A Killer Queen (John Deacon)

By Jhutch4321_

63.9K 1.5K 2K

Nina Jackson grew up in a small, old fashioned town a few hours from London. Her whole life she felt like an... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty-one
Chapter thirty-two
Chapter thirty-three
Chapter thirty-four
Chapter thirty-five
Chapter thirty-six
Chapter thirty-seven
Chapter thirty-eight
Chapter thirty-nine
Chapter forty
Chapter forty-one
Chapter forty-two
Chapter forty-three
Chapter forty-four
Chapter forty-five
Chapter forty-six
Chapter forty-seven
Chapter forty-eight
Chapter forty-nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty-one
Chapter fifty-two
Chapter fifty-three
Chapter fifty-four
Chapter fifty-five
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter fifty-eight
Chapter fifty-nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty-one
Chapter sixty-two
Chapter sixty-three
Chapter sixty-four
Chapter sixty-five
Chapter sixty-six
Chapter sixty-seven
Chapter sixty-eight
Chapter sixty-nine (hehe 69)

Chapter twelve

1.2K 31 4
By Jhutch4321_

"Move everyone move! Chelsea college graduate coming through!" Freddie said pulling John through the many people in his flat. John tried to keep up with Freddie, who had a glass in hand, but he was stumbling on his feet.

So many people were here that could hardly move without bumping into someone. John had introduced me to some of them, but the others remained a mystery to me.

I was leaning against his kitchen counter, a drink in hand, standing next to Maggie and Mary. Mary couldn't make it to John's graduation because she was working and was disappointed she had missed our sign extravaganza.

The boys I didn't know gave odd looks at Freddie before they too started laughing.

"Freddie please!" John laughed and it made me thrilled to see him so happy.

"So today was the day for the dress? Why? It's just John's graduation." Maggie asked before taking a sip of her drink.

"I just wanted to look nice that's all," I said looking away, listening to the Fleetwood Mac song that was on.

John came over a new drink in his hand, smiling so much his eyes got tiny. He had taken off his gown but Freddie had put his cap back on, backward may I add.

"You're in a good mood," I said readjusting his hat. "I thought you didn't like parties."

"Oh I don't but I know all these people so there is no pressure. I feel completely at ease."

"How many drinks have you had John?" Mary asked raising an eyebrow

"Only one! For once I'm generally happy to be surrounded by people. Wow..." He said thinking for a moment. "That is such a weird thing to come out of my mouth."

"It is," I said. I went to say something but Maggie beat me to it.

"Well good for you John. Since you know everyone, that guy sitting on the couch near your mum, what's his name?" Maggie asked twirling her hair.

Oh my gosh.

"Oh, Nigel?" John said looking over at his couch. "He's one of my good mates from home. I grew up with him. We were in the same band too. He's one of my best mates, I haven't seen him in a while, he came all the way up here-"

"I'm not even gonna pretend I was listening," Maggie said as she went over to the couch. I put my face in my hands and just shook my head.

"That's our best friend ladies and gentlemen," Mary said and we clinked our drinks together.

We all looked at her as she approached Nigel and sat down next to him. Soon the two were giggling.

Freddie came up to Mary and soon they started chatting. John went to turn away but I grabbed his hand. He turned back to me, blushing.

"Talk to me for a bit," I said my head nodding towards his bedroom. His cheeks turned brighter than my dress.

I closed his bedroom door behind him and took off his cap. I sat down on his bed and looked around his room. I'd been in here before, looking through his vinyl. He had me helping look for a certain one he had lost. It was under his bed. It has fallen between the headboard and the bed.

He sat down next to me and I kissed him. His lips were always so soft against mine. It made me wanna go on kissing him forever. I had only kissed Deaky a few times but every experience had been an amazing one.

We kissed for a while, I didn't really realize how long it had been until there was a knock at the door.

"John love are you in there?" His mother asked through the door. We immediately broke apart. I took a tissue from the box in his drawer and wiped my lipstick off his lips. He got up from the bed, gave me a grin, which made me laugh and opened the door.

"Yes sorry, I was just showing Nina some of my new records." He lied and his mum looked past him, at me, who was sitting on the bed.

"Uhmm alright, well your uncle just got back with the cake, come grab some before it's all gone." She said and then stood there for a moment just staring at us. Then she left, leaving me and John to just look at each other.

