Sixty Two- Angel

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Varian's view of Judy.


The moment I saw her, I was in complate awestruck. She is so beautiful, so unique, so different. Sure her hair is a two color, brown and blue, but that's what makes her different. Her voice is so crystal clear, like she is send down to earth by angels. And her eyes are pale blue like crystals, I think she is a angel.


When I am face to face with her, I couldn't think of something to say to her or risk making myself a idiot to her. Then she just laugh, it was a laugh I can listen to along with her angelic voice. She is so different than she looks, she is very humorous, polite and very esthetic. She seems to be interested in my way of alchemy, she even impress with one of my work, this is the first person that's really impress with me. I mean, she's something I never thought of being friends with, friends with an angel.


For weeks, she watch me at my best works, she question me and doesn't look board at all. She been hearing other that I'm dangerous, but she never listen to them, it's like she never care for anything other than what her goal is. She's stubborn like me, reckless and never afarid to face danger. But I wish I was more gentle for her, so she can see how much I care about her, my angel.


During the expo, I wanted to show Cassandra that I am special to her with my invantion, cause I love her. Cassandra agreed to be my assistant for my project if I help her with her choices, I was so excited for it to happen. It wasn't till my angel came and saw me working. She even told me that I'm only doing this cause I want to impress Cass, even if she is older than me. I told her it's nothing too big, but I know her, she's smarter than she looks. She's never the one to miss a few details. It wasn't till Cassandra chose her duty over out deal, I feel hurt and betrayed. I went to look for another assistant, I could ask my angel to help, but I don't think so, she never like being perform in front of huge crowds. So I found one, a old man named Shorty. When it was my turn, I announces my invention and perform on how it works. I pull out the most beautiful element and named it after my angel. That is till my assistant almost got me disqualified. After I confuse to Cass that I only did it to impress her, that's when my invention almost hurt everyone. Cass and my angel held on to me, fighting against the vortex. After it was taking care of, my angel came to me, asking me why I named her, it was cause unlike Cassandra, she never doubt me at the start. She hug me, I can feel my heart beating so fast, for being close to my angel.


For the past months, me and my angel have gotten more close than I thought. I learn more about her past that she been dealing with overprotective family since she almost hurt herself that cause her her hair, how her family one by one met their band members and allowed them in, how she would always sneak out as a kid cause of her reckless manners and how she met her baby swan, Odette and more about herself. She's more than I thought she look. She's strong, bold, full of confident and the most caring being in this planet, I don't desvere a angel like her. I'm distraction, she's pure, I'm dangerous, she's innocent by heart, I'm a monster, she's a angel.


With the black rocks coming out more and more, I fear my village is about to die. I need to do something about this, for my home, for my dad, for my angel. But my dad told me to stay away from the rocks, but how can I when they are destorying everything I care about? My angel want to help me, even after I told her it be too dangerous, but like her stubborn side, she is reckless again. I guess it's why I love her, never back away from being there for her friends. We try every experiment to solve this problem, but they're unbreakable, like Rapunzel's hair. Along the way, my angel support me fully. How can I be so graceful to have her by my side? She's everything I wish to have. But sadly, it was time for her to fly away. I can tell she doesn't want to leave, but she have to be with her family. I don't want her to leave as well, but her family need her and I can't be selfish to keep her. Then, we made a promise, she promise to come back to Corona for me, she pinky promise me. I almost told her my feelings, but like a coward, I cover my true feelings for her. I watch her and her family leaving Corona, I wish I could tell her how much I love her, my angel.


My father is encased in ember, I try everything to free him. I ask help, but I was turn away by everyone. They say I "attack" the Princess, but I didn't! I beg and beg for help, but everyone turn their back on me! I wish my angel is still here, she never turn her back on anyone, but she is not here anymore. I found a flask that have a small amount of a purple liquid, this looks like the perfect chance to get what I need. But how to not cause any supisions? My angel's mother baking have been the best, she always bring pastry goods for us to snack on. This give me an idea for my truth serum. I put the serum in the batter and bake them. If my angel was here, she be mad at me for doing this, but this time, there's no angel to save me from what I'm about to do.


The flower failed! It should have cut through! It wasn't till I realize the the Sundrop is not the flower, but it's Rapunzel. But I need a plan to get her. They want a villain, so be it. I try being nice, I try being polite, but they won't give a second glance like my angel would. They will pay dearly for throwing me out. I send my automaton to get Rapunzel, but it was a fail task,won't happen again. So I have to use other ways. I turn Rudiger into a beast to get them distracted while I take the queen, my angel would hate me for this to Rudiger, she really love him as well as raccoons. But it must be done, for my father. I work on making more automatons to rid of them. They will hear me, even if I have to destroy what stand in my way. If there's anything I lean from my angel, is that you must takes risks.


With Rapunzel hair, it should shatter the ember to free my father. It should have worked! The hair should have cut through, but it didn't! This is her fault, she started this. I went to my battle automaton and sent to destroy her, if I can't have my only family member back hen neither can she! I wreck everything that stand in my way. Cassandra launch to attack me, but this time I have the upber hand, after all, my angel is ten times better than Cass. I grab the queen as I have two woman in my grasp. I squeeze them, Rapunzel will pay for this! The black rocks destory my automatons, I see Rapunzel grabbing two rocks and controlling them. I dash to her, to put a end to her, but one by one, my battle automaton is is destory. I failed! It'd not fair! I am taken by to Corona, for the crime I did, but it's their crime they should pay, not mine. I will make my father proud of me. It wasn't till I see the image of her, my angel, looking at me with disgust. The sight that break my heart, she'll hate me forever. My only light in my dark world, my guardian angel, my precious savior, my princess, my Judy Pot. I wish she is still at my side, cause I need her more than ever.

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