The Alpha's Daydream ✔️

By SeaOfGlass

274K 10K 4.7K

I'm not sure I should be telling you this. Everyone else says I'm crazy, but you're my mate so I'll just say... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Sequel ~ The Alpha's Rogue

Chapter 72

3.3K 91 47
By SeaOfGlass

2635 words

"Luna Ariella, you're going to have to come with us."

I stumble back, finding myself wrapped securely in my mate's protective arms.

"I don't think so," Malachi growls at him, his voice low and possessive, territorial and deadly. We both glare at the man who has the audacity to try and whisk me away from the haven of my mate and our long-awaited time together.

"Leave these buffoons to us," Alpha Asa brushes past us, followed by my dad and Alpha Kaiden. The three of them make a very formidable force, one I would never want to be on the wrong side of. "You two go ahead, and enjoy yourselves," the cheeky Alpha throws us a wink before he picks up the stranger easily and strong-arms him back into his car. The other men are just as easily wrestled down, but I barely see the action since Malachi is hurrying me to his own car.

Before I can even catch my breath, we are on the road, cruising at what feels like ninety miles an hour. "Malachi, slow down! I didn't survive a knife in the chest just to be killed in a crash!"

"That man!" my mate pounds the steering wheel in anger. "He had the audacity to try and take you from me! I haven't been through hell just to hand you over to the first stranger who comes knocking on our door." He mumbles some threats and curses, but nothing so nasty as what I've heard cross his lips before.

"We don't even know what he even wanted. He might have just been there for—"

"Cake? You're right. We should have just invited him in for a slice of our ceremony cake. Why didn't I think of that?"

I giggle at the thought. "You know, that might not have been such a bad idea. Honestly, I was so surprised and shocked at his audacious demands, I was this close to tackling and strangling him," I hold up my fingers two millimeters apart, then feel ashamed of my violent thoughts and take a deep breath to calm myself. "Cake and tea would've been good for us all."

"I'm sure he'll get some anyway. It seems Luna Danella and your mom are trying to talk sensibly to the men," Malachi sighs and I can tell he's calming down as well. The further down the winding road we drive, the more distance we put between us and the unknown threat, the better we both feel.

"What do you mean?" I look at him, puzzled. The deep frown between his eyes softens, his grip on the steering wheel eases.

"Graysen is keeping me up to date."

I realise he's communicating with his warrior before we leave the territory.

"He says, the man is affiliated with the council, and just wanted to speak to you about his son."

"His son?" I question, taken off guard by this seemingly benign reason for storming our celebration. "I don't even know him or his son."

"Neither do I. His name is Victor Forrester, but he won't tell them anything about his son," Malachi pauses, and I hope his mind is as much on the road as on the conversation in his head. "He says he wished only to speak with you, but now he'll leave our territory. He isn't a threat like we thought he was."

"That's a relief. But now I feel bad. He came all the way to speak to me—"

"Ariella, don't," Malachi says sternly, placing his hand over mine to stop it from gesticulating wildly. I know he feels the guilt that is starting to eat me up. "You owe him nothing. He has no rights to come and interrupt our lives like that. Apparently, he'd heard of your ability to sense what happens in the future. If he thinks he can treat you like some cheap fortune-telling gypsy, and get his palm read to track a wayward son, then maybe I should've punched him to a pulp like I wanted."

"Malachi..." It's my turn to grab his hand and rub comforting circles on his knuckles.

"All I'm saying is, if he really wants to see you, he'll contact us the proper way and we can deal with him then. My only problem now is... I can't get a hold of Hamilton. Why is he blocking me?" Malachi muses to himself, not really expecting a reply from me.

"I don't suppose you heard he finally met his mate?"

"He did?" he shoots me a glance, eyes wide, eyebrows raised.

"Yes, and I'm so happy the way it worked out with him and Gabriella. Now my best friend will live even closer to me. They suit each other perfectly. And they'll have the cutest pups, with blond hair and blue-green eyes. I wonder how that's going to work since Gabby isn't really—"

Malachi lets me ramble on, but then he holds up a hand to interrupt. "Doesn't your best friend have black hair?"

I frown, "Which best friend are you talking about? And how do you know what she looks like?" I think of the angel and demon I spent so much time with growing up.

"Slim, your height, dark features with even darker eyes that give you the chills just looking into them."

