Eighty Six- Chase

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Take place after "Love Again
(It was a month after the ball, Judy can't stop but keep having dreams of her and Varian together, dancing together and being close to kiss. She thought she can get over Varian, but fate keep binding her with him still. She let out a sigh as she sat on a banch in the park. No one is here, due to being at the castle, so she's all alone. Meanwhile, Varian have the same feeling as Judy did. Every night, he can't stop dreaming of him with Judy and dreaming of her beauty. His mind tell him to stay focus on his revenge, but his heart is heading to Judy only. He let out a sigh of this. If only he can choose which to focus on. He lean against a tree, sliding down on his bottom and sit. With Judy, she undid the braid of her hair, letting it lose. Maybe she can visit her friends. She get up and walk out of the park. With Varian, he let out a groan with so much on his mind, when he caught glance of Judy. His heart is beating so fast, his lungs stopped working, he get up without knowing and follow Judy. With Judy, she enter Sinny's old shop. It been abandoned for years ever since she start chasing Varian, Judy can't understand why Sinny can't let it go, it become an unhealthy obsession to her. She grab a red pink bottle, held it as she kneel her knees to the floor.)

Judy: Oh Vary, if only I was there when it happened.

(She sighed sadly. She never admit it, but she miss her old Varian so much. She miss his smile, his laugh, his carefree attitude and his smarts. She give anything to have him back, but there is nothing she can do about it. The bottle she held in her hand pour liquid out and in the floor where Judy kneel. It took a while for Judy to feel her pants wet. She look down and see the potion getting her pant wet, then she look at the bottle she is holding and read the label.)

Judy: "Love Pheromone"!!? The heck Sin!!? Why did her mother have to create a love potion?!

(She get up, drop the bottle on the ground. She walk out of the shop.)

Judy: I better get home and wash this scent off before guys can smell me and fall in love with me.

(Before she can make a move, she felt someone wrap her around in their arms. And a familer voice whipser in her ear.)

Varian: If they do, they have to kill me first my precious.

(Judy's face went bright red when she feel his breath by her ears. She gulped, then froze when she feel him smelling her neck.)

Varian: Is that a new perfume? Cause you smell so fine my little precious~

Judy: Me? Wearing perfume? That's silly, you know very well that I don't wear perfume very often. I am just heading home to wash it off and be on my way to make more weapons.

(She struggle to break free from him, but he tighten his arms around her in a lock tight.)

Varian: Oh no you're not my sweet dumpling~. You been haunting my dreams all month, and now I am not letting you out of my sight ever again~

Judy: (blushing) I...I love to stay and chat, but I really need to go.

Varian: But if you leave me again, I'll kill myself. I don't think I can ever live without you by my side~

(Judy gulped. She feel a nosebleed coming. She let out a squeak when she feel kisses on her neck, Varian is kissing her neck! Varian kissed all over her neck, humming in delight as he smell the potion. Judy need to get away from him. She stump her boots at his shin, causing him to groan in pain and let her go. Judy start running straight to the park. Varian recover and watch her go, he smirk.)

Varian: (chuckle) Ready or not precious, here comes Vary~

(Judy kept running till she is surrounded by trees. She look behind her, to see if he is chasing her. No sight of him. She hide behind a tree and catch her breath.)

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