Twenty Nine-Parents

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(Varian hold on to Judy as they rode on Judy's horse. He look very nervous, how else would he when you're planning to meet your girlfriend's parents? It been nearly four years since his redemption, and he is worry of what they're gonna think. The horse stopped by a small inn, but by the look of the carriage, that's where her family is at. She jump off, he jumped next.)

Judy: Vary, stop worring.

Varian: I can't. What if they don't like me cause of what I've done?

Judy: I told them you've change. I even told pap if he send threaten words, I'm not visiting them. So relex.

(She knock on the door, opening is a woman, short blonde hair with light blue eyes like Judy and wear a dress with a corest, belt and flat shoes. The woman hug Judy.)

Scarlett: Hello sweetie! I didn't think you came here.

Judy: Hi mom. It's great to see you. Mom, this is Varian, my boyfriend.

Scarlett: Varian? (Look at him) Oh! You must him! Judy told us a lot about you.

Varian: She have?

Scarlett: Oh yes, lots. Come in. We're making dinner.

(They enter inside the inn. Inside, three man and two woman are in the dinning room. Varian look around the inn. It is small with a table, couch, beds and a kitchen. One of the men see him.)

Murlock: Who's this? Your boyfriend? We told you no boys on this inn.

Judy: Uncle Murlock! I'm eighteen years old and not living with you! And this is Varian.

Murlock: I see. The guy that almost hurt Corona.

Varian: (whisper to Judy) I thought you told your dad no threaten.

Judy: I did, but Uncle Murlock is different.

(A woman, Asian walk in and hit Murlock on the head.)

Naoto: Murlock! No harassing our guest! Welcome, you must be Judy's new love. (Look at him) I must say she's very lucky, to have a handsome man.

Varian: really? Thank you.

(Another man came, one that have blue hair and deep blue eyes. Varian can guess this is Judy's father. He look at Varian, as if observing him. Varian broke a sweat.)

Varian: H-Hi. You're Judy's father,

Stuart: Stuart Pot. Hmm. (Smile) You're a kind one are you?

Varian: I am.

Stuart: Well, welcome to the family. Be sure you treat my daughter like a lady.

Varian: She's more of a angel than a simple lady.

Staurt: (laugh) I like this guy!

Sera: Guys! Dinner is ready!

Randol: Come over here before it get cold!

(The family sat on chairs as they have dinner ready. Varian let out a breathless gasp and a smile.)

Varian: They love me.

Judy: (smile) See? What I tell you?

(They head to the table and sat by each other. Murdock glare at Varian, which made him very nervous. That is till Sera kick Murlock in the shin under the table.)

Murlock: Ow!

Sera: Leave that boy alone!

Murlock: But he almost-

Sera: Doesn't matter, as long he made Judy happy.

(Murlock grumble under his breath. Through out the dinner, it was a nice, pleasant meal with pork, potatoes, green beans and rolls. After dinner, they have chocolate cake baked by Scarlett. After the meal, they gather around and talk for a few hours.)

Stuart: After we rest, we head to Arendelle.

Scarlett: Judy, you sure you don't want to come wit us?

Judy: I feel more at home in Corona. It wasn't the same traveling. And..I miss being with Varian.

Murlock: You rather stay with a killer than being safe?

Judy: Uncle Murlock! Varian is not a killer! He was alone and sad! I could never forgive myself if I left him alone again! I love him, I love him so much!

Randol: (smile) We can tell.

Stuart: We can tell he loves you so much.

Varian: I do. (Stare at Judy) She's the light that cure my darkness.

Murlock: Whatever.

Naoto: Knock it off! Overprotative is suppose to be Staurt's job!

Sera: Yeah, stop taking his job!

(They all laugh while Murlock frown. Scarlett turn to Varian.)

Scarlett: While we're at it, let me tell you all about Judy's childhood!

Varian: (smirk) Oh? Do tell me.

Judy: Oh no. Mom, don't!

Scarlett: When Judy was nine, she brought home a toad and kiss it infront of us. Sera have to pull it out her hand and lips cause it could give her warts, but Judy said "but if I kiss a toad, h could turn into a prince like in the stories". Me and the girls laugh at how adorable it was.

Varian: (laugh) How cute.

Judy: (groan)'re embarrassing me!

(Judy put her hands on her face as she groan in embarrassment. Varian laugh and give her forehead a kiss.)

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