"Are you talking about Luci? But how do you—?"

"I saw her a couple times with you over the last few weeks. I don't normally tolerate unapproved guests on my territory, but I knew you needed a friend around so I let it pass."

"But she was a demon," I whisper, my mind racing in circles. "And no one ever saw her but me... and now you, it seems."

Malachi sucks in a long breath. "I guess since we were kind of related..."

"It doesn't work like that," I shake my head. "But I know you can see them now, considering the demons we fought together on our territory after meeting with Zander. I'm glad, actually. I'm not the only one who'll be fighting them in the years to come."

He looks over at me, and gives my hand a squeeze. "I'm glad of that, too. I used to be oblivious— or maybe it was just ignorant. But now I'm so much more aware of what's happening around us. I'm intrigued, though. Tell me more about your other friend, Hamilton's mate."

"She's an angel."

Malachi laughs, his azure eyes dancing in a way that causes my heart to stutter through its normal rhythm. "Of course, she is. Well, good for him. He deserves the best. He's the best Beta and brother a guy could ask for, and he'll make a really good mate, too."

"I know. He's so attentive and caring. Thoughtful, yet strong and firm. I love how he's always looking out for everyone in our pack. He takes his job so seriously, but I hope now he loosens up a bit. He deserves some peace and happiness of his own. Such a beautiful and kind man," I sigh, thinking of all the good things about my Beta.

"Sounds almost like you want to marry him," Malachi mutters with a dark look in his eyes.

I burst out laughing, "Don't be so dramatic!" I stop laughing when I see Malachi isn't amused. "You know there's only one man I want, right?" I poke his upper arm to emphasise my point.

He looks at me, his gaze so strong and awash with unfathomable depth, that I feel drawn to the truth of his feelings for me. In return, I let my own love and passion shine from my eyes and assuage his hot jealousy.

Then I smile at him, breaking the heavy moment. "So, where are you taking me?"

"Very funny," Malachi chuckles and looks back at the road, his eyes twinkling.

"Oh, come on. Just a small hint? Is it someplace warm?"


"Okay. Is it the city to the north of TidalBay Pack? You know I don't like cities."

"I didn't know that. But no, it's not a city." He looks at me curiously. "It seems there's lots I don't know about you."

I squirm in my seat, feeling the heat of his gaze travel over my body. "Likewise. I guess that's the purpose of this little getaway?"

His lips twist in a smirk as expected. "You got that right, Ari. Absolutely nothing is going to come between us ever again. I'll make sure of it. Tonight and the rest of the week, it's just you and me. No more secrets, no more excuses."

He glances at me again, and I'm lost in the passion and determination in his gaze. My heart picks up pace, accelerating nearly as fast as the wheels of the car beneath us. Pounding, thumping, racing. The bond between us pulses, the temperature rises, and only when Malachi looks back at the road with a knowing smile do I realise how dangerous that look of his was.

We drive in silence for a few moments, each of us craving more, each quietly controlling our emotions as we draw nearer to our destination.

"So, are we going to the beach?"

Malachi gives me a frustrated look. "You know, even if you guess correctly, I'm not going to confirm it."

"That's it! It's the beach! I knew it!" I clap my hands excitedly.

My mate shakes his head and refuses to say anything more.

"Come on, admit it. You just wanted to see me in a red bikini."

He turns to me sharply, a crimson blush crawling up his neck. "You know," he begins, then clears his throat, "That wouldn't be such a bad sight."

It's my turn to blush. I twist my fingers together in my lap, suddenly very nervous. "Too bad I don't have a red bikini."

"How do you know I didn't get one for you?"

"Malachi!" I punch him in the arm, mortified. "You are going to be the death of me, Alpha. Again." I mutter under my breath, and he just bursts out laughing.

"As long as I'm the one who revives you this time."

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, my mind racing to keep up with his witty and dangerously intimate remarks. "Mmm I can see it now. You'll give me the kiss of life."

He looks at me sideways, his lids half-mast as if purposefully leaving his true intentions up to my imagination. "That, among other things."

The deep timbre of his voice, the clenching of his jaw, and the desire that's swirling in the azure oceans of his irises have me shifting in my seat with frazzled nerves. My blood seems to heat up under his gaze, my heart racing in time with his own frantic beat in his chest.

"Just drive," I eventually say, praying he turns his eyes back to the road before we careen off it into oblivion.

