Fifty Three- To the Bride

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Part two of Corpse Bride AU


(Judy walk at Main Street, looking for Varian. He run off after bring brought here to the land of the dead, leaving Judy to wander for him.)

Judy: Varian, Varian! Where are you?!

(Inside her head, a black worm spoke to her.)

Plagg: If you ask me, your boyfriend's jumpy.

Judy: He's not my boyfriend, he's my husband.

Plagg: Same difference, you don't even know him.

Judy: If you're not gonna help find him, you shut up.

(He pop one of her eye as she catch it. Plagg pop out.)

Plagg: Fine, I'll keep a eye out for him. Pushy bride.

(Over by a statue, Varian peek in to see if Judy doesn't see him. When he think the coast is clear, he sneak out to run. But Plagg saw him.)

Plagg: There he is! He's getting away!

(Varian run away. Judy put her eye back and go after him. Varain run past a sell on arms. Judy stopped in search for him, when the arms point in the diraction Varian went.)

Judy: Oh, thank you. Varian! Come back!

(He skid to a stop to a hallway with coffins. He hear Judy calling for him. He lay on one coffin and prep and to be dead, as she walk past him. He open one eyes to see her walking away, but a red spider came near his face.)

Tikki: Married? I'm a window.

(He gasp in fright, slap her away and run off. She sway side to side.)

Tikki: How rude! HE went that way!

(Judy turn around and see Varian running away. She pick up her dress and go after him.)

Judy: Varian! Talk to me, please!

(Varian run through a hallway. He saw a dead janitor sweeping the floor. He grab him by the shoulder and shake him.)

Varian: Please, this is a mistake! I'm not dead!

(He shake him till his head fell out, Varian shriek and run away but the janitor just went back to work. He run past a gentleman and to a clearing with a end end, he can hear Judy getting closer. He have no choice but to climb up. He climb till he reach the top, he grab the bars, then something that looks like a leg as he look up and see Judy looking at him.)

Judy: You know, you could have use the stairs you dork.

(She grab him and pick him up and set him down. She twirl around.)

Judy: Isn't the view beautiful? It takes my breath away. Well, it wouldn't I have any. Then again, I am talking so that kinda counts, does it? I mean you can't talk if you have air. Not like those ghost, nosy like runts that have no business and always moaning. It get so-

Varian: Excuse me?

Judy: Huh? Oh, sorry. I tend to ramble when I get nervous or so over excited. Which is a big problem of mine, other than getting a nosebleed. I remember the time I was so hot, that my nose bleed. And I tend to figling my hair sometimes. I-I'm doing it right now am I?

(He nodded that she is. She let it go and walk to a bench, she motion him to sit next to her. He sit next to her.)

Varian: Look, I'm really sorry about what have happen to you. I love to help, but I have to get back home.

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