Seventy Six- Jealousy

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(Today, Rapunzel want to throw a dance contest, winner will get to be the guest of honer of the ball after the contest. All are signing up, some are in solo, some in duo and rest are in groups. Even Monty join in. But the two who aren't joining are Judy and Varian. For two reasons, one, Judy have a stage fright when facing a kingdom of crowds. and two, Varian doesn't like dancing. So they are out of the question. With Judy, she and Odette are in Corona, getting ingredients for her mother baking and cooking. After all, Scarlett been baking more pastry for Varian each time Judy visit him. Judy let out a smile of this, happy she have all she need. She walk out, when she bump into someone.)

Judy: Oh, sorry about that.

Voice: No need.

(Before her, is a teen boy, maybe two years older than her, his skin is pale, dark black not like Varian, brown eyes and dressed like a prince. Judy look at him.)

Judy: Are you new?

Person: Hmm? Oh, no just visiting. I'm William, William White. And you are m'lady?

Judy: Judy, Judy Pot. I'm just staying here for a while.

Wiliam: A traveler are you?

Judy: Uh yeah. I better get going, mom want them for tonight dinner.

(She turn to walk away from him, heading to the inn. But William stop her path with a charming smile.)

William: You know, I really wanted to join the dance contest.

Judy: Well go. Who's stopping you?

(She walk around him, but block her path.)

William: But I really need a dance partner for it. You look like someone with a step in her.

Judy: Oh ho ho, no way. I don't dance around a kingdom of crowds, i have a stage fright of that. And i rather not take part of it. So you better find someone who can dance with you.

(Again she walk around him, but he block her path again. Judy groan of this. Coming to Corona, Varian is in need of supplies for his new invention. He was looking forward to showing Judy it, cause he know how much Judy give him support to his work and that's what he love about her. He walk around the corner, happy with a smile, when he see Judy with William. His smile turn into a confusion frown. His eyes widen and jaws dropped. Judy roll her eyes.)

Judy: If I join your stupid dance, will you leave me alone?

William: (take her hand) What m'lady want.

(He kiss it. Varian narrow his eyes at them, teeth gridded and growling. William walk away from her. Judy let out a sigh of relief.)

Judy: Geez, what a creep.

(She walk away to head back to the inn. Varian follow her. Judy gave her mother the ingredients. And walk out to join William. Varian follow her. The two are in the castle gate. Varian watch her join in the contest with William, who is by her side. He growl through his teeth, not liking him with her. He is close to breaking the crate.)

Voice: Varian?

(Varian heard a voice behind him. He turn around and see Cassnadra dressed in her lady in waiting outfit and arms cross, she was staring at him.)

Cassandra: What are you doing?

Varian: Uh..n-nothing..

Cassandra: Yeah. I thought you don't want to partake in the dance contest.

Varian: I don't. I'm not here to dance.

(Cassandra look at the way he was looking, and see Judy with William as they practice dancing. Cassandra gets it and smirk.)

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