The Story of a Reaper [COMPLE...

By tRaSh_4U

163K 7.1K 8.5K

When made by his father, the god of death, he didn't know his purpose. All he could do was kill things on acc... More

The Story of a Reaper- Birth
The Story of a Reaper- Don't touch the ones you Love
The Story of a Reaper- You Killed Him!
The Story of the Reaper- A Friend or a Murderer
The Story of a Reaper- An Ally
The Story of a Reaper- Renovations and Training
The Story of a Reaper- The News
The Story of a Reaper- I'll find you instead
The Story of a Reaper- Found You!
The Story of a Reaper- The Information we needed
The Story of a Reaper- Your Banished!
The Story of a Reaper- Say Goodbye
The Story of a Reaper- Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- I Killed them...
The Story of a Reaper- The Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- She is Life!
The Story of a Reaper- My new Quest!
The Story of a Reaper- Pup
The Story of a Reaper- Nap Time
The Story of a Reaper- Mating Season
The Story of a Reaper- The Cliff
The Story of a Reaper- I don't wanna let him go!
The Story of a Reaper- I love you pup...
The Story of a Reaper- A Fireplace in the Winter
The Story of a Reaper- Guest
The Story of a Reaper- His past in a Story
The Story of a Reaper- I warned you...
The Story of a Reaper- An Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- Snow and the Flames
The Story of a Reaper- Time to leave
The Story of a Reaper- The Planning of Reapertale
The Story of a Reaper- Goodbye Dad, Hello Father
The Story of a Reaper- Spring Forest
The Story of a Reaper- Death and Life at each other Doorstep
The Story of a Reaper- Baby birds
The Story of a Reaper- The Dead Leaf on a Blooming Lilly
The Story of a Reaper- Tweet and Chirps
The Story of a Reaper- Killing Patrol
The Story of a Reaper- How'z Tori doin'?...
The Story of a Reaper- You Felt that...Right?
The Story of a Reaper- I know How to find Life
The Story of a Reaper- The Mirror of Truth
The Story of a Reaper- The Black Vortex
The Story of a Reaper- How the Demon came to be
The Story of a Reaper- Undyne Search is to an End
The Story of a Reaper- Life is found
The Story of a Reaper- The Queen Returns and the Barrier Breaks
The Story of a Reaper- No one can escape death!
The Story of a Reaper- My New Teammates
The Story of a Reaper- My First Mission
The Story of a Reaper- Multiversal Meeting
The Story of a Reaper- The Talks about Me
The Story of a Reaper- The Murderous Plan
The Story of a Reaper- A Test Dummy
The Story of a Reaper- Operation Star Skeletons
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane, with a New Beginning
The Story of a Reaper- Hello there
The Story of a Reaper- About You
The Story of a Reaper- Join us!
The Story of a Reaper- A Fun Time, with a little Worry
The Story of a Reaper- For me?
The Story of a Reaper- I Need to Quit
The Story of a Reaper- Interrogation
The Story of a Reaper- Looking in a Maze
The Story of a Reaper- SLUT!
The Story of a Reaper- A Struggle in Rope
The Story of a Reaper- The Deathly Problem
The Story of a Reaper- Saving the Murderers
The Story of a Reaper- I will start war...
The Story of a Reaper- The Differences Between Good and Bad
The Story of a Reaper- Sinful Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- In the Months
The Story of a Reaper- War...
The Story of a Reaper- Guilt
The Story of a Reaper- Day one
The Story of a Reaper- Day two
The Story of a Reaper- Day three
The Story of a Reaper- Day four
The Story of a Reaper- Day five
The Story of a Reaper- Back Home
The Story of a Reaper- "THAT" Day...
The Story of a Reaper- Babies
The Story of a Reaper- Family Fun
The Story of a Reaper- Tense...
The Story of a Reaper- Is Everything Okay?
The Story of a Reaper- Wanna Do Something Stupid?
The Story of a Reaper- Sick in Love
The Story of a Reaper- Far too Lonely to Love
The Story of a Reaper- An Apology Date
The Story of a Reaper- Happy Revenge
The Story of a Reaper- What REALLY happened to The Grim Reaper
The Story of a Reaper- The Demons Explanation
The Story of a Reaper- With Creation, always comes Destruction
The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!
The Story of a Reaper- Fucking Bullshit
The Story of a Reaper- Horrortale Vs. The Mysterious Skeleton
The Story of a Reaper- An Empty Glass of a Drink
The Story of a Reaper- Fatal_Error
The Story of a Reaper- 100
The Story of a Reaper- WHY LOVE WHY?!?!
The Story of a Reaper- Let's See How You Like Being Alone
The Story of a Reaper- Fun Sized Ink
The Story of a Reaper- You've Really Changed
The Story of a Reaper- I Won't Stop Till You Tell Me Where Geno is...
The Story of a Reaper- I Deserve This
The Story of a Reaper- How Many Are Gonna Die?
The Story of a Reaper- Love Conquers All
The Story of a Reaper- Heated Jealousy
The Story of a Reaper- The Sons of Negativity and Positivity Meet
The Story of a Reaper- Back on the Road of Love
The Story of a Reaper- Memory Lane
The Story of a Reaper- The Befallen Queen of the Sun Empire
The Story of a Reaper - Back to the Wolf Family
The Story of a Reaper - Family
The Story of a Reaper - Time Goes On
The Story of a Reaper - After the Mall
The Story of a Reaper - I'll Wait
The Story of a Reaper - Confrontation, Stress, and Toast
The Story of a Reaper - Sleep Peacefully, For the Night Runs Dry to Dawn
The Story of a Reaper - Finale of Immortality...

