Forty Four- Date

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(Rapunzel stroll at the beach with Pascal on her shoulder, enjoying the nice air and hearing the sound of waves. When just at her left side, she see Varian picking flowers and making a bouqet. Rapunzel walk to him, tap him on the shoulder and made him jump in startle. He turn to face her.)

Varian: Don't do that!

Rapunzel: Sorry, just want to know why you're picking flowers?

Varian: (blushing) None of your business princess.

Rapunzel: (smirk) Then why are you blushing? Come on. Tell me.

(He turn away to not show his blush, but there's no way Rapunzel will never get off his back till he tells her. He let out a sigh and face her.)

Varian: Okay. I'm thinking of...(under his breathe)

Rapunzel: Thinking of what?

Varian: Of..(under his breathe again)

Rapunzel: Speak up please. I can barley hear you.

Varian: I'm thinking of acting Judy on a date!

(He turn away to hide his red face. Rapunzel froze while staring at him. Then she let out a squeal.)

Rapunzel: Oh how cute! I knew you two are meant for each other!

Varian: (red face) Yeah. But I don't know how to ask a girl on a date, let alone getting a full sentence around her.

Rapunzel: Oh, don't worry. We can help you with that. Right guys?

(Coming out of the bush, the gang came out. Have they been listening the whole time?)

Lance: How did you know we were hiding?

Rapunzel: Shorty give it away.

Shorty: I am like the night.

Eugene: So, you want to ask Judy to a date but can't cause you don't know how to?

Varian: (red face) Well...I...No?

Cassandra: It's easy. Just go to her and ask. Just say "Judy, would you like to have a date with me?" See? Now you say it.

(Varian let out a gulp. He breathe in and out.)

Varian: Judy, would you..would you..would (blushing) to... Guys! I can't do it!

Eugene: Yes you can. Say it again, but with more confident.

Varian: Judy, would to..have a..a date with me?

Eugene: Again.

Varian: Judy, would you like to..have a date with me?

Eugene: One more time.

Varian: Judy, would you like to have a date with me?

Eugene: Yeah! You got it. And time to put it in action cause here she comes.

(Varian face turn a dark red and turn to see Judy walking their way. He feel shaky and nervous. He run and hide behind Cassandra.)

Varian: (blushing) I don't got this! I don't got this!

Cassandra: (push him to her) Yes you do. Just be confident.

(Judy stop in front of Varian, who is sweating and shaking. The others watch.)

Judy: Hey Vary, how you doing? Haven't seen you this morning.

Varian: (blushing) I-I..I was...uh.. Judy?

Judy: Yeah?

Varian: (blushing and sweating) Would you...would you uh...I...I...

Judy: You okay?

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