Twenty Two- Babies

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(Varian was carrying a arm full of scrolls as he walk to the castle hallways. Being the royal alchemist does have it pricks, with the royal plans, events and schedules, especially with his pregnant wife. He reach a door, open and enter his office. He set the scrolls down and pop his back. A full day of work and he could use a rest. He let out a smile, and head out. Outside, Judy is sitting a a bench in the garden, hand on her big stomach which inside carry a little being. She smile, finally they're gonna have a family. A hand cover her eyes.)

Varian: Guess who?

Judy: Varian..

Varian: That's me! How's my angel doing?

Judy: Tired, your kid is being rough with me.

Varian: (sit next to her) You mean "our" kid.

Judy: Yes, of course. (Sigh) Can't believe we're gonna be parents.

Varian: I know. Rapunzel and the others have spoiling us with all the baby gears, let's hope they won't spoil our baby.

Judy: Oh come on. They're just doing all these favors for you after what happen twelve years ago.

Varian: Yeah. (To Judy's stomach) Hello there. Mommy and daddy love you to pieces, can't wait to see your cute little face.

Judy: (laugh) You're such a dork.

Varian: Yeah, (flirtation look) but I'm your dork.

Judy: Yes you are.

(He kiss her stomach, and pull himself up to kiss Judy on the lips. He place his hand on her stomach to feel their baby kicks. Then Judy let out a pained gasp and a yell, it cause the kingdom staff attention and Varian grow worry.)

Varian: Judy? Honey? What's wrong?

Judy: (gasping) The baby! I-I think it's time!

Varian: What!? Now!?

Nigel: Oh dear. (To a guard) Get the doctor!

(Varian pick Judy up in a bridal style and run to the castle.)

Judy: Varian..(yell)..I'm too heavy!

Varian: Never! Now hang on tight honey!

(He run to their room, and place Judy on the bed while holding her hand. Eugene, Rapunzel and their daughter Celestrial came in.)

Eugene: What's going on!?

Varian: Judy's on labor! Our baby is coming!

Celestrial: Why does Aunt Judy look like she's hurting?

Rapunzel: Eugene, take Celestrial out.

(Rapunzel enter and close the door behind her. She walk to the couple and by Judy side.)

Rapunzel: Judy, I need you to keep breathing till the doctor gets here.

(Judy breath hard, and yell in pain causing her to squeeze Varian's hand.)

Varian: (in pain) I'm here, honey I'm here.

Judy: SHUT UP!

(The door open, Cassandra and Adria came in. They close the door.)

Rapunzel: Where's the doctor?

Adria: If you think I'm letting a doctor brith my god child, not gonna happen. I'm doing it.

Varian: How?

Adria: Hey, I was there when you were born. Now sweetie, I need you to push as hard as you came, okay?

Judy: Whatever, just GET THIS KID OFF ME!

Adria: Okay. Liff her dress. (Rapuzel lift her dress up) On three, one, two, three, push!

(Judy push with all her might, squeezing Varian hand till they are busied. She yell and push in pain, that is till they hear the sound off a crying baby.)

Adria: It's a boy!

(Judy and Varain smile of this. A son. But Judy yell in pain again.)

Adria: Oh boy, I think you got one more.

Varian: Another baby?

Adria: Hold him. (Give the baby to Cass) Okay, push!

(Judy push again, yelling and howling. Till they hear another baby cry.)

Adria: And a girl!

(Judy panted as she plup down on her pillow. The girls clean the babies, wrap them in blankets and give them to the couple.)

Cassandra: Congratulation. You have twins.

(Judy held the girl while Varian held the boy. The girl have a dark brown like Varian's father but with a turqione streak, light skin and freckle on her face. The boy have his mother brown hair and a blue streak, light tan skin and freckle as well. Varian feel a rush of tears in his eyes, he's a father now, father of two. He turn to Judy.)

Varian: They're perfect.

(the door open, Eugene, Lance, the thugs and Celestrial enter. They saw the babies.)

Lance: Oh my god! They're so adorable!

Hook Foot: Congrats you two!

Celestrial: (wake to them) (See the girl) They're tiny.

Judy: They're suppose to. You were small too once. Want hold her?

(She nodded. Judy handed her daughter to Celestrial. She look at the baby, who have her eyes shut. The baby open and reveal cloudy blue eyes, like her father. Celestial smile.)

Celestrial: Hi there.

(The baby reach out her hand and grab hold of her dress. The two couple laugh. The baby boy open his eyes, show cloudy blue as well.)

Judy: They got your eyes Varian.

Varian: They should, cause I'm the best.

Judy: (roll eyes) Varian..

Eugene: Have you guys got a name for them?

Judy: We do. Elsa and Soren.

Rapunze: They're wonderful names.

(Celestrial give Elsa back to Judy. Rudiger climb in and look at his new owners. They look at him and reach their arms to him. Rudiger walk to Elsa, who grab his face and pull it. Snap back and let out a laugh. Soren grab his tail, cause Rudiger to Yelp in pain. He let out a laugh, Varian grab Soren hand and lose them.)

Varian: Kids, Rudiger is not a toy.

(The group let out a laugh. Judy and Varian kiss each other. So much is gonna happen to Elsa and Soren.)

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