleepgown and her new slipper. she quietly walk downstairs, careful to not wake her family up. She open the door to the living room, close it. The tree is lift, but she head to the cabinet, open and pull out her nutcracker.)

Judy: Hello there. Are you enjoying your stay here? I'm so sorry about Bridget, she doesn't understand real beauty like me and my friends. I'll be sure to take real good care of you.

(She walk to the couch with her nutcracker, sat and stare at it.)

Judy: It's kinda funny. I know you're only a doll, but you feel almost human to me. I wonder why. (yawn) I feel tired, would you stay with me to protect me?

(She could sworn she saw a gleam in it eyes, but she think she's too tired to think. She lay on the couch, and fell asleep with the nutcracker close to her. The grandfather clock chime, then Xavier appear. He smile at Judy sleeping, but he hear sounds of mice. With a puff of magic, he disappear and magic fill the room. A dust of magic fell on Judy and shrink her to the size of her nutcracker, not only that, it made the nutcracker come to life. He open his eyes, blink then gasp.)

Varian: I...I'm alive? Amazing!

(He stood up, but feel a weight on his chest. He look down and see Judy still sleeping. He let out a blush of this.)

Varian: Uh..W-Well..this is..unexpected.

(He heard sound of mice. He look down to see a hole open from a wall and scouts of mice and rats. They must be the servants of the Mouse King he thought. He pick up Judy from his chest and place her on the couch as she curl up in her sleep. He brush a strand of hair from her face, just when the mice and rats came.)

Mouse 1: You!

Rat 1: The Mouse King turn you into a full nutcracker! How are you alive?!

Varian: You don't know my Uncle Xavier that much.

(He pull out his sword and fight them off. Judy woke up to the sound of fighting, She get up and see the nutcracker fighting the mice and rats, then she look at her surronding.)

Judy: H-How? I'm..I'm the size of a doll!

(She get up and hide. She watch the nutcracker fighting them off, but they're too many. She look for something, when she see a pillow on the couch. She push it and it fell on the mice and rats. They start retreating back to the hole. Judy hide again. The nutcracker turn to her hideout, she peek in, staring at him. )

Judy: A-Are you real?

Varian: Well, I can talk and move, so yeah. Thank you for stopping them, I be dead for good.

Judy: It's nothing. W-Who are you anyway?

Varian: I'm Varian, a young clockmaker. Or at least I was till i got turn into a nutcracker Judy.

Judy: How did you know my name?

Varian: I heard it from several. I may be a lifeless piece of wood, but I can still hear and see. Oh, and thanks for healing my jaw. That girl is more bratty than Staylan.

Judy: Staylan.. You're the boy from Uncle Xavier story!

Varian: Wha? You know Uncle Xavier? And did you call him "Uncle"?

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