He chuckles again, but does as I say. It isn't long until we've crossed the hilly region, the slopes turning to flattened plains, and we dip down into the coastal bay that I like so much. The road hugs the coastline for a dozen miles, the views of turquoise waters and white capped waves, lazy seagulls soaring along beside us, and the salty air drifting through my open window never ceasing to enchant me.

I give my Alpha a sly smile.

He shrugs his shoulders. "I've never been to the beach, and you kept telling me how good it was. I had to see for myself, and who better to have as a personal tour guide?" he gives me a wink.

"I'm just surprised you got over your dislike and contacted Alpha Jackson for permission to visit his territory."

"Have I ever told how much I love Beta Hamilton?"

"Chicken," I tease.

He growls lowly. "Nobody calls me chicken."

I shiver from his words and tone of voice. Glancing over at him, his masculine profile sharp against the sunlit sky behind, I study the way he clenches his jaw, the way his fringe falls lightly over his forehead, the way his strong hand brushes it back with his long fingers. His bicep flexes with the motion, his black shirt tightening across his chest.

"How about a sweet, fluffy, little puppy? That's definitely what you are, especially on the inside."

"I am trying to drive here, Ariella," he warns me gruffly, the sound of my name deep and throaty. "But if you insist on stirring the Alpha wolf inside me, I may need to pull over and show you just much of a puppy I'm not."

Images fill my head of him dragging me onto his lap, his lips crushed against mine in a bruising kiss, our breath mingling as our bodies press to each other...

I force a giggle, covering up my nervousness and sudden desire at what he threatened. "Let's just get to the beach. I'll quit talking."

He presses his lips together, smothering a chuckle, and I smirk to myself in the reflection of the window.

We finally arrive at our destination: a very quaint beach house that looks more like a posh Hampton-style manor than the cosy cottage or large mansion I'm used to. It rises two storeys, a wide verandah crouched low to the ground, balconies jutting out from the wide doors on the top floor, and large bay windows that overlook the breathtaking scenery.

The house sits right at the sand's edge, flanked by groves of palm, pandanus, and sea hibiscus trees. A pathway wends through the beachside brush, white sand beckoning as it leads to the dunes and turquoise waves beyond.

"This is beautiful," I whisper as Malachi takes our bags and follows me to the front door. A welcome mat and wreath of flowers greets us, and I smile at the thoughtful touch. Inside is just as nice, beechwood flooring and distressed driftwood framed artwork give a beachy and holiday vibe that I instantly love. Nautical decor, anchors, surfboards, and seashells rest on benchtops and cabinets, completing the interior design.

"Let's go swimming before the sun sets," Malachi suggests, amused at my open admiration of the decor and pulling my attention back to him.

It doesn't take us long to dump our bags and quickly change into swimsuits. I did pack a bikini, a pair with a cerulean blue modest top, the neckline high enough to conceal the scar on my chest. I know I can't keep hiding forever, but I don't want to expose all just yet. While I am craving and dreading the moment at once, it will happen soon enough that I bare myself to him. I just want to enjoy this afternoon for as long as possible.

The water is the perfect temperature as it wraps around our ankles, the sand hot underfoot but the cold waves cooling the sting. Malachi is hesitant at first, wading in up to his thighs, then waist, while I dive under the oncoming waves and glide to the surface with the grace of a dolphin. I smile back at him, then scoop up seawater in my hands and throw it at him. The droplets rain down around us in glistening crystal diamonds, illuminated by the sunlight.

Once he realises swimming in the surf is easier than wrestling a swift-flowing river, he dives under just as a big set rolls in. He stays under long enough— too long— and I begin panicking and repeating the coast guard's number in my head. "Malachi!" I call out before having to duck under a big wave. I watch the green and blue water wash over me, the trails of bubbles curling and crashing beyond the wavebreak, then push off the sand and shoot to the surface.

Before I reach it, my feet become tangled, something strong and powerful wrapping around my legs and hips.

😅 Aren't they just adorable in the car ride to the beach! 😍 Malachi is such a cutie 😋

So, thankfully they got out of the mess at the ceremony, but now they're both gonna drown at the beach? You'd think they'd know to only swim between red and yellow flags 😏😅

Enjoy the weekend, and I'll eagerly await comments and votes 😘🥰
♥️Kiana 🌹

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