Fifty Five- Simply

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Nightmare before Christmas AU. Song doesn't belong to me. Happy Halloween!


(At Hawkmoth lair, Judy and Santa are tied up as they are put in a table by a pool of lava. Judy glare at him as he hold a lever.)

Judy: You wait till Varian hears about this! By the time he's through with you, you'll be lucky if you ever-

(Before she can finish her threat, they hear Hiro voice through the microphone as he passed by the hideout.)

Hiro: The king of Halloween have been blown to smithereens! Skeleton Varian is now a pile of dust!

(Judy gasp in horror and heartbreak. Her Varian is dead? It can't be. Slamming a cemetery door open at the graveyard, Varian exist out.)

Varian: Come on Rudiger! Christmas isn't over yet!

(Varian run out of the cemetery as fast as he can. Rudiger follow behind him as they run past the forest. Meanwhile at Hawkmoth's lair, he roll his dice as he lean against Judy.)

Hawkmoth: What did you say about luck, rag doll?

(Varian run fast till they are close to the hideout. He stopped by the ledge, with a rope hanging. He hear a cry of help, and knew that voice.)

Varian: Judy..

(He glare down, Hawkmoth done it this time. He shush Rudiger to be quiet as they climb down the rope, leading them to the lair.)

Hawkmoth: Seven! It's Hawkmoth's time to boogie!

(He held the lever and pull it, lifting the table close to the lava as he count through Judy's scared and Santa pleased.)

Hawkmoth: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7! (Evil laugh)

Judy: Help!

(Varian stopped as he look through a window as he watch Hawkmoth totaruing them.)

Santa: This can't be happening!

Hawkmoth: Ashes to ashes and dust to dust! Oh, I'm feeling weak, with hunger! One more roll of the dice outta do it!

(He didn't notice Varian climb down as e hide away. Hawkmoth throw his dices as they went inside a skeleton head and roll down it's rib cage as it landed on each of ones. Hawkmoth look to see the dices.)

Hawkmoth: What?! Snake eyes!? (He smack his fist and cause the dices to roll on five and six.) Eleven!

(He laugh evil as he was to the lever to deliver the final stage.)

Hawkmoth: Looks like I've won the jackpot! Bye bye doll face, and sand man!

(He pull the lever as the table raise up and the two fell on the lava as Judy scream. Then they disappear from sight. Hawkmoth look underneath the table and don't see the lava boiling and no screaming.)

Hawkmoth: What the?

(He pull the table to check, and in the table is a really pissed Varian laying on the table. Hawkmoth shriek.)

Varian: Hello Hawky!

(He slid off the table and walk to Hawkmoth, who is backing away.)

Hawkmoth: Varian! But they say you were dead. You must be..DOUBLE DEAD!

(He push a button under his feet, causing the roulette to turn around and rows of cards with sowed start swinging as Hawkmoth get out of the way. Varian duck down and out of the way.)

Hawkmoth: Well come one, Boney Man! (Evil laugh)

(Hiding behind a coffin, Judy and Santa watch. Varian dodge the swords, heading to Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth pull a chain, the cards stopped their swinging. Varian walk forward with a stern look, not knowing that the slot gunners are appoching him.)

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