"A round on me!" Freddie said as we sat down at our table. "Whatever you want darlings! In honor of our sweet Deaky!"

Everyone rushed to Freddie to tell him what they wanted, including myself, then I sat back down next John who was in conversation with Mary about his graduation.

"You really missed quite an event," I said pushing my chair closer to John's. She sighed.

"I really wanted to be there."

"You didn't miss much don't worry," John said rubbing his neck. "You'll get to see Nina's graduation. It's the same thing." He chuckled as Freddie sat down the drinks.

"Oh, John don't be like that," I said grabbing my drink. I took a sip and turned to face him."It was a great day and Mary did miss something."

He looked at me and our hands entwined under the table.

"John!" Maggie shouted from the other side of Mary, fighting to be heard over the music. "You never told me you had such attractive friends! Why didn't you tell me about Nigel sooner?!"

"I don't know, he didn't really relate to you?"  He said which caused me to snort.

"Well, he's hot," Maggie said before taking a drink from her glass. "Like smoking hot."

"Well thank you for informing me that my best mate is hot. Valuable information is being given here on this night." John said which caused everyone to laugh.

Freddie had gotten up and gone over to me, dancing to the music in the process.

"Come on darling let's dance!"

"Alrighty, Fred," I said taking his hand out onto the dance floor.

We danced our hearts out.  He spun me around the floor. Freddie was wearing a nice black jacket with a bright blue shirt underneath, black pants and black platform shoes. He had changed from earlier today which I had not.

"I saw you and Deaks disappear earlier." He smirked.

"Did everyone notice?"

"Not really. Some people wondered where you both had wandered off to but that was about it. But what did happen?" He questioned as he spun me around.

"Nothing much."


"So we made out a little. What's the big deal? Please don't tell anyone."

"Nina I already told you I'm not gonna tell anyone. It's not my place. But I'm happy for you."

"Thank you," I responded smiling. Freddie's gaze went to our table. I followed his gaze and it was on John.

"Why don't you go get the boy?" He said.

"But I'm dancing with you Fred," I responded but he just waved me off.

"I'll be fine." He said as he saw Mary getting up from the table.

"Mary!" He yelled and waved her over.  "See I have Mary."

I walked back to our table as Freddie danced off with Mary.

"Come on Deaky let's see those moves," I said with my hands on my hips. He looked up from his drink to meet my gaze.

"I don't dance in public. I dance funny." He told me before taking another sip from his drink.

"Deaky come on," I said and he still looked unsure. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him through the crowd.

My brown platform shoes made heavy contact with the floor as I moved about, dancing around him. John was just doing basic movements.

"Come on Deacon let's see those moves!" I encouraged.

"I am!"

I raised an eyebrow and he started to dance more around, doing odd dance moves that just sent butterflies through my stomach.

"There ya go!" I said as I tried to do some of his moves. "I love it!"

He smiled and took me by the hand and spun me around and around and soon he pulled me close to him. My hand rested on his chest, his hand around my waist. It was like time had stopped. It was just us. I stared into his beautiful eyes before I lifted his chin up so that I could kiss him.

The sensation that went through my body at the moment was indescribable.

I pushed his hair away from his face as I came up for a breath and my hand grabbed the side of his face before I returned my lips to his.

When I let go we both were breathless and we looked around to find that people could care less about us. We spotted our friends off in the far distance, all wrapped up in their own world.

I kissed his cheek sending the blood to his face. He was so cute when he blushed. He did it so often when he was around me. I wiped the lipstick from his cheek as I heard Maggie yelling for us. I turned to see her pushing her way through the crowd.

"Nina! John! What are you two doing all the way over here?" She questioned. Her hair was curled more than usual today, she was wearing a different dress than earlier. This one was white and sparkly. She had knee-high white boots on to match. I didn't change because I quite liked the outfit I had on.

"Just dancing," John said as I put my hand on his shoulder. I was lucky it was too dark to see the lipstick from my lips on his. I didn't have time to have him wipe it. He was wearing a black button-down shirt with white pants. So he could wipe the lipstick off without it showing on his shirt.

"Well come join the rest of us! Roger just ordered another round!" Maggie told us and then started the trackback to our table.

"Wipe your lips off," I told him and he did, with his sleeve.

"I've gotta wear less lipstick when I'm around you, it's beginning to be a problem."

He nodded, smiling.

"Quite the problem indeed."