The Story of a Reaper- We're all Misunderstood...

1.1K 52 34
By tRaSh_4U

Blue was in the kitchen making tacos for both Dust and himself. He didn't really have anything to do but walk around in Dust house, or walk around the AU, but Dust would probably get worried for him.

Soon Dust came back home, and saw Blue in the kitchen. "Oh! Welcome home Dust!" Blue said with a smile, and a knife in hand. Dust chuckled, "What cha' doing?" Dust asked, "Making food for us!" Blue said.

Blue then sniffed in the air, "You smell like alcohol" Blue pointed out, Dust chuckled awkwardly, "I'm a bit tipsy is all" Dust said. Blue took a cup and filled it with water and gave it to Dust. "Sober up, tacos will be done soon!" Blue said.

Dust nodded and sat on the couch, drinking the water. "Wanna go on a walk after this?" Dust asked, "Sure! Got nothing better to do" Blue said. "Hey...How long have you been here?" Dust asked, "Almost a powers are growing back, but I can't really use them right now" Blue said.

Dust nodded and chugged the rest of his water, "You really shouldn't  drink your water so fast, you might get hiccups" Blue pointed out to Dust as he continued to cut lettuce. Dust came from behind Blue and hugged him.

"Mmmhhh...but I don't like drinking has no taste" Dust said, "It's water...of course it has no taste, but it healthy for you" Blue said.

Dust purred on Blue shoulder as he dug his face into Blue neck, "Don't you think your getting attached to me?" Blue said, "So? It's not like I have to fight you whenever we DO see each other..." Dust said.

"What do you mean by that?" Blue asked, "I wouldn't hurt unless needed, I could just help my friends fight, or block your weak attacks..." Dust said.

"WEAK?!" Blue yelled, Dust chuckled, "For your information! I'm very strong, I'm not weak!" Blue said, "I'll even challenge you when we have our little walk!" Blue said, "Wow! Such confident" Dust teased. Blue huffed his chest.

"Now go do something else! I'm cooking!" Blue said. Dust lifted his chin from Blue shoulder and sat on the couch and waited for Blue to finish cooking.

Once he was done, and they finish eating they finally went outside to take a walk, and potential fight.

They walked through snowdin, into Waterfall to what WAS Undyne house. "Hey! We could sparr here!" Blue suggested, "Sure" Dust said.

Blue went over close to the house near the ripped up dumby. Dust stood on the opposite side.

Blue stood in a fighting stance, "Whenever your ready" Dust said. Blue growled and ran up to me, his hand balled up into a fist and he tried to punch me. I grabbed his fist and pushed it to the side as we kept doing this.

Blue then tried kicking me, but I dodged it before he could. Then one he took one last punch, I grabbed it and twisted his body, making his hand go behind his back.

"No fair! I don't have powers!" Blue said, "I didn't even use my powers, it's only a matter of your REAL shouldn't depend on your powers...or your friends to save you" Dust said as he let go of Blue.

Blue growled as Dust smirked. Blue puffed his cheeks with an angry look.

It was adorable to Dust.

"Anyways, wanna continued this walk?" Dust asked. Blue raised his chin up in the air, "Hmpt! Fine..." Blue said.

Dust chuckled as Blue walked over to Dust side as they continued there walk. "...Say, anything you wanna talk about?" Dust asked.

"...Do you mind me asking questions about Reaper?" Blue asked. Dust looked in surprised at that topic.

"I guess?" Dust said, "Why did he join the bad guy sanses?" Blue asked, "Not sure" Dust responded, "How does he act around you guys...when your not on missions?" Blue asked, "Well...he's pretty kind around us, he's also clueless...I'm not sure he understands what role he had..." Dust said.

"Had?" Blue asked, "Reaper quit....he said that someone didn't want him to continue his path, so he told them that he'd quit...sort of?" Dust said, "Sort of?" Blue asked, "He didn't 'quit' more like, ran away...only I know about it...BUT IF YOU TELL-"

"I won't!" Blue said in fear, "Good...I only trust you with this...he's kind and all, and only follows Nightmare orders, that's the only reason why he's like....what he's like when he's fighting..." Dust said

"Sadistic?" Blue said, "Yeah...but most of us are like that...I guess he got it from us..." Dust said. "So your telling me...he's kind, just doesn't really understand what bad and good is?" Blue asked, "Pretty much" Dust said.

"...and all this time I had the wrong idea about him..I thought he was pure evil, but he's just misunderstood..." Blue said. Dust scoffed, "Aren't we all" Dust said.

Blue looked at Dust, "What do you mean by that?" Blue asked. Dust stayed quiet, that was a sign for Blue to stay quiet as well.

Blue and Dust stayed quiet for the rest of the walk. Once Dust and Blue returned back to the house, Dust told Blue that he had to go.

Blue understood and let Dust leave as Blue sat on the couch, "...what happened to all of them?..." Blue thought...

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