Ninety Four- Pain

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Judy put the finish touches to her new room. Odette let out a honk of excitement, sitting on her new bed of leaves and feathers.

After the battle of the Saporians and Varian turning to the good side, the two are now a couple and Quirin and Varian are letting her live in their house and even build a room for her. Judy couldn't be thankful to have them in her life now.

She back away to get a great view of her new room. A window to give a view of New Old Corona, a bed by the window with curtains, a nightstand, a bookshelves with books of alchemy and fiction books to entrain herself, a desk with a chair, a music stand with her music notes and a guitar, a rug in the middle, a dresser for her clothes and a closet, a vanity with a mirror and a bed for Odette. She smiled to herself. It's the kind of room she never thought of having while with her family.

Then her smile turn into a frown from the thought of her family. She is still hurt from knowing that they have lied to her and didn't even trust her too. Murlock himself lied to her as well too,the one person she trusted more than her parents. She let out a sad sigh.

That is when Varian decide to enter, with a smile on his face. "Hey Angel! Love what you did to this room, very comfy." He said. But soon his smile turn into a frown too. "Judy?are you okay?"

Judy turn and face him, pulling a fake smile. "Yeah! Fine, totally!" She lied, her eyes look at the other way and facing away Varian.

Varian didn't buy it. "Come on Jude, I know you are a bad liar." He said. "Now what seems to make my angel look so blue?"

Knowing that she can't avoid his question, no matter how much she tried, he will always find a way. She give in, walk to her and sit down. She motion Varian to sit by her.

He walk in and sat by his girlfriend.

Judy let out a sigh. "Well, you know how i told you of my adventures with Rapunzel?" She ask him. And he nodded. "Yeah, well there are some things that I left out so I wouldn't feel that pain I have." She answer.

"Feel pain?" Varian look confused. "What do you mean? Did something bad happened?"

Judy frowned sadder. "No..." Her voice broke. "Something happen that made me lose my trust on my family."

"What do you mean?" He ask her again.

She face him. "Well, have you ever wonder what does rocks came from?" Varian nodded to her. She look down. "They are part of the Moonstone, a really powerful thing that is opposite to the sundrop. And it came from the Dark Kingdom, and I learned that not only did Quirin once served that crazy king, but Uncle Murlock was part of it as well." She finished.

Varian have his eyes widen of this. His father did served a king, and he didn't tell him too? He face Judy. "Is it true?" He ask her.

Judy only nodded. "I thought Murlock trust me, I thought my family trust me too." She continues. "But i guess that didn't. I am such a fool to think that they love me enough to tell me everything." Her eyes got tears.

Varian scoot closer and hug her close, she started crying in his shoulder. He frowned of this. He really hate seeing his sweetheart cry. Sure his father didn't tell him his past other than about his mother, but there got to be a good reason of this. And he know that Judy is smarter than this, but honesty and trust are more important to her than anything in the world.

After Judy had finish sobbing her pain out, she look up at Varian with tear stains and red eyes.

He reach out to caress her cheeks. "Judy, I am sorry that you got hurt by your own family." He said. "I never thought that this can happen to you, I didn't know that even my own dad was part of something I didn't know either." His forehead press against hers. "But I can tell you that they probably kept it a secret cause they feel it can be dangerous for you to get involved. So don't be mad at them for trying to keep you safe from harm that they know can hurt you." He finished.

Judy sighed sadly.

"And right now, they're probably wondering where you are and they are worried too." He stated.

"But how can I ever talk to them? I can't even look at them the same way I look at you now." Judy said. "And I don't know where they are now."

Varian give her back a rub, she felt comfort from it. "But you know their routes and their travels, right?" Judy nodded. She listen to her family's travel plans so well to know where they're heading, so it wasn't hard to not miss them. "Maybe you can send them a letter to let them know." He suggest to her.

Judy thought of it. She could send them a message to tell them she is alright in Corona in Quirin's hand, and that she is perfectly happy here now. She knows that if she did tell them, they would stop their plans and go back to Corona to get her back. They are still protective of her and stil feared of losing her again, unless she explains them that she been taking care of herself during her adventures and she can finally take care of herself too. With a final thought in mind, she nodded.

"Sounds like a good idea Vary." She said. "Thank you for listening and understanding me." She hugged him.

He hugged her back. "You are my angel, I got to do my job as a supportive guy."

Judy chuckled and lean in to kiss him on the cheek. She stood up and walk to her desk, pull out a paper and a quil with ink in and start writing.

In a inn on Ingvarr, Murlock was outside sitting on a bench while craving a stick with his dagger. He look pretty borad and tired. It been nearly a year and they haven't gotten word back from the princess of Judy's return. She promised that se would return her when they are done and Judy haven't been greeted with welcome arms. He knew that she couldn't keep her promise.

Just then, he heard a sound of a bird. He look up and see a bird and in his claws is a roll up letter. The bird flew down and landed by his side and dropped the letter and flew off.

Murlock pick it up, unroll it and read it. His eyes widen. The door slammed open and startle the others. "Folks! I got something from Judy!" He sad.

By the mention of that name, all stood up and rush to his side.

"Is she okay?" Shiloh asked. "Where is she?" Stuart looks worried. "Why haven't she come back herself?" Sera was on the verge of sweating.

"Listen to this." Murlock pul out the letter and read it out loud.

"My dear family, Ma and Pa. I know that it been so long since I last seen you in person, and I all missed you so much. But I am not coming back to you, not now. As of right now..." Judy's voice is heard over the letter. "..I am staying in Quirin's place in Old Corona. He offer me a room to stay for a while as long as I like to and it give me a chance to get caught up with Varian too. Yes, Varian is good and Quirin is free from the amber all thanks to Rapunzel. If you are wondering why I am not coming back, well I told Rapunzel that I had to go back to Corona to keep my promise to Varian and for another reason too. I know that you all been keeping a secret from me. I know now that Murlock was part of the Brotherhood along with Quirin and about the rest too. Adria is pretty chill, Hector is a bit odd as well as Edmund is too, but guess that's what happen when you been stuck in that kingdom for so long. I am hurt that you have keep it as a secret to me for ten years, I thought you taught me that honesty is the way to make up for mistakes. But I know that I can't let this pain keep me from you guys, so please don't skip your plans to get me back. I want to keep living independent and have my own life to sort out, and with Varian's help and the others too. I love you all so much and will see you again when the time is right. With all my love and care, Judy Pot." Murlock stopped and let the letter dropped.

"She's..staying in Corona?" Shiloh asked, can't believe her daughter choose to stay in there.

"Well, it's her choice now." Sera sighed. "We can't change her mind now."

Murlock backed away, fear in his eyes and mind. This can't be, it can't be. "No..No." He whisper. "I knew this was a bad idea to let her go with them." He said, fear in his voice. "She knows, she knows now and she is in danger."

"Danger? Murlock, she is fine now." Naoto told him. "Hector didn't harm her and Edmund wouldn't harm a child like her too."

"No, it's not them that I am worried for her safety. Murlock said. "it's something much wrose. If she knows of the three, she could know about..him too."

The five all stared at him, it wasn't till a thought reach in them that jolted their hearts. "You...You don't mean.." Shiloh have her mouth covered.

"Cludis.." Murlock finished for her.

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