"I could go for another round, how about you?" I asked and he nodded. He took my hand and we made our way through the crowd.

I had way too much to drink. I didn't even remember coming home last night. The only thing I could register was the intense pounding in my head. Or was the coming from somewhere door? I slowly rose my head from the pillow which caused more pain to go through my head. But the sound got louder and louder. I pressed my head back down to my pillow and tried to drown it out. But it just kept getting louder. I pulled myself up to sitting position, causing another wave of pain to go through my head. I groaned as I got to my feet, putting on my robe and opening the door.

Freddie was passed out on the couch and so was Roger, only he was hanging off the couch. I didn't recall how they had gotten there nor did I care at the moment. The sound was coming from the front door. I looked out the peephole to find Roger's girlfriend Olivia, who he had started dating a few weeks ago.

I opened the door and put on a fake smile. It's not that I didn't like Olivia. I was just feeling sick and wanted to be left alone.

She had long curly blonde hair. She was wearing a black leather jacket with a jean skirt. Her brown boots made her tower above me.

But then again, who didn't.

"Olivia hi," I said leaning against the doorframe. "How may I help you?" I asked embarrassed of my appearance.

"I'm looking for Roger, he wasn't at his apartment and Brian said he'd be here."

"Yes, he's here," I said motioning for her to come inside. I closed the door and led her over to the couch.

"The boy hanging off the couch asleep, that's him."

"Why did he end up here?" She asked. She was clearly suspicious of me.

I didn't like it.

It all came back though.

We had taken the bus back to my flat because it was closer. We all fell asleep right away. We were really drunk. But I'm not sure what happened to Brian or John.

Or Maggie for that matter.

Her bedroom door was wide open and she wasn't there.


"We got really drunk. My flat was closer to the club so I let them crash here." I said and she nodded. "Why didn't you go out partying with us last night?"

"Oh, I had to work." She said as tried to wake him. "Plus I haven't really met anyone but Brian."

I nodded as Roger looked up confused at his girlfriend.

"Ahhh my head." He groaned. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't find you and you promised to take me to lunch at noon."

"Well, what time is it?"


"Ah, I'm so sorry. We got a little to drunk last night." He explained sitting up.

"Don't worry about it. We can still go now."

"As long as the place has tea or even coffee, I'm in."

Roger excused himself to the bathroom, which left me and Olivia to stand there awkwardly.

"So John is the band's bassist, right? I've only ever met Brian."

"Yes, he is," I responded. "How have you never met Freddie or John?"

"I work a lot, I'm busy most of the time, I only met Brian because he came over to my flat to give Roger something. I usually visit Roger when I'm in between jobs, and Freddie is always working when I'm over." She explained.

"Well," I said picking up Freddie's arm. "This is Freddie, the band's lead singer and yes, Roger's roommate."

She laughed.

"Roger invited me to band practice next week on my day off so I think I'll get to meet them properly then."

"Oh that will be nice, I'll be there too, sometimes my roommate Maggie tags along and so does Fred's girlfriend Mary."

"Sounds like I'll have lots of company then." She responded smiling.

I nodded.

She knocked on my door a week ago to pick up Roger, that's how I met her. That was the only time I'd seen her until now.

"Where do you work?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"I work at a record shop during the day, and at night I'm a waitress. What do you do?" She asked.

"Well, I'm about to graduate with a degree in graphic design, but right now I work at a music shop downtown."

She smiled at me. I think she liked me, I'm not quite sure though. She was hard to read. She had met Roger at a bar a few weeks ago, I think he must have been out with some of his other friends. We were probably all too busy that night to join him.

Roger came out of the bathroom, looking much better.

"You ready to go?" He asked Olivia reaching out for her hand and she nodded, taking his hand.

"See you later Nina?" Roger asked and I nodded.

"Bye-bye Roger," I replied and he grinned at me before they left.

So Freddie was the only one left on my couch. I debated on waking him up but realized I was beyond still tired myself. So even though it was one in the afternoon I went back to bed.

Something hit me.

I groaned and pushed the pillow off my head. I looked up to see Freddie grinning madly.

"Fredddddd." I groaned turning the other way. "What do you want?"

"It's three in the afternoon darling. If I don't wake you up now you won't be able to sleep tonight."

"So what?!" I complained. "I don't have uni anymore so what does my sleep schedule matter?"

