Sixty Seven- Nutcracker pt. 1

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Nutcracker AU


(Judy watch the snow fall from the sky and landed on the ground. Winter is one of Judy's favorite season, she love the snow, the cold and the way is brings warmth in her. And of course, it also brings the joy of the holiday. She watch from her window, dressed in a fine light blue dress with a bolero of dark blue, black stocking and ankle boots with her long hair in a braid.)

Scarlett: Judy! Come on down, our guest will be here in a minute!

Judy: Coming mom!

(She leave her room and walk downstairs to see her parents. In the living room, there's a large Christmas tree with candles for light, ornaments that is colored in gold and silver and ribbons in pure white, with present under the tree. The room have ribbons around the walls. The fireplace is glowing with fire. Judy turn a corner and see her parents with her other family members putting food and drinks on the long table. Murlock turn around, but stop whe he see Judy.)

Murlock: Jude! Just in time! We can use some help.

Judy: With what uncle Murlock?

Murlock: Well, we kinda busy with making sure we have enough for the guests. Can you help make sure they are here?

Judy: Sure can.

Murlock: Thank you.

(Judy hear a doorbell ring. She smile, they're here. She rush to the front door, open and see Ms. Zauber with her best friend Sinny. They two hug each other.)

Judy: Sinny! So glad you can make it!

Sinny: Of course.

Ms. Zauber: Hello Judith. Why you look so lovely.

Judy: Thank you. Mind if I take your coat?

Ms. Zauber: Not at all dear.

(She took her coat and hang it in the coat racks. The next guest is Alice Moonstone, a dear friend to Judy. After is Rusty Terran with his brother Kiran, then Felice, Miko, Opal, Harriet, Carry and Robin. Soon the rest are here. Everyone talked, enjoy the food while the teens are by the tree, taking.)

Opal: I have to say, the party is great Jude.

Judy: Thank you.

Carry: Yeah, especially when you know who is not here.

(Judy groan of this. Anyone but her. Then the door open, in comes the thorn in Judy's side. Bridget. She's the daughter of a wealthy man in the land, not wealthy enough for Judy's parents who are the famous opera singers. Judy is raised to be true and see inner beauty, but Bridget grow up as a spoiled brat. The teens groan in annoyance.)

Rusty: Speak of the devil, and the devil shall come.

Carry: (sweat drop) Sorry..

Bridget: (walk to them) Well look here, it's the loser troop.

Sinny: Say that to my face!

Judy: Sinny, no fighting on my party. House rules.

Bridget: So I guess that mean I get to boss you all around.

(She laugh in a cruel manner. Sinny growled at this. Music is played, grown ups paired up and dance. Rusty turn to Alice.)

Rusty: M'lady?

Alice: (blushing) S-Sure.

(She took his hand and lead them to the dance floor. Miko and Felice enter too, dancing with the others. Carry turn to Judy.)

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