Thirty Six- Siren

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Thanks to slpytlak from for the idea.


(Near the sea, on a port there's a fancy party. Where the famous and rich gather to talk and feast. Among the grown ups, Judy Pot, daughter of Stuart and Scarlett the famous musican, just stand by and watch. She is dressed in her summer dress, leggings capris and flat shoes, she never like going in fancy parties but her parents thought bringing her here would have her make friends, unfortunately, no kids are seen. With a sigh, she walk past the grown ups and head to the beach. What she doesn't know is that near the party, a lone young siren boy at her age hide behind a rock. He have black scales with a teal fin, and fins on his ears, arms and side of his tail, fin hands, fangs and slit pupils on his eyes. His hair is black as his scales with a single turquoise streak and cloudy blue eyes. He came up to get away from his father and the other sirens, and thought he could lure a human for fun.)

Varian: (breathe) Ok Varian, you can do this. Just a human, right? Easy as sea kelp.

(But when he peak through the rock, his own heart stopped. Judy took of her flats and place her feet at the water, feeling the wet texture. She always love the feeling of the ocean water, it feel peaceful. Varian stare at her with widen eyes. All his life, humans been nothing but animals to them, so why is this one so different to him? Why is her crystal blue eyes, her brown and blue hair and her soft skin have this effect on him? His thoughts are interpued when he hear a woman voice.)

Scarlett: Judy! Come on! A storm is coming!

Judy: Coming mom!

(She grab her flats and head up to the port. Varian watch her with her name in his mind.)

Varian: Judy...beautiful..

(And that's when he hear thunder. He turn and see a huge thunder storm heading this way. He dive down and safe under the sea. Up in the surface, the partiers all get to their car to get home safety. Scarlett, Stuart and Judy head out of the port, but the storm hit and all become windy. Judy feel the wind push her back. Scarlett grab a hold on Judy, just when the waves go wild. The waves become too wild and break the port, taking Judy along with it.)

Scarlett: Sweetie!

(Under the sea, Varian swim back to his home. But he caught sight of Judy drowning and he panic. He swim to her, grab her and swim up to the surface. He hid in a safe spot of the wavy waves and the storm, while keeping Judy head up to get air. When the storm have cease, he swim to the beach and set Judy down gently. He stare at Judy, the most he stare his heart start hurting. There's something about her he can't think of, something that draw him to her. If his father finds out, he will be very mad at him. He hear voices coming this way, with one last look at her, he head back to the sea. Scarlett and Stuart run to the beach and found Judy. She woke up with a headache, and see her parents holding her close.)

Judy: M-Mom? Pap?

Scarlett: Oh sweetie! We thought we lost you for good!

Stuart: So glad you're safe!

Judy: H-How..I get back..?

(She look at the sea, wondering if someone swim there and save her. But the wave been too wild for anyone to swim, she wonder if it was a mermaid, or a siren. The next day, Judy head to the dock with a apple in hand. She wanted to see if there was a siren. She place it near the sea, and sat to watch. She waited, and waited, and waited, then she fell asleep. The next day, she was back in her room, confuses how she got here. She get up and head downstairs, where her parents are in the kitchen.)

Scarlett: Good morning sweetie. Mind telling me why you were sleeping on the beach?

Judy: I wanted to see if there is a siren.

Stuart: Sirens are not real, it's just a folklore based on old legends.

Judy: (grab a sandwhich) Real or not, I gotta know. I didn't made it to the beach after that storm myself.

(She head out and to the dock where she lay the apple, and find it gone. She lay the sandwhich down and sat by the dock. A few hours later, she saw a black lump on the water.)

Judy: Hello?

(It move.)

Judy: Hey! I seen you move! Come out!

(The lump move up, revealing himsefl. Judy gasp in awed, a real siren and it's a boy in her age. He swim to her, but move back timidly. She grab the sandwhich and show it to him.)

Judy: Take it, it's ham sandwhich. I won't harm you.

(He move closer to her, grab the sandwhich and eat it. She smile.)

Judy: So, sirens are real. Can you talk?

Varian: Yes..

Judy: What's your name?

Varian: Varian..

Judy: I'm Judy. Nice to meet you. Uh, during that storm, did you save me?

(He look down, shyly.)

Judy: No need to be shy.

Varian: Sorry. My dad doesn't like how sirens have a communication with humans, could lead to trouble. And to who save you, it was me. I couldn't live with myself if I live you to die.

Judy: (smile) Well, thank you for saving me Varian.

(Her smile made his heart throbbing hard. The next few days, Judy and Varian meet at the docks and have conversation through conversation all day till it's time for Judy to go home. What the two don't know, is that watching the two is a shark merman.)

Eugene: A siren and a human?

(He dive down and head to the mermaid kingdom.)

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