"Come on Nina." He said and pulled me out of bed and onto the floor. I groaned, my face making direct contact with the carpeted floor.

"I could've done it myself Fred," I said annoyed.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't have." He responded before taking my arm and pulling me to my feet. The room felt like it was spinning.

He sat me down in a chair in the kitchen and handed me a cup of tea. I raised an eyebrow.

"Wow, you made tea. Rog finally teach you how to do that?"

He stuck his tongue out at me and returned the favor.

"I'm just shocked after the whole egg fiasco," I told him before taking another drink.

He gave me a glare.

"I mean honestly you two shouldn't live together, it's dangerous."

We moved into the living room with our drinks so we could watch television.

"Do you know where Maggie ended up?"

"I believe I remember her sneaking off with Nigel."

Oh brother.

"Nigel wasn't even there though."

"He showed up to pick her up I think, I can't really remember."

"What about John? I don't remember him leaving."

"Brian and John left before we did, they took a taxi home, Brian was soberer than John I think. I can recall John being absolutely hammered. "

"Was he like Roger level hammered?"

"Gosh no, at least I don't think so. I just spoke with Brian on the phone. No need to worry about John, Nina. His mum is watching him."

I nodded and sipped my tea. I could hardly remember when John and I separated last night. We clung to each other pretty much the whole night. 

Maggie came in the door.

"Hello, people." She said closing the door.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Nigel." She told me sitting down next to me on the couch. She then moved her hair so that I could see the hickey.

"Maggie that's John's best friend." I sighed.

"So that means I can't go after him?"

"Well, it wouldn't be wise," I said taking another sip of tea.

"Oh whatever you're always a party pooper."

The next day I was drumming my fingers on the counter of my place of employment. The bell rang and I looked up to see John, his mum, and his sister come into the shop.

"And this is where Nina works." He said giving a hand gesture.

"Well, what can I help you lovely people with today?" I asked sitting up on my stool.

"Just giving them a tour of London. Knew you were working today, thought I'd come by." He said as they approached the counter.

"Well, we are having a special on guitar straps today," I said and he smiled.

"Hello Nina, how lovely to see you again dear. What a nice shop this is." His mother said smiling brightly. I quite liked John's mom, she was one of the sweetest people I'd ever met.

"Thank you. The boys like it. I get them discounts on equipment."

"It's true," John said as his mother and sister started to look around. John was wearing a plain red shirt with his normal jeans.

"So you pretty hungover yesterday?" I asked when his family was out of earshot.

"Yeah, it was pretty rough. All I did yesterday was lay around. I feel better now."

"I feel the same way. Now that you're here."I told him, pushing his hair out of his eyes. At my touch, his cheeks turned bright red.

"Oh, Deaks when you blush its so cute."

Which made him blush more.

"Well thank you." He said as I played with his hair.

"You are welcome," I said as I poked his nose. Julie then came over from the book section of the store.

"You do know the Beatles broke up," John said as Julie put a Beatles magazine on the counter.

"So what?" She asked. She was wearing a red dress with knee-high brown boots. She had a red headband in her hair. "Doesn't mean I have to stop liking them."

"You're really going to spend all your money on that? That's going to be the one thing you bring back from London?" John questioned and she rolled her eyes.

"Relax will you. I've been dog sitting for the Wilkins next door. I've probably got more money than you."

John rolled his eyes as I rang the magazine up.

I told her the cost and she handed me the money.

"Who is your favorite member?" I asked putting the money in the cash register.

"No don't get her started-" John said but was cut off by his sister.

"Paul. What about you?"

"Paul as well," I responded leaning against the counter. "I saw them in concert in secondary school."

"Really? So lucky. I always wanted to but never got the chance to." Julie said sadly.

"My friend from uni was so close she got to touch Paul's leg. She is the biggest Beatles fan I know, she goes on and on about them."

"Well, you obviously haven't spent much time with Julie," John said as I handed Julie her magazine in a bag.

"That's so awesome!" Julie said. "She's so lucky."

"Well, we still have lots of stuff to look at so we better get going," John said and he motioned to his mother to come. They waved goodbye and I watched him through the window smiling at something his mother said. I smiled and then went to go assist a man who looked like he could use some help.

A/N This chapter is dedicated to some of my best friends, Morgan, Adriana and Alex. This chapter was reuploaded because Wattpad published the wrong version of it.

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