Twelve- Lovebirds

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Based on a artwork of mine.


(Varian catch up with the three girls flying after them. The four drink a strange tea and it turn them into birds, now they have a hour to spend as birds before they become birds for real thanks to Rapunzel. They stop on a tree branch to catch their breath. He never flew before and it's tiring. He turn to Rapunzel and yell at her face.)

Varian: Princess! What were you thinking?!

Rapunzel: What was I-? But come on! Isn't this fun?!

Varian: Fun?! If wasting our time is more fun than focusing on following the rocks to free my dad!? Then no! It's NOT FUN!

Cassandra: He's right Rap. And still not used to this.

Judy: I don't know. (Fly her wings) It feels kinda relexing.

Varian: Jude, please be on my side for once.

(Rapunzel and Cassandra flew to another tree branch and watch. Judy landed next to Varian. Even as a bird, she's still the prettiest he seen.)

Judy: Come on. You been so busy on this trip after the king let you come with Rapunzel and the others. Can you take a few hours to relex? Like we used to before..

Varian: Hey, we both agreed it's not your fault, you're weren't there when it happens. But it's only a matter of time before our brains turns into real birds, and I don't want to be like this forever. So I don't see this as a way to relex.

Judy: (roll eyes) Maybe because you're such a pushover. (Smile) Just give it a try, for me?

Varian: Jude. Are you even listening to me? I said it's a matter of time before we- gup!

(Judy nuzzle her head against his neck in a snuggle way, and it made him turn into a blushing and tounge twist mess. Rapunzel and Cassandra both sequel at the sight like a pair of shippers. Judy nuzzle closer, making Varian get lost for words.)

Judy: Relex now?


(she move away and give him a kiss on the cheek, before she took off and fly off. Varian's wings start flapping on their own, as his face turn lovestruck. Rapunzel And Cassnadra fly to him.)

Rapunzel: Well, even as a bird, she still have a way of charming you.

Cassandra: Yeah. Ain't that the tr-

(Before she could finish her sentence, Varian took off and flew pass the two in a fast speed. The two follow him. With Judy, she fly in the air with a smile. She never felt so free, so free that she sing a small song. Then she slow down when she felt something, she turn around and can see Varian flying after her. She let out a smirk, and fly faster as Varian chase after her with a playful smirk. Judy dodge trees and branch with Varian still after her. She let out a laugh, having so much fun than she thought. Soon the chase conutied while Rapunzel and Cassandra watches them while flying.)

Cassandra: I swear, that kid can't control himself with her around.

Rapunzel: Yeah, should we be worry about this?

(They think for a second.)

Both: Nah!

(With the two other birds, Judy dodge more with Varian still at her tail. Varian fly after her, like a lovesick puppy chasing after it's owner. Then out of nowhere, Judy fly in another dirations and coming in is a large tree bark.)

Judy: Varian! Look out!

(But it came too late. He slam against the bark. The two woman whines by the sight.)

Rapunzel and Cassandra: Ooh!

Judy: (fly to him) Varian? Are you okay?

(He push away from the bark. He look dizzy and loopy from the hit.)

Varian: (loopy) angel..

(Then he collapse down. Judy let out a laugh of this. The two woman laugh out at the sight. Oh, this was the most fun they have.)

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