Fifty Eight- Rewrite our Stars

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Take place after "Distraction". Song doesn't belong to me.


(At a old house, that is far from Corona and by the docks, inside Judy just sat by her desk with her arms under her head. She let out a sigh. She doesn't want to join Sinny and Vex, she told them for the hundred times she work alone and will be alone. Odette walk to her, quack at her.)

Judy: I do not "need to get out more" Odette, I'm fine.

(Odette quack back, arguing. She's starting to act like Varian. Judy let out a groan, get up and take her satchel with her alchemy gear. She look at Odette.)

Judy: Fine, but only cause I don't want to hear more about him.

(Like that, she walk out. On a small village, Judy walk past villagers, not that she cares. She stopped caring since Varian broke her heart. She bump into a person, she quickly apologize and continued walking. she stopped at a store to get food. After she buy them, she walk away to head back home. Till she see a couple looking at each other in a love daze, she frown at this. She sigh, thinking about Varian, she really miss him so much. But he is a criminal and will never go back to what he use to be. She head back, but bump into someone.)

Judy: Sorry.

Voice: It's fine.

(She look up and see a very handsome man, tall with tan skin, black and green eyes, dressed in a fine suit. She narrow her eyebrow at the sight of him.)

Judy: But still, sorry for bumping into you.

(She was about to walk around him, but he stopped her.)

Rivar: Don't be. Cause I might not see you. I'm Rivar.

Judy: (sigh) Judy.

Rivar: You're very beautiful.

Judy: (roll eyes) Yeah whatever.

Rivar: I mean it. Would you like to take stroll with me?

(Before she can decline it, she remember what Odette told her. She give in.)

Judy: Sure.

(He took her by the arms and they stroll together. Meanwhile, by the dock, a boat park by and a lone figure walk out and to the village. The villagers stop and hide away when they know who he is. Varian look at each stores till he find what he need. He enter and the owner hide behind his counter.)

Varian: The new powder pistol?

Owner: R-Rigt here.

(He past him a box. Varian grab the box, throw money and walk out the shop. Before he can head back to his ship, he caught sight of Judy. He smirk, time to play with his toy. He follow her to a forest. He hide behind a tree, smirking while imagining the look when she see him, red and fluster, it makes him love her more. But all thoughts stopped when he see her with Rivar. She is talking to him while laughing and smiling. He gridded his teeth with jealousy, that man is with his angel.)

Judy: That's funny Rivar. (Laugh) I never laugh like that for a year.

Rivar: Then you're in for a overdue Jude.

Judy: (laugh)

(And that's when something in Varian snap, no one but him is allow to call her Jude. He run out of his hiding place, pull out his sword and point at Rivar throat.)

Rivar: What the?!

Judy: Varian?!

Varian: Stay away from my angel!

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